A Blind Mystic, named Baba Vanga, who many consider the “Nostradamus of the Baltics,” has several v ...View More
Twisted Vladimir Putin has praised a new Serbian film that documents the "crimes" that Ukraine has ...View More
Ukraine is in a “grave” situation following the election of Donald Trump, an expert has claimed. Tru ...View More
World War III and the impending Armageddon that will follow may be well on its way with Mad Vlad hov ...View More
The reason World War III hasn't begun is all thanks to a very kind-hearted and considerate man name ...View More
North Korea's "fat little dictator" Kim Jong-un and his pal Mad Vlad Putin will be emboldened by int ...View More
Boffins are saying that World War Three could turn us all into Marvel-style superheroes with bullet- ...View More
World War 3 is just months away, if acclaimed mystic Baba Vanga's predictions are anything to go by. ...View More
It appears potentially starting World War III makes you lose friends as Vladimir Putin, who didn't ...View More
An ominous warning has been issued that Russia will hit Europe with “megatons” in response to any a ...View More
A warfare hub has been set up on Russia's Arctic doorstep by NATO in Norway.The unique centre in Sør ...View More
Several countries across Europe have been encouraging their citizens to prepare for a 'possible war ...View More
Fears of World War 3 breaking out has reached new heights after Mad Vlad struck Ukraine "in retaliat ...View More
Southampton residents are being warned their homes might be the most at risk if a nuclear bomb attac ...View More
As Mad Vlad threatens the West with World War III, Joe Biden has refused to back down and is now se ...View More