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Dramatic video from would-be Trump assassin's roof perch fills in details of tragic shooting

Dramatic new police bodycam video from the Pennsylvania rooftop where Thomas Matthew Crooks fired hi ...View More

DOOMED! How we ALREADY know DEI Kamala’s campaign will FAIL

Kamala Harris may be playing up her Gen Z voter base appeal with sparkly TikTok videos and a recen ...View More

Pastor delivers powerful sermon on how he wrestled gun away from grandson after horrific murders of wife, 4 children

An Alabama pastor delivered a powerful sermon detailing how he wrestled a gun away from his grandson ...View More

A recap of the Biden administration’s war on Bitcoin

This week, numerous high-profile politicians and business leaders, including former President Dona ...View More

Will the House of Representatives fight for a fair election?

The House of Representatives called it quits Wednesday. Congress was supposed to be in session unt ...View More

Zuckerberg's JAW-DROPPING statement on Trump — are we in the midst of a 'cultural shift'?

Zuckerberg's JAW DROPPING statement on Trump The assassination attempt on former President Donald T ...View More

WATCH: Glenn Beck unpacks Biden’s Oval Office speech — 'He is NOT fit to rule'

WATCH: Glenn Beck unpacks Biden’s Oval Office speech Last night, President Biden gave a speech from ...View More

The 10 craziest surveillance technologies being rolled out for the Paris Olympics

The 10 craziest surveillance technologies being rolled out for the Paris Olympics As the 2024 Paris ...View More

Phone associated with would-be assassin pinged near FBI DC offices in 2023, report says

A cell phone associated with the home and work addresses of would-be assassin Thomas Matthew Crooks  ...View More

Chicken pot pie: classic, kid-friendly, and it keeps

In a season of life where I simply need to be able to rely on routines, basically every meal I make  ...View More

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