Daily Caller - Satire  

HART: The ‘Useful Idiot’ Was No Longer Useful. Bye Bye, Biden

HART: The 'Useful Idiot' Was No Longer Useful. Bye Bye, Biden  ...View More

‘I’ll Write Somebody In’: Republican Utah Governor Spencer Cox Says He Will Not Vote For Trump

Utah Republican Gov. Spencer Cox told CNN on Wednesday that he does not plan to vote for Donald Trum ...View More

‘I’ll Write Somebody In’: Republican Utah Governor Spencer Cox Says He Will Not Vote For Trump

Utah Republican Gov. Spencer Cox told CNN on Wednesday that he does not plan to vote for Donald Trum ...View More

‘I’ll Write Somebody In’: Republican Utah Governor Spencer Cox Says He Will Not Vote For Trump

Utah Republican Gov. Spencer Cox told CNN on Wednesday that he does not plan to vote for Donald Trum ...View More

‘I’ll Write Somebody In’: Republican Utah Governor Spencer Cox Says He Will Not Vote For Trump

Utah Republican Gov. Spencer Cox told CNN on Wednesday that he does not plan to vote for Donald Trum ...View More

‘I’ll Write Somebody In’: Republican Utah Governor Spencer Cox Says He Will Not Vote For Trump

Utah Republican Gov. Spencer Cox told CNN on Wednesday that he does not plan to vote for Donald Trum ...View More

‘I’ll Write Somebody In’: Republican Utah Governor Spencer Cox Says He Will Not Vote For Trump

Utah Republican Gov. Spencer Cox told CNN on Wednesday that he does not plan to vote for Donald Trum ...View More

‘I’ll Write Somebody In’: Republican Utah Governor Spencer Cox Says He Will Not Vote For Trump

Utah Republican Gov. Spencer Cox told CNN on Wednesday that he does not plan to vote for Donald Trum ...View More

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