Intel Uncensored  

Pro-Hamas savages dump maggots and worms at Washington DC hotel where Israeli delegation was staying

Thousands of pro-Hamas agitators flooded Washington, DC, dying the city’s fountains blood red – and  ...View More

MUSLIM SAVAGES are hunting down Israeli athletes at the Paris Olympics

With pro-Hamas riots in the streets, arson fires on the high-speed rail networks, and soldiers in th ...View More

Science And The Bible Just Keep Confirming One Another

If the universe and everything in it really were designed by some enti ...View More

Moderna Confirms Link Between COVID mRNA Vaccines and Cancer

Moderna has admitted its mRNA COVID vaccine causes CANCER after billions of DNA fragments were found ...View More

The real story of the UK election is that the electorate are disillusioned, disengaged and fed up

Breaking News The real story behind the recent UK general election, Professor Mat ...View More

Barack and Michelle Obama Officially Endorse Kamala Harris In New Video

Barack and Michelle Obama Officially Endorse Kamala Harris In New Video Barack and Michelle Obama ha ...View More

Trump Slams FBI Director Christopher Wray For Claiming He May Have Not Been Hit With Bullet

Trump Slams FBI Director Christopher Wray For Claiming He May Have Not Been Hit With Bullet Presiden ...View More

Medical codes used across the US are updated to include a code for bird flu vaccines

Breaking News The American Medical Association (“AMA”) has announced an update to ...View More

SEPT 11 ATTACK: Why Does Concealed Evidence Point to DEW Being Used?

SEPT 11 ATTACK: Why Does Concealed Evidence Point to DEW Being Used? “How the heck did I not notice  ...View More

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