I don’t even know where to begin. I normally do not write an art ...View More
The mainstream media is in the habit of labeling something a “conspira ...View More
Politicians are screeching at the top of their lungs, there have been ...View More
Will “the Big One” soon hit the west coast? While most people ar ...View More
Did you know that more than three-quarters of the land on the surface ...View More
How much power would you have if you had a giant money machine that sh ...View More
The entire world is watching in horror as the crimes of the United Sta ...View More
Our founders intended for us to have a very small, very limited federa ...View More
Every year, tens of billions of our tax dollars have been used by USAI ...View More
The largest and most bloated bureaucracy in the history of the world h ...View More
It takes strength to be free. That is why they want us to be wea ...View More
The chaos that we are witnessing in Washington D.C. right now is absol ...View More
Have you noticed that there has been a lot of seismic activity on the ...View More
For those that are attempting to fight climate change, fighting popula ...View More
An incredible thing happened during the inauguration of Donald Trump o ...View More