Long War Journal  

Hezbollah fires rockets at northern Israel after senior commander killed

IDF Mountain Brigade troops train in northern Israel. (IDF photo) Hezbollah launched rockets at n ...View More

Generation Jihad Ep. 186 — A conversation with Lieutenant General Sami Sadat

Bill and Will Selber are joined by Lieutenant General Sami Sadat who among many other roles served a ...View More

Tunnel destroyed and 100 terrorists eliminated in central Gaza

IDF soldiers operate in central Gaza. (IDF photo) On July 1, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said ...View More

Shabaab hits Djibouti military base with suicide bombing in central Somalia

Yesterday, Shabaab, al Qaeda’s branch in East Africa, took responsibility for a suicide car bomb ...View More

Hezbollah drone attack injures 18 IDF soldiers

Israel Defense Forces soldiers train in northern Israel in June. (IDF photo) Hezbollah carried ou ...View More

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