Around The World  

WWIII – So much is riding on what President Trump really believes

WWIII – So much is riding on what President Trump really believes * WorldNetDaily * by Ron Pau ...View More

‘We’re Watching The Fall Of The West’: Daily Caller Columnist Mary Rooke Slams Olympics Opening Ceremony

Readers, Instead of sucking up to the political and corporate powers that dominate America, The Dail ...View More

Olympic blasphemy: Summer Games mock Last Supper with return to their bloody, pagan origins

The Olympic Games in Paris appear to be on an agenda to return to the games’ original pagan roots, w ...View More

Pushing war or praying for peace?

A recent political cartoon depicted NATO nations as vultures staring at the world holding knives and ...View More

Historians Announce Recovery Of ‘Historic’ Bronze Cannon From Shipwreck

Readers, Instead of sucking up to the political and corporate powers that dominate America, The Dail ...View More

‘Ticking Time Bomb’ Could Silently Kill Thousands One Day

Analysis published Friday detailed a deadly threat lurking in plain sight that could one day silentl ...View More

‘Malicious Acts’ Wreak Havoc At Olympics

©2024 The Daily Caller, Inc. The Daily Caller | 1775 Eye S ...View More

Paris rail system disrupted just hours before Olympics opening ceremony Friday

Paris rail system disrupted just hours before Olympics opening ceremony Friday A major rail system i ...View More

France’s high-speed rail network paralyzed by ‘coordinated’ arson attacks hours before start of Olympics

France's high-speed rail network paralyzed by 'coordinated' arson attacks hours before start of Olym ...View More

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