American Greatness - Opinion  

U.S. Confiscates Enough Fentanyl to Kill Population of 5 Biggest States—Just in June

Fat Man and Little Boy killed perhaps 236,000 people in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945. Spanish Flu  ...View More

Ukraine and the Winter War, 1939-1940

In early World War II, on November 30, 1939, a Soviet-Russian army invaded Finland in a surprise mas ...View More

Joy Pullmann – Dan Proft Counterculture Episode 42

Let’s disseminate the the roles of Men and Women, despite what main stream media want us to believe ...View More

Kamala Harris Emerges as the Favorite to Replace Joe Biden Atop the Dem Ticket

In development sure to cause heartburn among many Democrats, the deeply unpopular Kamala Harris has  ...View More

Burgum: ‘We’re At War with Russia, We Just Haven’t Sent Troops Yet’

With a growing number of American voters expressing skepticism over U.S. involvement in Ukraine, Rep ...View More

The Surgeon General Aims at Guns

President Biden’s monumentally bad debate performance overshadowed some other important developments ...View More

How Conservatives Can Finally Get Judicial Nominations Right

The current Supreme Court term is not quite over yet, but conservatives have already suffered notabl ...View More

Trump is Going to Win

There is no master plan, no shadowy cabal in control, no clever Machiavellians pulling the strings.  ...View More

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