June 18, 2024  

LIVE RESULTS: Primaries in Virginia, Georgia, and Oklahoma

It's hard to believe we're still reporting primary results in the middle of June, yet here we are! T ...View More

Zuny Duarte-Tarrio: Proud Boys Mom Speaks Out

Zuny Duarte-Tarrio is the mother of the former Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio, who was sentenced l ...View More

Media Is Gaslighting You About Biden’s Obvious Signs of Decline. Here’s Why It Won’t Work.

The Left’s media narrative factory is working overtime on its latest and greatest attempt at gasligh ...View More

LEE RIZZUTO: Republicans Must Expose Dems’ Extreme Views On Abortion To Sway Voters

Winston Churchill once said, “History will be kind to me, for I intend to write it.” It is time for ...View More

NASA's Perseverance Rover discovers bizarre boulders on Mars

NASA’s Perseverance Mars rover, on a mission to explore the Red Planet, recently made an unexpected  ...View More

Foreign Aid And Student Loan Forgiveness Behind Massive Increase In Deficit Estimate, Congressional Budget Office Says

America’s debt is growing faster than previously expected, largely due to actions taken by the Biden ...View More

New York Lawmakers Approve Bill Requiring Credit Card Codes for Gun Stores

The credit card companies were ready to require a special UCC number for gun stores. They backed off ...View More

‘Unconstitutional’: Biden’s ‘Amnesty’ Executive Order Poised For Slew Of Legal Challenges 

President Joe Biden announced an executive order Tuesday that could effectively provide amnesty to w ...View More

Prominent Democrat ‘Kingmaker,’ Former Mayor Indicted On Racketeering Charges In New Jersey

George Norcross, a Democrat who for years has been described as a political “kingmaker” in New Jerse ...View More

Israel rejects U.N.'s absurd explanation for leaving Hamas' use of human shields out of report

Israel rejects U.N.'s absurd explanation for leaving Hamas' use of human shields out of re ...View More

You can’t explain away Biden’s Juneteenth moment

YOU CAN’T EXPLAIN AWAY BIDEN’S JUNETEENTH MOMENT. The White House and its media allies are in f ...View More

When Democrats Cry ‘Fake News’

To conservative bloggers of a certain age, the phrase “fake but accurate” represents an entire era i ...View More

'Squad' member asked rabbi for photo to 'show world I'm friends with Jewish people'

'Squad' member asked rabbi for photo to 'show world I'm friends with Jewish people' | WND  ...View More

In Wisconsin, Trump vows to rip up Biden's 'unconstitutional amnesty'

Former President Donald Trump said Tuesday that President Biden’s push to loosen immigration restric ...View More

I tracked my lost luggage with an Apple AirTag — I was shocked by where it turned up

I tracked my lost luggage with an Apple AirTag — I was shocked by where it turned up  ...View More

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