June 18, 2024  

Putin, Kim Jong Un hug as Russian leader arrives in North Korea for anti-West summit

Putin, Kim Jong Un hug as Russian leader arrives in North Korea for anti-West summit  ...View More

Former Major Obama Fundraiser Flips To Trump: Biden ‘Asleep At The Wheel’

A major fundraiser for former President Barack Obama says that she is now supporting former Presiden ...View More

NASTY: Schumer Gets DRAGGED For Grilling Photo Op — Can You Spot What’s Wrong?

Word must have gone out among the left that Dems were supposed to take candid shots of the ...View More

Biden’s Egregious Title IX Rewrite Blocked By Six More States

A Kentucky-based U.S. district court blocked the Biden Administration’s gender-bending Title IX rewr ...View More

WATCH: 'Shameful propaganda': Josh Hawley accuses COVID-19 scientist of lying

WATCH: 'Shameful propaganda': Josh Hawley accuses COVID-19 scientist of lying | WND | by A ...View More

THEY'RE NOT YOUR KIDS! Corey DeAngelis Obliterates Call for Federal Regulation of Homeschooling

The left is filled with organizations whose names seem to be diametrically opposed to the causes the ...View More

12 Leaked Questions From CNN’s Upcoming Presidential Debate

Brought to you by: My Patriot SupplyWith the first 2024 presidential debate right around the corner, ...View More

‘Rougher And Rougher’: Biden’s Chaotic Gaza Pier Could Be Dismantled Months Earlier Than Expected

The Biden administration’s Gaza aid pier could be dismantled months earlier than expected amid a ser ...View More

Boston Celtics head coach knows exactly who to thank after winning NBA championship — and his postgame shirt says it all

Boston Celtics head coach Joe Mazzulla is not confused about who deserves the praise after winning t ...View More

Trump Looks To Remake House GOP in His Own Image

President Trump will look to solidify his already strong grasp on the House Republican conference on ...View More

Here’s How The Media Are Lying Right Now: CNN’s ‘Tools’ For A ‘Civilized’ Debate

This semi-regular feature is usually about some deceitful narrative the propaganda news media are pu ...View More

China targets Europe’s farmers in response to EU tariffs on electric cars

The Chinese government is taking aim at European farmers instead of German automakers by launching a ...View More

Sad: Chicago Mayor Has No One To Award Reparations To Because Everyone Got Murdered

CHICAGO, IL — In a tragic turn of events, Mayor Brandon Johnson's planned Chicago Reparations Progra ...View More

Muslim pilgrims complete this year's Hajj as deadly triple-digit temps sear Mecca

Muslim pilgrims have wrapped up the Hajj, or pilgrimage, in the deadly summer heat on Tuesday with t ...View More

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