Last week, the National Institute for Family and Life Advocates, Gianna’s House, Inc., and Choose Life of Jamestown, Inc., filed a lawsuit against James, alleging that she is using “the State’s power to regulate business fraud to stop nonprofit pregnancy centers and a network of affiliated centers from providing the information” regarding Abortion Pill Reversal.

An APR procedure involves a woman who has changed their mind about aborting a pregnancy after taking mifepristone, a drug that is used to end a pregnancy. APR involves taking progesterone to offset the effects of mifepristone.

The lawsuit states that a woman identified as Maranda recently welcomed her daughter into the world after an APR. According to the lawsuit, Maranda was taking mifepristone but later changed her mind about her pregnancy and received information from “New Hope Family Services’ website about a method of using FDA-approved progesterone supplements, which physicians may lawfully prescribe under New York law, in an effort to save a developing child by counteracting the hormone-blocking effects of mifepristone.”