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The Werewolf Game - A New Class of Elites

The Werewolf Game - A New Class of Elites

This article was originally published on Badlands Media. You can read the original article HERE

The Global Influences Directing Mankind

This feature is a continuation of The Werewolf Game series, which explores some of the core tenets at the heart of the Deep State’s mass mind control strategy. Start the series here.

Greetings once again fellow Patriots,

We’re back again for another installment of the Werewolf Game series—a series in which we posit that the Trump and Kennedy families have been battling an ancient, werewolf-themed death cult for centuries (and possibly millennia) that hails, more or less, from the area of the world known today as Ukraine.

Yes, that really is the premise of this series.

Of course, the full scope of occultism, secret societies, 5G warfare, and the like goes far beyond this premise—nonetheless, I believe what I’ve found constitutes a very important piece of the puzzle of Q, Trump, and the present information warfare (or, as I like to call it, narrative battle).

The process of researching for these articles has been entertaining and fruitful beyond my own wildest imagination. I don’t ask anyone “automatically” believe anything I’ve written herein—“automatic” belief, by the way, is a form of hypnosis! (Most hypnotists want to put you to sleep, but I’m here to do the exact opposite: I’m here to wake people up).

Though this is Part Four of the series, it can stand on its own—you do not need to read the previous articles to read this one. Reading them all, of course, is recommended (because they will give your brain the chance to see certain ideas and information repeated in a variety of contexts,) but it’s not necessary to read them in any particular order.

For those who would like to peruse those articles, here is Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3. If you’ve already read those articles, then you can skip the following Recap and go straight to the next section entitled, ‘A Sea Change in World Power.’

Brief Recap of Previous Articles

For many centuries, going all the way back to 2000-3000 BC, there existed a roaming tribe of nomads, roughly in the Ukraine/Western Russia/Romanian area who had a penchant for conducting horseback warfare against neighboring villages, nations, etc. These nomads were known as the Koryos, and they practiced a ritualistic form of violence wherein they’d conduct raids under full moons, clad in wolf pelts. It is highly likely that this cult is the true origin of werewolf symbolism.

This cult appears to hail from the same area that many today call “Tartaria,” which rather resembles Tartarus, the region of hell located beneath Hades in Greek mythology. The Koryos were famous for, among other things, grooming children, allowing themselves to be possessed by “ancestor spirits”, the ritual spilling of blood, and combining the themes of sex and death together in their symbols and rituals. Just like communists, they fancied themselves as “eternal revolutionaries,” and there is a striking resemblance between their belief system and the new-age-y, paganism of the 60s “cultural revolution” (which was, itself, a CIA operation that we briefly discussed in Part 3).

Certain symbols and rituals of the Koryos can be found globally, suggesting that they had conquered the world at one point. But, that being said, the Koryos may not have been the only globally influential power of their day. There is also evidence of the worldwide existence of an advanced and potentially benevolent civilization as well. Why couldn’t both be true? This civilization may very well be what people refer to when they use the word “Tartaria”—more research is required before I’m willing to say anything more definitive than that.

Given that “Tartaria” is largely presumed to be a benevolent civilization, why would it be named after hell? I wager this is because of the tendency of dark occultists to invert the meanings of words. As the kids say, “simple as”.

In a nutshell, my theory is that the Trump and Kennedy families are royal heirs (or something akin to royal heirs) of this positive civilization, and that the dark occultists who run the Deep State (“Team Werewolf”, as I call them) have been battling this civilization for millennia.

Again, I appreciate how bold and far-fetched all of that may sound at first, but the evidence I’ve found all points in this direction, and I believe this information is key to solving certain riddles posed to us by Q, as well as understanding the deeper significance of the Ukraine/Russian conflict currently unfolding as I type this.

In conspiracy circles, there are many who claim that the “cabal” have had a monopoly on the planet and mankind since the very beginning. I once thought this as well, but I no longer believe this to be the case. Instead, I believe that we are caught between many competing influences, and that these influences run the gamut from malevolent to benevolent. The Deep State is indeed very powerful, but are they more powerful than whatever positive force that is represented by Trump? I doubt it…

With all that said, let’s get into the heart of the matter.

A Sea Change in World Power

One of my bigger regrets in life is that I did not vote in the 2016 election. At the time, I was of the opinion that all politics were akin to pre-scripted wrestling; I sincerely believed that all of the animosity against Trump was part of some bizarre NWO theater, and I simply didn’t care who won the election. I paid no attention to it because I didn’t think it mattered.

I went to bed before the night was over, and when I woke up the next day, my landlord appeared mildly shocked—when he told me that Trump had won, my first thought was, ‘but didn’t all the polls say Hilary had a 90+% chance of winning?’

I went to a café to grab some coffee, and everybody there looked shaken to the core. They had fervently believed in a certain version of “reality” that was somehow destroyed by Trumps victory—I couldn’t quite fathom why people were like this. My aloofness to the whole thing was probably because I didn’t have a TV.

I did not predict that Trumps victory would be so catastrophic for the Deep State, or for believers in mainstream media.

You see, the culture in which I was raised was extremely left leaning; and I can tell you in no uncertain terms that the 2016 election was one of the most traumatic experiences that left-leaning people have ever gone through. The Bush victories of 2000 and 2004 didn’t cause even a fraction of the pain that these folks experienced from Trump’s 2016 victory.

Why did my left-leaning friends and family handle Bush’s victory better than Trumps? The answer is actually very simple: it’s because Bush’s victory was subconsciously considered by most to be within the realm of possibility, whereas Trumps victory was presumed to be fundamentally impossible. In other words, Trumps victory utterly DEFIED their sense of reality!

THIS is what drove the trauma response of the masses—not merely the fact that “their” candidate lost, but that their sense of reality itself had been torn asunder. What’s truly remarkable is that MSM pundits, apparently, didn’t see this coming either.

Though I didn’t stay up to watch the election myself (because I simply didn’t care about it at the time), a good friend of mine told me that the anchors on TV openly said, “this has never happened before”…

Well, what exactly is the “this” they were referring to?

Trumps victory represented a black swan event for Deep Staters. Trump, it turns out, really WAS an outsider. Though I did not vote for Trump in 2016, I became a huge fan of his in the weeks immediately succeeding his victory—I realized that the animosity of the mainstream against him was genuine, whereas I had previously believed it was artificial.

When Trump won, the world got to see the Deep State caught off guard, perhaps for the very first time in anyone’s lifetime. The shock was felt by many. The looks of horror on the faces of such folks as Bill Maher and Stephen Colbert hypnotically suggested to their audiences that Trump really was the evil monster they thought he was. (Facial expressions tend to be very subconsciously suggestive, and humans can usually pick up on genuine fear in others.)

Deep Staters were clearly terrified of the man. And this terror was contagious—millions of MSM viewers experienced it too. Psychological forces of gargantuan proportions had been unleashed by Trumps victory… The question, of course, is why did they fear him so much?

This omni-present, categorical fear of Trump tells us quite a lot! Trump represents an existential threat to their entire system. If this weren’t true, we wouldn’t have witnessed the MSM lose their composure so completely. If Trump were only a minor threat, then they wouldn’t have deployed “all assets” against him. You don’t lose face and unload all your ammo unless you’re backed up against a wall.

It is because of the mainstream’s reaction to Trump that we can reasonably posit that he represents a very real threat against the Deep State.

We will have more to say on this soon, but for now, let’s look at the Kennedy connection…

The “Kennedy Curse”

Recently, the Kennedy family came together to make a video endorsing Biden, which might lead many to think that they’ve “turned,” or that they’re bad guys—but this isn’t necessarily true.

Among other things, it’s possible that they’re reacting to life-threatening pressures in the background. Alternatively, it’s possible that they’re another version of the “positive elite” aiming to fill in for “team blue”. To use a sports analogy, it’s good to have a “goalie” for every opening where the other team might score a point. The world is a stage, and it’s not necessarily wise to take at face value what the actors say…

Despite their recent endorsement of Biden, I nonetheless maintain that the Kennedy’s are not part of the “dark elite”. They’ve been under attack since before JFK attempted to wrest the power of money making from the Federal Reserve and put it back in the hands of the people—an unambiguously positive thing to do for our country (and an unambiguous middle finger to the cabal).

Just look at what has happened to their family:

  • In 1944, Joseph P Kennedy was killed in a plane crash.

  • In 1948, Kathleen Kennedy was killed in a plane crash.

  • In 1963, JFK was assassinated.

  • In 1968, Robert F. Kennedy was assassinated.

  • In 1969, Ted Kennedy mysteriously drove his car off a bridge—more likely than not, this was an assassination.

  • In 1984, David Kennedy died of a drug overdose—again, very sketchy.

  • In 1997, Michael Kennedy died in a skiing accident.

  • In 1999, JFK Jr. and Carolyn Kennedy died in a plane crash in the ocean.

  • In 2011, Kara Kennedy died of a sudden heart attack—it should be noted that the CIA has had a “heart attack gun” for decades. Really makes one think…

  • In 2012, Mary Richardson Kennedy died from “suicide” (sure…).

  • In 2018, Christopher Kennedy died from a heart attack…

  • In 2019, Saoirse Kennedy Hill died from a drug overdose…

  • In 2020, Maeve Kennedy Townsend McKean (take note that “Kean” is very similar to “Ken”) disappeared during a canoe trip.

What do you guys think? Is it not reasonable to surmise that the Deep State REALLY doesn’t like the Kennedys? Is it normal to have so many members of one’s family die of unnatural causes like those listed above?

I believe that the Kennedys are also “outside” of the cabal machine, just like Trump—contrary appearances notwithstanding. Both families have in common the fact that they’re hated by the Deep State, but loved by the People.

Interesting Connections between the Trumps and Kennedys

Trump and JFK Jr. were famous friends, but the connection between these families doesn’t end there. Trump, in fact, has JFK’s rocking chair—which itself is highly suggestive of a “throne” being passed down from one “king” to the next. (Please pardon the messy image, as it’s the best I could find.)

I’ve heard rumors that the Kennedys were the original royalty of Britain prior to being “ousted” by the Windsors. I have found nothing to convincingly substantiate this idea in and of itself, however, I consider this to be a distinct possibility.

The name “Kennedy” harkens back to Scotland, suggesting a connection to ancient Druidic bloodlines, which were indeed considered to be royalty at one point. Michael Tsarion’s two-volume series, “The Irish Origin of Civilization” has much to say about this, for those who may wish to pursue this topic further.

In the 15th century, it is said that a man named Ulric Kennedy set up a home base in on the Isle of Skye. Donald Trump’s mother Mary Ann Macleod was born on the Isle of Lewis, right in the general vicinity of the Isle of Skye. Macleod, as we can see, is another Celtic/Gaelic name, which amounts to more evidence to suggest a certain proximity between these two families. Furthermore, the Castle of the Macleod clan, Dunvegan Castle, is located on the Isle of Skye. Is it just me, or aren’t castles usually owned by—or named after—royalty?

Fast forward to more recent times: The Trump children were known to be friends with the children of former supreme court justice Anthony Macleod Kennedy. What are the odds?

These connections don’t necessarily “prove” anything… yet, but as it stands, they do strongly suggest that these families have known each other going back centuries. The connections are sufficient to warrant further investigation.

We can add to the above date the fact that it JFK Jr. himself is reported to have told Trump to run for office—and then once Trump was in office, he briefly hired RFK Jr. to be in charge of vaccine policy for his administration. How long have the Trump and Kennedy families been working together? They even co-invest with each other to this day.

Worldwide Elites

In Part 2 of this series, we’ve established that Trump likely has a connection to “Tartaria”; and now we’ve furthermore associated him to Druidic royalty via the Kennedy connection. But this is still merely the tip of the iceberg.

Trump’s family name, as TV host John Oliver pointed out, is Drumpf—and though John Oliver intended to mock Trump over his name, the irony is that he inadvertently revealed something of profound importance: Drumpf is a German name… and in our next article, this fact will help us decode one of Q’s posts.

Now here’s where things get really interesting. Are you ready to hear one of the most astounding historical discoveries made in recent decades?

It turns out that the ancient German language was once spoken by all the peoples of the world. Yes, all of them. This was discovered by an obscure researcher named Erhard Landmann, whose works have never been translated into English. You guys are among the first people in the entire English speaking world to be made aware of this discovery.

Ancient German words can be found everywhere—from the Aztecs, to the tribes of Africa, to the tribes of central Asia, to the Polynesian islands, and beyond. Obviously, this alters our generic conception of history almost in its entirety. To be frank, I consider it a crime against humanity that this information has been kept hidden from the people, as we have the right to be told the truth about our past.

Rest assured, we will be discussing the significance of the ancient German language at length in my next article. For those who want the full scoop and don’t want to wait until the next article, Frederick Dodson’s book ‘Levels of Heaven and Hell’ contains a chapter that thoroughly details this discovery. I can’t recommend that book highly enough.

The point in all of this is to show that not only are the Trump and Kennedy families connected, but also to show that the very name Trump comes from a language that was globally influential.

The Koryos may have had worldwide influence, but, as we can see, they weren’t the only ones. The Druidic royalty connection, in light of what I will soon reveal about ancient German, support the notion that the Trump and Kennedy families are descendants of a culture that also had massive worldwide influence. Remember, the Deep State wouldn’t hate Trump so much if he weren’t a genuine threat to them. I’ve never seen one man make the MSM and Deep State so hysterically upset.

Have you?

Conclusion, For Now

It’s tempting to see all “elites” as a bunch of fat cats and cultists. Alas, many of them are exactly that. But the reaction of the mainstream to Trumps victory shows us that there are forces out there that the Deep State indeed fear—the Trump and Kennedy families are likely the most visible members of another class of “elites” who are opposed to the Deep State/NWO/etc. Their reaction to Trumps 2016 victory strongly suggests that this positive counter-force gained the upper hand in the present 5G battle.

It's more likely the case than not that the present battle has deep, ancient origins. Alas, people habitually discount ancient history as being relevant to current events—and yet, few things could be more relevant to current events than the very conditions that brought them about. The study of history is not a mere pastime—it’s necessary for our situational awareness to know how things became the way they are.

When we learn true history, then the Deep State can’t use false history as a weapon. Our sense of who we are is tied to our sense of history, and this in turn forms our subconscious habits of thought and action. An iron rule of the human mind is that we invariably “act out” the identity we ascribe to ourselves—the control of history, therefore, is an indispensable component of the cabal’s system of mental enslavement.

The evidence that there was once a globally influential Werewolf cult AND a globally influential positive civilization is voluminous. And the threads that connect these facts to current world events are many. It is my hope that the uncovering of these facts will help us piece together a more accurate picture of the world around us, and our place in it—and that this will ultimately assist us in gaining our freedom.

American Hypnotist, signing off for now…

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