June 18, 2024  

Our Intel Agencies Celebrate Pride by Prioritizing Nail Painting Over National Security

[Order David Horowitz’s new book, America Betrayed, HERE.] Under the Biden administration,  ...View More

Feds won't prosecute man who threatened congressman's family

When Congress recently voted to find Merrick Garland, Joe Biden's pick for attorney general, in cont ...View More

We’ve Always Had to Contend With These People

[Order Daniel Greenfield’s new book, Domestic Enemies: HERE.] My friend Daniel Greenfield,  ...View More

Progressive Technocracy, Infantilism, and the Problem of the West

[Order David Horowitz’s new book, America Betrayed, HERE.] Editor’s Note: The following is  ...View More

‘Weaponization Of The IRS’: Biden Admin Cements Rules Handing Labor Unions A Massive Victory

The Biden administration finalized rules governing subsidies in its signature climate bill Tuesday  ...View More

‘Utterly Unfair’: Alan Dershowitz Blasts NY Court For Upholding Gag Order On Trump

Noted attorney Alan Dershowitz blasted the New York Court of Appeals Tuesday after it upheld a gag o ...View More

Retirees Look for Work Again in Biden’s Economy

Some retired Americans are having to reenter the workforce, as Bidenomics makes retirement unafforda ...View More

REPORT: Airlines Passenger Who Was Restrained With Duct Tape Faces Hefty Fine

An American Airlines passenger is reportedly being sued by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) ...View More

Biden, National Media Gaslighting: Sick Of And Done With

(Natural News) They’re kidding, right? That “Joe Biden” is capable of being president? Not ...View More

Senator James Lankford of Oklahoma Keeps Playing Footsie With Biden on Immigration and it Shows

There is no more vile home to scum and villainy than that of Washington DC.President Biden’s border  ...View More

Dobbs Decision Anniversary, Juneteenth Aren’t Endpoints—They’re Waypoints

At the height of the Civil War, enslaved men, women, and children sat together in Watch Night servic ...View More

Juneteenth and Dobbs Anniversary Commemorate Wins in Long Fight for Respect for Human Dignity

At the height of the Civil War, enslaved men, women, and children sat together in Watch Night servic ...View More

Biden doubles down on his open borders, announces new amnesty

Joe Biden has been described, during his time in the White House, as opening America's southern bord ...View More

TikTok could face lawsuit by DOJ over potential child privacy violations

TikTok could face lawsuit by DOJ over potential child privacy violations  ...View More

Political Earthquake! New Jersey Democrat Kingmaker George Norcross Indicted on Racketeering Charges

A big-time New Jersey Democrat kingmaker was indicted on racketeering charges. George Norcross, who ...View More

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