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Badlands News Brief

Badlands News Brief

This article was originally published on Badlands Media. You can read the original article HERE

Sovereign Signals, New(ish) Alliances & Reckonings

The News Cycle is almost impossible to track these days. At least, to do so fully.

That’s where we come in.

In the Badlands News Brief, the Badlands Media team hand pick news items of interest from the previous days to give you an overview of the biggest goings-on relevant to the Truth Community with some Badlands flavoring to help wash it down.

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Now, onto the news from Tuesday, September 3 …

Putin calls Mongolia friendly country, Russia’s decades-old ally

Mongolia has been a friendly country and Russia's ally for decades, Russian President Vladimir Putin said at a meeting with Mongolian Parliament Speaker Dashzegviin Amarbayasgalan.

"I am very pleased to be in Mongolia, which is friendly to us, and together with the Mongolian people to celebrate a landmark event - our common victories on the Khalkhin-Gol River," Putin said.

The Russian president noted that Mongolia "turned out to be a very loyal, reliable ally of the Soviet Union and Russia" in the fight against Nazism and militarism.

"For decades, Russia and Mongolia have maintained very close, friendly relations," Putin stated. "Today these relations are developing successfully."

The Russian leader pointed out that Moscow attached great importance to interaction through parliaments.

"In today's world, this is a significant contribution to the development of contacts between the executive authorities," Putin concluded. — TASS

Our Take: Things are getting epic.

Mongolia has a very important role in the history of both China and Russia.

Genghis Khan, who lived around the turn of the 13th century (1162-1227 AD), conquered China and established the Yuan Dynasty. He then sent his eldest son, Jochi, to conquer the Selenga River Valley, which is the borderlands between modern-day Russia and Mongolia.

After the death of Genghis Khan, Jochi and his son, Batu, headed west on the most epic conquest in human history. It was Batu who created what became known as The Golden Horde, and it was the Golden Horde who ended the Kievan-Rus with the Siege of Kiev in 1240. You will recall that Putin educated Tucker Carlson about the beginnings of the Kievan-Rus in the 900's, when the people of Novgorod invited Rurik the Varangian ("Viking") to come down from Scandinavia and become their king.

It was Rurik's grandson, Sviatoslav, who united the Pagan Rus, Christian Byzantines, and even some Muslim tribes, against the Khazarian Empire in 965 AD. Their victory over the Khazars marked the beginning of the end of that empire, which collapsed into oblivion some decades later. (Literally, all traces of that culture have been wiped from the histories, for some odd reason...)

Putin omitted Sviatoslav from his history lesson to Tucker, but he did talk about Sviatoslav's son, Vladimir the Great, who was baptized on the beaches of modern-day Sevastopol—the largest city in Crimea—in an event that became known as "The Baptism of Russia." Vladimir returned home to Kiev, the capital city of the Kievan-Rus, converting his family to Christianity, and literally overnight, the entire nation of Russia became Christian. This was the genesis of the Russian Orthodox Church, and why Kiev and Crimea are both so important to Putin and Russia.

While Kiev took centuries to rebuild from the Mongol siege, Moscow faired much better. The Muscovite princes curried favor with the Mongols, becoming the intermediaries between the Mongols and the Rus nobility. It was the Golden Horde who helped establish Moscow as the center of influence in the emerging Russian state.

So you see, this meeting between Putin and the Mongolian leadership is yet another major milestone in the War of Sovereignty. History is being revived, and cultures are healing from the sins of the past. Humanity is learning to forge new bonds against what may be the most ancient of all evils the world has ever known.

In any case, the pageantry that welcomed Putin to the capital was amazing. The spirit of Genghis Khan lives, and while it might not be my culture, I can still admire the greatness that others have achieved, and hope that humanity will come together to achieve it yet again. —

Andrew Cuomo to testify on New York nursing home deaths during Covid-19 pandemic

Former New York governor Andrew Cuomo is set to testify next week about nursing home deaths during the Covid-19 pandemic. He has agreed to appear publicly before a congressional subcommittee on September 10, The New York Times reports.

Cuomo is expected to face questions regarding the thousands of residents who died in New York’s nursing homes during the pandemic. Ohio representative Brad Wenstrup, a Republican who chairs the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, emphasized the need for answers, saying, “Andrew Cuomo owes answers to the 15,000 families who lost loved ones in New York’s nursing homes during the Covid-19 pandemic.”

This follows Cuomo's closed-door testimony in June, where he spoke for seven hours before House Republicans after being subpoenaed. On Tuesday, the House subcommittee posted a series of statements on X accusing Cuomo of showing “little remorse” and being “shockingly callous” during his testimony. According to the posts, Cuomo had said, “…let’s say there’s a 3,000 [deaths] differential, 2500. Who cares? What difference does it make in any dimension to anyone about anything?”

Cuomo's administration faced heavy criticism for a policy requiring nursing homes to readmit recovering COVID-19 patients to prevent hospitals from becoming overwhelmed. Additionally, state fatality figures were accused of undercounting the true number of deaths. Cuomo, however, has shifted blame to the federal government, stating in June that the Trump administration should be held accountable for pandemic-related deaths. “I think the federal government failed this nation, and it was abysmal,” Cuomo said. He criticized delays in testing and misleading statements from President Trump. — Badlands News

Our Take: Andrew Cuomo is unrepentant and sticking to his guns that dead grandparents, in his state and under his policies, are ‘Trump’s fault,’ according to leaks from his closed door congressional testimony in June.

Now the People will get to fact check these leaks against Cuomo’s public testimony. It will be interesting to hear the mental gymnastics and word salad one needs to commit to this narrative. Trump provided medical ships and the Javits center and, rather than leveraging those resources, Cuomo chose to overload nursing homes with sick people, a decision that resulted in many unnecessary deaths. There was also that field hospital in Central Park that stayed largely empty as Cuomo opted to kill NYers rather than successfully battle the pandemic with the help of Trump.

My biggest concern with this, and many of the recent ‘bombshell’ stories is the timing. Why did we wait until the eve of an election to seek justice for Cuomo’s victims? Playing politics with the lives of Americans isn’t advisable or acceptable regardless of which party is doing the politicking.

Cuomo should be behind bars. Can’t wait to see how New Fredo covers this hearing. Stay tuned. —

Turkish Protesters Swarm Izmir Port Until US Warship Leaves Following Assault On Americans

Major Lebanese news outlet Almayadeen is reporting that Turkish citizens in Izmir plan to keep protesting against the American military until the US Navy warship USS Wasp departs Izmir's port.

The USS Wasp is in regional waters to as part of efforts to "deter potential threats to Israel" amid the Gaza war, and as the potential for escalation with Hezbollah and Iran looms. "Protesters have issued a firm warning to the Izmir Governorship, stating they will remain at the port until the ship departs," Almayadeen writes. "They also condemned the United States for its role in causing suffering and violence in Iraq, Syria, and the broader West Asia region."

Anti-Israel sentiment in Turkey has exploded since the Gaza war kicked off ten months ago. Outrage is being directed at Washington for being Tel Aviv's biggest military backer and supporter.

Even American military personnel have been directly targeted, despite Turkey being a NATO ally and playing host to US bases, as was seen with Monday's dramatic events where on the streets of the southern city of Izmir US Navy and Marine service members were brutally assaulted, though they managed to escape to safety when local police intervened.

The US troops had been on weekend liberty after the USS Wasp amphibious ship docked there, and the incident included a Turkish mob from a hardline nationalist political party throwing a bag over the head of one soldier, which several angry men briefly detained while shouting "Yankee go home!" - as we detailed previously. The protesters' complaints hearken all the way back to the US invasion of Iraq - they've charged Washington with being an imperial power which frequently attacks the people of the Middle East. The US military is also currently supporting the Syrian Kurds, which are hated by Turkey. — ZeroHedge

And …

Tren de Aragua gang members confirmed in Aurora, Colorado

Rumors of the complex being run by the Tren de Aragua, a large criminal organization from Venezuela, began circulating when a video went viral of men carrying guns and entering the apartments. The Department of Homeland Security confirmed to NewsNation that the men seen in the video were Tren de Aragua members.

The City of Aurora confirmed in an X post on Aug. 30 that there is a "small Tren de Aragua (TdA) presence in Aurora" and the police department has "been taking it seriously."

"There has been a lot of misleading information shared about what is happening in our city. Aurora is a safe community," the post said. "Media have conflated and considerably exaggerated incidents that are isolated to a handful of problem properties alone." — USA Today

Our Take: In today's episode of, "Please believe this obvious globalist propaganda," it turns out the people of Turkey, who up to now really haven't been figuring into the War of Stories in a major way, are super duper DUPERLY evil and bad and unruly, and are just going totally crazy, following up a well-filmed and ultimately (literally harmless) "vicious assault" on our brave troops by yelling about stuff and holding signs with really long slogans outlining their issues with 'Murica.

Of course, this has precisely NOTHING to do with Turkish President Tayyip Erdoğan (whom Donald Trump is reportedly a "very big fan of," h/t

) petitioning to join the expanding BRICS alliance, even while remaining a member of the NATO bloc.

It definitely wouldn't be bad for the continued proxy & sanction war efforts of the Western hegemon if a major cultural and economic center straddling the Mid East and Asia appeared too reasonable and conciliatory to the Collective Mind.

That said, a primary aim of the Info War for all Anons should be to spot propaganda in real time so you might help to circumvent the enemy's reality creation engine and prevent the actualization of public mandate for the latest Hegelian agenda.

This week, we've got two prime examples that some have failed to grasp at a glance, but that I believe are illuminating:

Where it concerns the "Turkey Bad" deployment, the staged (and harmless) nature of the "assault" on American soldiers stood out from the get ... and was only solidified as such when the MSM put out its requisite hit pieces on Erdogan applying for BRICS membership in a massive symbolic break with the NATO bloc.

On the other side of the bracket, we see the viral Colorado roving migrant gangs being "traced" back to Venezuela ... which the MSM seeded just over a month ago, claiming Maduro's "illegitimate" victory would flood the US with Venezuelan criminals.

They're always lying.

Catch them early, and their plans stall and burn out. —

How Donald Trump and Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s Unlikely Partnership Took Shape

About three hours after former President Donald J. Trump was nearly assassinated, on a Saturday evening in mid-July, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. got a phone call: Would he consider joining forces with Mr. Trump? What about serving as his running mate?

The caller was Calley Means, a health care entrepreneur who had advised Mr. Kennedy on chronic disease policy. He suggested that it might be a moment for unity — Mr. Trump had just narrowly escaped the same fate that had befallen Mr. Kennedy’s father and uncle. Mr. Kennedy, who was running an independent campaign for president, said he wasn’t interested in the vice presidency, and the call ended.

A short while later, Mr. Kennedy called back. Yes, he said, he would speak with Mr. Trump.

The calls set off a frenzy of calculations and soul-searching inside the Kennedy camp: What, if anything, was on the table? Could an alliance with Mr. Trump give Mr. Kennedy more power to address issues he had described throughout his campaign — chronic disease, censorship, corporate reach into government agencies, the war in Ukraine? Or would it tear apart his coalition, and his family?

Mr. Trump was not, at that point, seriously considering adding Mr. Kennedy to the ticket. Still, Mr. Means’s efforts presented an opening to bring Mr. Kennedy into the fold and remove him as a potential drain on Mr. Trump’s votes. — The New York Times

Our Take: On Saturday’s DPH,

called me out for my assertion, back when DeSantis dropped out of the race, that the FL Governor would be Trump’s running mate. I was wrong, of course, but my logic was sound.

The reason I thought, and said at the time, that DeSantis would be the play was the pursuit of a unity ticket. Turns out, I was thinking too small.

It’s ambitious to attempt to unite the Republican Party — particularly in light of the fact that DeSimps are all essentially Lincoln Project ‘Never Trumpers.’

It’s much more ambitious, however, to unite the nation with a unity ticket that captures the neglected middle of the American People. Trump never takes the easy path, and the unity ticket with Kennedy has the potential to change the course of history.

Trump is building a new ‘party,’ and its foundation is the liberty ideals of the founding of our nation. On November 5, Americans have the opportunity to drive a stake in the heart of the corrupted, dark money uniparty system. There is, perhaps, no greater motivation to vote for Trump than this inevitable outcome of his victory.

When the ‘right’ plays according to the left’s rules, and the ‘left’ plays according to no rules, the only path to victory is to change the game.

Together, we actually are going to make America great again. What a time to be alive! —

Kash hosted War Room Tuesday morning, wore a "Trumpamania" shirt, and specifically said he was wearing it in honor of Hulk Hogan's speech at the RNC …

And … (From the RNC.)

Hulk Hogan jokes about body slamming Kamala Harris

Wrestling legend Hulk Hogan has joked about body slamming Vice-President Kamala Harris in front of a fired up crowd, and questioned her racial identity.

In a video obtained by TMZ, the 71-year-old can be seen asking the jeering crowd: "Do you want me to body slam Kamala Harris?!"

"Do you want me to drop the leg on Kamala?!" he shouts, referring to one of his iconic wrestling moves.

The comments were made during a promotional event for his new beer, and come amid calls to stop violent political rhetoric, following the assassination attempt on Donald Trump nearly six weeks ago.

Hogan continued to make more comments about Ms Harris including one about her Indian heritage. — BBC

Our Take: So Kash Patel hosted Steve Bannon's War Room today-- because Bannon is currently serving a four-month prison sentence, related to the fraudulent J6 persecution of President Trump … and this happened:

That's right. The thing I've been talking about since Hollywood Hulk Hogan walked out onto the stage at the RNC and tore off his shirt: Trumpamania 2024.

(Kash, we get it. You're a closet Badlander. Just own it, brother.)

Indeed, we are watching a WWE pay-per-view event, and President Donald J. Trump is acting as the executive producer, calling the shots and making the movie magic happen.

I mean, just look at this cast of amazing characters:

"The Rocket Man"

Also notable: behold, a pale horse.

"The Gentleman"

"The Red Dragon"

"The Fallen Idol"

(Note: the video of Kanye going off on his pro-Trump rant during the live recording of SNL has been effectively wiped from the internet. The only version I could find was this phone-filmed version that was uploaded by somebody in Japan. Because Kanye is extremely effective. That's why they MKUltra'd him— again.)

Here's Kanye talking about being kidnapped—because he said on SNL that the MAGA hat was his cape that made him Superman—and being taken to a mental hospital where he was subjected to MKUltra programming:

"Hollywood Hulk Hogan"

"The Enigmas"

"Vladimir the Great"

(BRICS posted this video yesterday.)

"The Dictator"

(Maduro talking about the Sovereign Alliance back in July.)

I mean, honestly, just look at the pageantry of Putin's visit to Mongolia this week. Genghis Khan is coming to Trumpamania 2024.

Worth noting that horses are becoming a theme at Trumpamania. Can't wait to see Trump mount up and cross the Potomac dressed as Caesar.

Trumpamania 2024 is real. What are you going to do, brother, when the Trumpamaniacs come for you? —


Harris’ surge in polls riding on oversampling of Democrats, pollsters warn

Vice President Kamala Harris’ growing lead in the polls may be exaggerated by oversampling Democratic voters and some critics say it’s an intentional bid to bolster her momentum.

Democrats are celebrating after Ms. Harris closed the poll gap with former President Donald Trump and even surpassed him nationally and in some battleground states.

A few weeks ago, Mr. Trump held a consistent lead in nearly every critical poll in a matchup with President Biden. But Ms. Harris has more than caught up with Mr. Trump since replacing Mr. Biden on the ticket on July 21.

She is beating Mr. Trump nationally by nearly 2 points and leading slightly or tying Mr. Trump in all seven battleground states.

Republican Party analysts say polling methodology gives Ms. Harris a phantom advantage because many polls sample far fewer Republicans than the number of Republican voters who participated in the 2020 presidential election, according to exit polls.

In other words, say critics, the polls oversample Democrats, perhaps purposely, to generate enthusiasm and boost fundraising for Ms. Harris. Last week, the Harris campaign announced it had raised $540 million in July, more than four times the money Mr. Trump raised in the same period. — Washington Times

Trump to plead not guilty to charges in revised US indictment

Former U.S. President Donald Trump said in a court filing on Tuesday that he would plead not guilty to criminal charges in a revised indictment accusing him of attempting to overturn his 2020 election defeat.

Trump, the Republican candidate in the Nov. 5 presidential election, waived his right to appear in court and instead authorized his lawyers to enter the plea.

The revised indictment, obtained last week by Special Counsel Jack Smith, includes the same four charges prosecutors brought against Trump last year. He was accused of attempting to defraud the United States, obstruct congressional certification of the election and deprive voters of their right to a fair vote.

The new indictment dropped and reframed certain allegations after the U.S. Supreme Court determined that Trump has broad immunity from criminal prosecution over official actions he took as president.

Trump appeared in federal court in Washington in August 2023 to plead not guilty to the charges in the initial indictment. — Reuters

‘Ticking time bomb’: Plunging office values alarm Washington

Four and a half years after the pandemic sent workers home, the office property bill is finally coming due.

The market for office buildings — already reeling from higher vacancy rates amid the rise in remote-work policies — has been crushed by high borrowing costs, and while the Federal Reserve is at last preparing to cut interest rates, it may be too little, too late. Investors, banks and property owners are now beginning to accept that some commercial buildings will never recover their pre-pandemic value, and that’s leading to a steady drumbeat of distressed sales.

The market’s troubles have caught the attention of Congress — with one New York lawmaker calling it a “ticking time bomb” for banks as nearly $1 trillion in commercial real estate loans are coming due this year. Faced with vacant office buildings and a shortage of millions of homes to meet demand, a bipartisan group of lawmakers is trying to make it easier for developers to convert underused properties into housing.

“This would absolutely help lenders recoup some of their investment while allowing them to align with the current needs of the market,” said Rep. Mike Carey (R-Ohio) who introduced a bill this summer establishing a temporary 20 percent tax credit for qualified property conversion expenditures.

“The pandemic caused a seismic shift in work patterns,” said Carey, who offered the bill with Rep. Jimmy Gomez (D-Calif.). “We see these vacant office buildings as a well of untapped potential.” — Politico

We hope you enjoyed this brief look back at the major news items you might have missed in this ever-escalating and ever-accelerating news cycle as the Information War continues to rage on around us.

As always, if you have any thoughts on these news items or the MANY others swirling in the digital ether, drop into the comments below to share them with your fellow Badlanders.

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