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Q for Dummies - Chapter 12

Q for Dummies - Chapter 12

This article was originally published on Badlands Media. You can read the original article HERE

Drops #91-95

The Badlands ‘Q for Dummies’ series attempts to ‘dumb down’ one of the most significant open-source intelligence drops of all time, which is partly responsible for triggering the period many refer to as ‘The Great Awakening.’ The series is intended for both newcomers and those looking for a fun review. Start with Chapter 1.

Hello and welcome, Frogs & Frogettes!

Thank you so much for dropping in to check out Chapter 12 of Q For Dummies! Today’s chapter will only consist of five drops, but they are pretty dense and will provide for a jam-packed chapter nonetheless! 

As things continue to ramp up and get even crazier, it is important that we stay on target and keep ourselves grounded, taking caution to utilize discernment and not allow ourselves to be manipulated by emotion—mainly fear. Fear is a killer. It kills hope, faith, dreams and progress. So don’t let it in. Remember to keep your head held high and to keep pushing forward.

A friend of mine told me the other day that “this is like being at the tail end of a marathon—you know the end is near, but you just don’t have the gas to get there. Yet somehow, you keep pushing.

That is where we are at, in my view. I know we are all tired, weary, and damn near to the point of exhaustion, but that is why it is so very important that we push ourselves harder than ever before. 

Muhammad Ali said it best: “I don’t count the sit ups until they start hurting because that’s when they count.

So all that exhaustion and pain you feel? It’s because we are at the most important part of all of this. 

Before we get rolling, I want to share one current decode that came about yesterday, and may very well be one of the most apparent Q-Proofs I have ever seen, at the same time, it is one of the more reassuring proofs I have ever seen as well, because the control required to have this hit in the way it does is total and complete.

Not partial, not ‘kind of in control,’ but FULL control.

Here we see President Trump tweeting about the debate with Resident Joe Xiden on the 10th of September.

Wouldn’t you know it? Q Drop 4657 from Sept. 10th, 2020 talks about that very same thing. 

I mean really. What are the odds? How many coincidences before it is mathematically impossible, frens? 

So with that in mind, and so much currently occupying the news cycle that smacks off of the board, what do you fine folks say we dive in and take a look at some drops?

Here we go!

Drop #91 - November 5 2017:

To begin this drop, Q carries on asking questions about MS-13. He asks us why they are such a priority. And as we saw under the Trump Administration, MS-13, and gangs in general were a very large focus of AG Jeff Session’s attack plan—the reason being that MS-13 has been turned into what amounts to a political hit squad for the Deep State, and as I discussed before, this is by design.

The moment the job is done, these gangsters can be disposed of and nobody is none the wiser for it. Added to which, most of these gang members are illegal immigrants in this country, make it doubly hard to track them down or keep them in check.

Yes. Absolutely. 100%. Gangs can be used to carry out hit jobs to silence opponents, or whistleblowers.

Q has made plenty of inferences that MS-13 was used to murder Seth Rich, and the speculation for why is that he was about to pop the top off of election fraud within the DNC. Seth Rich was a Democrat, yes. But he was a patriot first and foremost. Unfortunately for him, the data he discovered just so happened to implicate some of the most evil people that have ever walked the face of this planet. 

We have discussed why HRC was not prosecuted for her crimes, but I will touch upon it briefly again here.

It is simple—because Obama okayed all of it, and knew about all of it. Other members of his cabinet were doing the same thing as HRC, so indicting her for her crimes would have lead to the entire cabinet, up to and including Obama to be indicted, if she was guilty. And that wasn’t going to happen under Obama’s watch. 

Drop #92 - November 5 2017:

Q leads this drop off by saying Seth Rich was only mentioned because it ties directly to Saudi Arabia and Las Vegas.


If I had to speculate, I’d say it’s because Rich discovered the link between HRC and Saudi Arabia, and that MS-13 was used in both Rich’s murder, and Las Vegas. 

The rest of this drop is pretty dense, and I am gonna borrow some research from our fren

to lend to this section, as he did such a fantastic job breaking this drop down from a very high level on his own Substack, which I HIGHLY recommend you guys and gals go check out and subscribe to. (His Substack can be found here: Patriots In Progress Substack.)

The first part of this drop I will cover is the part in which Q asks us a series of questions pertaining to the hotel that the Vegas shooting took place from.

We are asked who owns it, what floors do they own, who owns the top floors, and why is it relevant? 

Let’s dive in …

First things first, the hotel was Mandalay Bay, and those top floors were owned by Prince Dopey (Trump’s name for Prince Alwaleed bin Talal) and Bill Gates (of Hell?). Since the shooting, Gates has bought out Prince Dopey’s stake. 

This is relevant because owning the top floors means those two gentlemen ultimately controlled what happened on those floors, and to pull off a shooting of this size, you would need access to a fair bit of high ground. And lest we forget, both Prince Dopey and Gates are possible Deep State assets. 

The timing of this should not be ignored either, as the Vegas shooting fell after Trump met with Saudi Arabia, but before Q’s first drops and before the purge of corruption in Saudi Arabia. 

The shooter was Stephen Paddock, whose net worth at the time of the shooting exceeded $1mm. Q asking us how to identify a spook after asking his net worth is basically Q’s way of telling us that Paddock was a spook. Who knows if the dude is even dead? 

There was an eye witness: Jesus Campos, whose story changed multiple times, and then the dude vanished like a cat in a thunderstorm before his TV interviews: Where oh where has Jesus gone? Oh where, oh where could he be??

Now, I don’t usually do what I’m about to do, but from time to time there are exceptions to the rule.

Q asks us again why MS-13 is relevant, and then asks us what isn’t adding up. Our friend

is an engineer, and was able to explain, through data points, what exactly was so off about this whole thing. And seeing as how he has done a far better job of explaining than I ever could, I am going to share his thoughts and data in this section. Again, I don’t usually do this, as I like to keep the tone of Q For Dummies fairly simple, but this section of this drop requires a little bit more depth than you may be used to around these parts. 

First off, JFK, RFK, MLK Jr, Malcolm X—aside from being assassinated, they all have one other thing in common—they were all taken out by a “lone assassin”.

Allow me to translate what “lone gunman” actually means. Ready?

It means, “A government lie to cover up our clandestine bullshit”.

There, that should clear up any confusion about what a lone gunman really is. 

Have a look at this graphic from our friend

, which serves to set the stage, if you will.

So, the attack lasted 600 seconds (10 minutes), in which Paddock somehow managed to discharge 1,100 rounds from 23 different weapons with an accuracy of 78%, while also managing to reload multiple weapons in the process.

As Walter Matthau said in JFK: “That dog don’t hunt”:

 Not sure about y’all, but after reading just this graphic, the stench of bullshit around the official narrative has increased drastically, especially as a gun owner and 2A advocate. NONE of this makes any sense.

But wait, it gets even more unbelievable.

This second spreadsheet details the weapons used, their capacity, their optics (if any), accessories, fire rate and a couple of assessments.

Honestly, look at this graphic and tell me that you legitimately believe one person pulled this off. We are expected to believe that one man fired off this many rounds while reloading this many times, and managed to hit on 78% of his shots? When five of these guns didn’t even have optics? When nothing about this man’s background or physical acumen comes close to suggesting he could pull this off? 

Nah. That’s why Q mentioned MS-13 and their relevance again, because MS-13 more than likely lended a few helping hands to the cause. 

Many folks speculate that Mohammed bin Salman was in Las Vegas at the same time as the shooting, and to a finer point, that he was a target of a potential assassination attempt. The following video shows what many believe to be bin Salman being led out of The Tropicana. 

It is interesting that nin Salman was in Las Vegas during the shooting, and that he was originally staying at the hotel Prince Dopey owned before relocating to The Tropicana. Did he receive a heads up? Who knows, but it is certainly curious. 

There were eight different eyewitnesses to the shooting that turned up dead shortly afterwards—this is who Q is referencing here. According to reports, All of these witnesses had stories that refuted the official narrative, and they were planning on forming a group to get the word out and tell their side of the story. 

Q also asks us what was happening in Saudi Arabia at this time. I won’t rehash all of it here, but this was when the Saudi Family was being purged and bin Salman was taking power. Prince Dopey was among those arrested. So, to me, it certainly seems like an assassination of MBS would have been of great importance to the Deep State. 

We are also asked who else was in Las Vegas that weekend, and who did they meet with? This is not easy information to obtain, as the targets being referenced are of high value, and their movements are almost always masked. 

Lastly, Q asks us if POTUS was there, and then follows up by seemingly telling us that he was. While there has never been any proof to substantiate this, it is important to note that President Trump’s official schedule was clear during the AM/PM of October 1st, 2017.

Drop #93 - November 5, 2017:

In this drop, we see Q replying to an Anon. The Anon asks if HRC was just a puppet, and if the goal was to actually take down her overlords. 

Q replies by telling us that HRC’s strings have been cut, and that she was fighting for her life on her own. While there is no tangible evidence to support this, there is plenty of circumstantial evidence to support the claim.

Hillary is obviously still the same annoying guttersnipe she always has been, but over the last few years, I don’t think anyone will argue that her prominence within the DNC, and her public profile have diminished greatly. With as much of a DNC/MSM darling as she was, seeing her kind of tossed to the back-burner has come off as more of a clue to me than a coincidence.

Drop #94 - November 5 2017:

Here we see Q answering another Anon. This Anon asked how they planned on repaying the money sent from Saudi Arabia to the Clinton Foundation.

Remember, they all thought she was going to win. When she didn’t, a lot of favors needed to be repaid.

Q tells the Anon to review prior threads—that the information is there. We are again reminded why full and complete graphics are so vital. Q answers the Anon by telling them Obama repaid the debts. (Cash on pallets in Iran, anyone? ie: Obama greases the wheels of his handlers in the Middle East.)

After that, Q informs us that good ole’ Billy Jeff is seeking a deal, and using the “Former President” card to do it.

We are then asked where Soros fits in, followed up by a reference to Godfather III. With double meanings being a thing and all, I believe Q is saying that Soros is Hillary’s “Godfather”. Except, as most of you know, the family falls in Godfather III. 

Drop #95 - November 5, 2017:

The first thing I take note of about this drop is the date. November 5th.


Because this drop says what happened in Saudi Arabia will happen here (purge of corruption). The election is November 5th this year. Does that mean that is when we see corruption cleaned up over here?

I doubt it; however, I felt it prudent to point that out, regardless. 

We are told to keep digging, and to keep organizing everything into graphics; by putting the word ‘critical’ in parentheses, Q is telling us it is of the utmost importance that we stay organized and ready. 

The Hillary/Saudi rabbit hole goes very deep, and Q is encouraging us to continue digging on that topic. 

And that will bring us to the end of another chapter of Q For Dummies!

I hope you folks have enjoyed this trek back through the drops, and more than that, I hope you have beenb able to learn something, or at least be inspired to go digging down your own rabbit holes on these topics. The Las Vegas shooting and the Saudi Arabia purge, as well as HRC’s connections to Saudi Arabia are a very deep chasm of a rabbit hole, but all are well worth the deep dives they require. 

Remember frens, keep your chin up and keep moving forward. Let nothing take your faith or hope. God is with us, always.

Be blessed, frens! See you soon!

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