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Who Controls Whom?

Who Controls Whom?

This article was originally published on Badlands Media. You can read the original article HERE

Do Some Have It Backwards on Trump and Israel?

Photo by Taylor Brandon via Unsplash

The only thing worse than having nothing to write about is having narratives twist and turn so often that one’s head begins to spin.

Over the past month, I’ve sat down to write on a subject matter, and, two or three days later had, to delete and replace half of what I wrote due to a new shift in the narrative. In some cases, I’ve had to do this multiple times before finally closing my eyes, crossing my fingers and sending something off to be published.

I think everyone understands we are intentionally being yanked around in different directions like a creaky ride at a state fair, distracted from what is happening behind the scenes, under the surface. I’m not blowing anyone’s mind in stating this.

As I write this, Harris’ VP pick has come out. This “no-balls-Walz”, “tampon-Tim” narrative shift has been teed up for us to feast on. It’s like a morbidly obese person being dropped into a pit full of hungry zombies. He has been set up to be a punching bag for Vance. But here’s the thing that not enough of us on our side seem to get: Trump and the patriots are constantly speaking to three distinctly different audiences: Us, the asleep and the Deep State.

It is our responsibility to figure out who he is talking to, which messages are for us, and which messages are for them.

I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t at least a little disappointed in how our side reacted to Trump’s stock-market-crash-propaganda this week.

Trump is fully aware the market didn’t crash this week; his over-reaction wasn’t for us, it was for them. He wanted the sleeping normies to believe that the economy started to fall apart the day Kamala was chosen to run for POTUS.

It’s almost laughable how the same people preaching that our fiat currency is completely worthless stormed off to cash machines to get out as much as they can. I understand taking out a little cash in case things get a little insolvent for a couple weeks, but cleaning out your accounts? I thought you said it was worthless?

As I write this in the middle of this Armageddon-of-a-stock-market-crash-week, the stock market is currently UP around 3% for the week. Wow! Quite the crash. (By the way, a stock market correction is a 20% drop.) Trump is fully aware of this. He is fully aware we didn’t experience a stock market crash this week. It’s all propaganda. Propaganda is used by both sides. Understand when you are and aren’t the audience.

I’m not saying the stock market won’t eventually crash, or that the economy is good; it isn’t. I’m simply saying it didn’t crash this week. In fact, many experts, me included, believe the stock market is currently about 20% over-valued (not financial advice)—meaning it should be about 20% lower than it currently is to better reflect the economy as a whole. If the market did crash 20%, it wouldn’t mean the economy suddenly collapsed, it would mean the stock market became more in line with reality.

The truth is, the economy has been deteriorating for almost four years, and nothing has happened over night. The government has been lying to us about its health by fudging numbers and propping up the stock market. It’s like someone adjusted the scales down and replaced real mirrors with thinning mirrors to make us believe the economy hasn’t become fat.

In my opinion, Trump is trying to scare the normies awake without actually allowing the economy to completely implode in the process. It’s the equivalent of the US Army Propaganda division using blow-up tanks to fool the Nazis.

If Trump made this full-frontal attack on the economy narrative two years ago, everyone would be over it by now. By doing it now, three months before the election, it will change how people vote. The average person makes decisions based on the thickness of their wallet, but their memories are short.

The Deep State manipulates the economy, as it manipulates everything else.

I believe things aren’t as black and white as people want them to be. It’s obvious to anyone reading this that the United States has a Deep State as well as patriots, but I believe this to be the case in other countries as well. Russia has a Deep State, China has a Deep State, Israel has a Deep State, Iran has a Deep State, but I believe that, in each of these countries, there are patriots as well. A French Resistance, if you will.

After North Korea had its CIA strings cut, Q said Iran would be next. Q also said Israel was being saved for last.

I read this as Iran will have its CIA strings cut, and its people will be freed. Many read about Israel being saved for last, and think it means Israel’s control over the US will be severed. This may be the case, but what if it means the same people who controlled North Korea and still control Iran, will be removed from Israel, freeing the people of Israel?

Recently, Netanyahu visited America. He spoke before Congress, met with Biden and Harris and finally visited Donald Trump at his home in Mar-a-Lago. I understand why he would meet with Congress and the POTUS and VP, but why meet with a former president during his country’s crisis, a man who has no power or authority to do anything in regard to the conflict in the Middle East?

Plenty of people are going to disagree with me, and I respect your opinions, but I think Netanyahu doesn’t do anything without Trump’s permission. Some are thinking right now, ‘no, you are wrong, Trump is Israel’s puppet.’ Again, I respect your opinion, but I disagree.

Who did Netanyahu meet with last on his latest visit to the US? Who went to meet with whom? Big Daddy Trump greeted Netanyahu with a strong handshake, pulling him off balance towards him. This is not how one interacts with their master.

From The Times of Israel on July 28:

Netanyahu checked all the boxes on his US trip — except one

WASHINGTON — Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was in his element this week in the United States.

He gave a tour de force speech to a joint session of Congress on Wednesday, clearly at home as he forcefully laid out Israel’s case, to a rapturous response from many of those in attendance. His office counted each of the 44 standing ovations.

The speech largely played well back home, with many Israelis glad to see an audience abroad that supports their war against Hamas. Even opposition party chief Benny Gantz offered praise for the performance, saying Netanyahu had represented the country well.

The next day, Netanyahu had meetings with US President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, now the Democratic Party’s presumptive presidential nominee. On Friday, Netanyahu traveled to the Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida where he reunited with former president and current Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump.

Netanyahu’s meeting with Biden went smoothly. Relations between the two are widely reported to have been very rocky in recent months amid disagreements over the handling of the war, but the two were all smiles as they faced the media. As for Trump, “F**k him” was one of the last things the former president said publicly about the premier after Netanyahu congratulated Biden on winning the 2020 election. But on Friday, Trump argued to reporters that their relationship had actually always been good.


Netanyahu thus seemed to have checked all the major boxes prior to his return home Saturday evening. That return, however, was moved forward by a few hours after a Hezbollah rocket struck a soccer field in the Druze village of Majdal Shams, killing 12 people, all aged 10-20. It was the deadliest attack on civilians since Hamas’s October 7 onslaught, and sparked fears of still greater escalation or even all-out war in the north.

The one blotch on Netanyahu’s trip was his meeting with Harris, which a senior Israeli official briefing reporters in Washington contrasted with the “positive” nature of his sit-down with Biden.

Netanyahu didn’t appreciate the way she expressed her concern over the humanitarian crisis in Gaza — both because he thought she overstated the situation and because she suggested Israel was partially responsible. […]

… roughly 100 in the House and 28 in the Senate skipped Netanyahu’s speech, according to the Axios news site.

Harris also managed to be out of town for the event, which would have uncomfortably placed her right behind Netanyahu, presiding over the session as vice president, as he tacitly chided the administration for slow-walking weapons deliveries to Israel.

Former House speaker Nancy Pelosi, who is still one of the most influential members of the Democratic Party, called the address, “by far the worst presentation of any foreign dignitary invited and honored with the privilege of addressing the Congress of the United States.”

Many might disagree, but the fact that such a prominent Democrat feels comfortable giving such a biting critique of the Israeli leader is an astounding testament to the current status of relations between the Jewish state and what is now becoming Harris’s party.

There is a belief, a perception, that Israel controls the US Government. I am not saying that Israel doesn’t control many within the US Government, but this article doesn’t make it appear they control the whole US Government. Harris seemed comfortable disrespecting Netanyahu; Pelosi outright insulted him. The absence of 100 Congressmen and 28 Senators was pretty rude as well.

This doesn’t sound like a government completely controlled by Israel, as some claim.

What if one looks at Israel as they likely look at the US, having both a Deep State as well as patriots? What if Netanyahu isn’t a part of Israel’s Deep State? Maybe he once was, but is no longer. I have no idea, these questions aren’t backed by hard facts, just observations of what we are allowed to see.

What have I observed?

100 Congressmen and 28 Senators skipped Netanyahu’s speech, while those who attended gave him 44 standing ovations. This isn’t proof of anything other than that not everyone in Congress and the Senate are in lockstep with each other. I don’t think this is a party line issue, it’s something more.

What does this all mean?

Are the people who gave Netanyahu 44 standing ovations the American politicians that Israel’s Deep State controls, or are the politicians that weren’t present the ones controlled by Israel’s Deep State? Is Netanyahu working against or for the Israeli Deep State? There is always the possibility that he once worked for the Deep State, but he no longer does.

Nancy Pelosi doesn’t seem to be a fan of Netanyahu, and I think it’s a pretty easy call to say she is firmly entrenched in the American Deep State. Kamala Harris butted heads with Netanyahu as well. Netanyahu appears to have critics in Israel. Biden seemed to be cordial with Netanyahu. But let’s face it, Biden has been removed from the game board, and likely doesn’t even remember what he had for breakfast this morning. He’s probably just happy to have a visitor in the assisted living facility we call the White House.

The interaction between Trump and Netanyahu seemed to be very different—not one in which he insulted or snubbed the Israeli PM, or even one in which he showered him with insincere adoration, but one in which he seemed to show a genuine liking for, yet dominance over his visitor.

Five days after Netanyahu met with Trump, Israeli forces killed the leader of Hamas in Iran. This was a bold move to make. Did Netanyahu’s visit to Trump’s home involve getting Trump’s permission to make this move? Did Trump tell him to make this move, or was it a courtesy visit letting Trump know what he was going to do, allowing Trump to prepare for the aftermath?

No matter how one slices this, it doesn’t appear to me that Trump is Netanyahu’s puppet.

Some reading this may say, ‘Israel killed the leader of Hamas because a Hezbollah rocket killed 12 young people on an Israeli soccer field.’

To this I ask, were you there? Did you actually witness this firsthand?

It wouldn’t be the first time a mass casualty event has been staged. I’m not saying it did or did not happen, I’m just saying I didn’t personally witness it. It’s not beyond the realm of possibility to consider the rocket blast was staged to justify the killing of Hamas’ leader in Iran.

In reality, none of us have the necessary facts to determine without any doubt what is really going on. If one believes they have all the information necessary to make a final determination, they are simply fooling themselves. All we have to work with is what we’ve been allowed to observe—Congress, the Senate, Harris and Pelosi’s responses versus Trump’s interaction with Netanyahu.

I can’t see how it benefits Trump to align with Netanyahu if Netanyahu is currently Deep State, unless you view this as Trump manipulating Netanyahu. I can see how it benefits Trump to jettison Biden from the presidential race, forcing the American Deep State to replace him with Harris if Harris is actually at odds with Netanyahu, which appears to be the case.

I believe there is a Deep State within Israel, as there is within Iran. I think they are controlled by the same puppet masters. Imagine if Israel’s Deep State was forced into a war against Iran’s Deep State. They would be forced to destroy each other. To not do so would show to the world who really controls them. It would show the world that these two mortal enemies are in fact actors on a stage.

Is Trump forcing the Deep State’s hand? Is he calling their bluff? Is the Deep State being suckered into going all in or folding?

In neither situation can they win. In one scenario, they destroy each other; in the other, the whole system is exposed.

If one looks at American politicians as being NASCAR cars, they are sponsored by multiple companies, but one sponsor gets the biggest decal on the hood of the car, or the side of the doors.

I believe Biden’s biggest decal (sponsor) is the Chinese Deep State. Maybe this is why his recent conversation with Netanyahu seemed to lack tension, as the Middle Eastern conflict doesn’t involve his biggest sponsor that much. While Biden may have other sponsors, they don’t pay the mortgage like China does.

Who is Harris’ biggest sponsor? Is it the Muslim Brotherhood, like Obama? Is this why she seemed to have such an issue with Netanyahu? Has Trump swapped out Biden for Harris because this creates more conflict within the Deep State Cabal?

Trump and the patriots are in complete control.

The Deep State lacks all control. The Deep State is in panic mode.

The Deep State isn’t choosing to run Harris out to the public this late in the game. They spent the past 3 1/2 years trying to hide her from the public. If the Deep State wanted to make this shift, they would have done it two years ago. They would have made Harris the face of an important accomplishment during Biden’s administration as VP, or they would have had her replace Biden as POTUS, giving her credibility.

Instead, they made her the Border Czar, the administration’s biggest and most glaringly-obvious disaster.

As pathetic and corrupt as Biden is, Harris is an even worse candidate. The Deep State had to choose her; they had no other choice. They are no longer in control.

I haven’t definitively proven that Netanyahu is a patriot, a white hat or even a grey hat, for that matter. But I do think I’ve made a strong case that Trump is in control. He is certainly not the one being controlled.

It’s funny how people talk out of both sides of their mouths at the same time. They say Trump is a megalomaniac—a power-hungry tyrant and dictator, yet they also say he is a completely controlled puppet.

Which is it? You can’t say he is both the puppet and the puppet master. Yet many don’t recognize that one argument often runs contrary to their other argument.

In my opinion, everything that has occurred the past month tells me that Trump is in control. The patriots are in control. And, displayed especially on July 13th, God is in control.

The world is waking up. The world is being forced to wake up.

November 5th can’t come soon enough.

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