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The Werewolf Game - Hell is Organized

The Werewolf Game - Hell is Organized

This article was originally published on Badlands Media. You can read the original article HERE

The Ancient Origin of Modern Occultism

This feature is a continuation of The Werewolf Game series, which explores some of the core tenets at the heart of the Deep State’s mass mind control strategy. Start the series here.

Greetings Friends and Patriots,

Today’s article is going to be very dark in some parts. But there’s a payoff at the end.

Welcome back to the Werewolf Game series—a series of articles in which we learn all about the ancient past, hidden spiritual truths, hypnosis, 5G warfare, and a host of topics relevant to Digital Soldiers worldwide. This series is written in pursuit of Q’s directive that we expand our thinking, which, as it turns out, one cannot do unless one is willing to connect dots that have never been connected before…

If you are new here, then fret not: there is no need to start from the beginning. This series is written in such a way where you can read all the parts in any order you wish, and each article can stand on its own.

Q has told us that the cabal’s need for symbolism will be their downfall, and so, the main purpose of the Werewolf series is to assist in the decoding process. Werewolf symbolism, you see, plays a far more significant role in the current conflict than most would think—I assure you, I had no inkling whatsoever this time last year that I’d be writing extensively about werewolves in 2024.

Anyways, recent articles have taken a focus on ancient history and language. Today, we’re going to discuss, among other things, the true purpose of child sacrifice rituals, because this is a KEY part of understanding the enemy we face.

Given the widespread suppression of information about such topics, there are scant officials sources one can find on them. Some of what I know about the cabal, indeed, comes from personally knowing people who were either born into elite families or worked directly with individuals who had been trafficked and tortured. As much as I’d prefer the luxury of pointing you in the direction of this or that “official source” to corroborate what follows, that option isn’t always available.

If you’ve read the previous installments, feel free to skip to the next section: a Key Purpose of Sacrifice Rituals.

Learning about this stuff, though useful, is not as important as your health. Too much negative information can wear a nervous system out—it’s heartbreaking when you look even more closely at what they’re doing to the souls of children through these rituals. What follows here is not suitable for children or those who are prone to anxiety or paranoia (DISCLAIMER: nothing herein shall be construed as professional medical or psychological advice).

Introduction: the Koryos Werewolves

It turns out that werewolves, vampires, demons, zombies, etc are real.

They aren’t exactly as they’re portrayed by Hollywood, but they aren’t entirely fictional either. Indeed, they’re real enough to (more or less) influence the entire cultural (and geopolitical) landscape; I’m quite certain that they are a key influence on the cabal that Trump and Q et al. are fighting.

The original werewolf cult, the Koryos, hails from the part of the world where Ukraine, Western Russia, Romania, etc are located, and it’s possible that they’ve never left.

They aren’t like you and I—they are a distinct predator class who have their own culture and history (it’s not politically correct to say things like that, of course, but this conclusion is forced on us by empirical evidence and basic logic). Their psychology is, for all intents and purposes, completely alien to most human beings; and this means that most popular models of anthropology and psychology are insufficient to help us understand them.

Normal people cannot fathom participating in satanic child sacrifices, but these cultists have formed an entire culture around such activities. As human beings, we try to “relate” to others in order to understand them, but we have to overcome that instinct if we are to make sense of the Koryos (and similar strains of psychotic cultists).

A Key Purpose of Sacrifice Rituals

Have you ever asked yourself WHY it’s “necessary” to sacrifice children to appease Moloch/Baal/etc? Are evil “gods” holding humanity hostage, demanding ransom in the form of children?

That’s most likely part of it… but there’s more going on here than meets the eye.

When researching the Koryos Werewolf cult, a theme kept coming up in my research: the theme of earthbound spirits—these are demonic beings who, for various reasons, are “stuck” on Earth. It is said that, in many cases, these are spirits of people who didn’t “go into the light” after they died.

The Koryos, you see, would intentionally permit these spirits to possess their bodies, because they believed it gave them supernatural abilities of various kinds. (There may be a “science” behind that concept after all, but I’m getting ahead of myself…)

One sees variations of this theme in spiritual and religious systems all over the world. No matter what the specifics are, the general consensus is that many ghosts and earthbound spirits were people who died in a state of trauma and/or confusion, which prevented them from going back into the light.

Now here’s something I learned from someone born into an elite family (whose name I will never share, so feel free to take what follows or not as you see fit): these sacrifice rituals are performed to, among other reasons, create ghosts who remain controllable even after death by the dark occultists who sacrificed them. These children died believing that their soul was under eternal control by their sacrificers, and this thwarted them from going into the light. These dark occultists discovered that the most “potent” ghost-energy came from children with kind hearts.

Believe the above, or don’t, as you see fit. This is just what I was told—and I’ve passed it along to you guys because I personally do believe that this is true. (I brought this very concept up with an acquaintance who works with victims of satanic ritual abuse [SRA] who independently verified this fact).

Stay with me folks, because there’s hope at the end here (“from darkness to light”, as Q said).

American Hypnotist’s Theory of Dissociated Identity

Hypnosis and mind-control, it would appear, affects both the living AND the dead—which rather proves that hypnosis can work directly on the mind (the implications of this are nothing short of staggering). Given that this is the case, we need to talk about something called a “post hypnotic trigger,” and understand how such triggers can get installed into a mind, such that these triggers could remain “active” across both sides of the veil.

The basic formula for creating a hypnotic trigger is so simple, it can be encapsulated into one sentence: associate a stimulus of some kind to an intense experience, and you can re-invoke that exact same experience in the same person with the same stimulus. Because every mind is unique to some degree, this means that the same “anchoring” process that works for person A might not work for person B, but, either way, subconscious association is the name of the game—the rest is just details.

A post hypnotic suggestion can be created intentionally in a person by a knowledgeable hypnotist; but, more often than not, life itself throws us curveballs that cause us to develop “triggers” on our own.

“Phobias” are often an example of this—people can develop phobias towards all kinds of things under the right conditions.

For example: as a young man, I walked across the top of a waterfall and almost fell down a hundred feet onto jagged rock. Subsequently, I developed an irrationally strong phobia of heights. Phobias are over-zealous “safety” programs that the subconscious mind instantiates to keep you safe.

PTSD, in my estimation, works in a very similar manner. A person goes through an intense, traumatic experience, and subsequently, they get triggered by certain things that reinvoke the original experience. I would imagine that being sacrificed in a satanic ritual might leave a scar on the soul?

An intensely traumatic experience can happen very suddenly, but that’s not the only way a trigger can develop. Triggers can also develop through prolonged contact with demoralizing people, situations, places, etc—what do you think the MSM is for? (As an aside, you can alleviate almost all “demoralization” caused by the MSM by thoroughly discrediting them in your own mind using basic logic and empirical evidence… all of which we will discuss further in future articles).

If you ask me, Dissociated Identity Disorder (DID) is an extreme case of PTSD. But to understand what I mean, we need to first define what a personality is in the first place.

(DISCLAIMER: everything in this article is merely the opinion of one man. Nothing herein shall be construed as professional medical or psychological advice.)

On Personalities vs. the Self

After giving the question much thought over many years, I believe that what we call a “personality” would be best described as a meta-habit, which itself is formed as a response to a given situation/environment. That is to say, a personality isn’t what we are; instead, it’s what we habitually DO.

Let that idea sink in for a moment, because the significance of this is as subtle as it is important.

Entire personalities, you see, can be formed in response to traumatic events, and this is why I see DID as akin to PTSD—and, just like with a PTSD response, entire personalities can be switched on and off using “triggers”. (The first Zoolander movie spelled it out rather clearly, whilst also making the whole things seem comedic/ridiculous…)

Now, before anyone thinks that I’m suggesting some variant of the “social constructivist” theory of personality here, I assure you, that’s not the case. The base materials from which a personality is constructed are themselves inherent/natural/etc (it comes from our genetics, our actual experiences, and even from the structure of existence itself when you look at things from the highest possible level).

A personality is an “artificial construct” in the same sense that a piece of music can be said to be an artificial construction—the notes themselves, and the rules that govern their relations to each other, are inherent to nature/reality/etc, whereas their assembly into a unique form is an act of creation (albeit, the whole process is almost entirely unconscious in the vast majority of human beings).

In the same way that a composer isn’t literally the music he composes, you are not literally your personality—your personality is something created/chosen by you at a deep subconscious level, whilst YOU are something utterly transcendent of “personalities” altogether. Indeed, you are not your thoughts, your beliefs, your emotions, your habits… YOU would still exist if all those things were theoretically taken away.

Like wearing an article of clothing, a spirit could don any number of “personalities”, each of which has a purpose behind its creation (or adoption). Having a personality helps your mind organize its own experience, which determines, largely, the way you perceive things at a sensory level.

All behavior is purpose driven, regardless of whether we consciously know said reason, and a “personality” is ultimately an assemblage of behaviors. The main question is: whose purpose is being carried out?

Which brings us right back to the Koryos…

An Ancient Science of Mind Control

One of the most important “ingredients” of the ghost creation process is that a child must be convinced that their sacrificer is a LEGITIMATE authority (children generally see the adults around them in that way to begin with, so this tends to happen automatically). They must be killed whilst believing that their sacrificer has the power to grant or deny them access to Heaven (or Paradise, or some other equivalent); they must be convinced that they themselves are irredeemably bad/evil/broken/fallen/etc.

The impressionability of children is the very thing that predisposes them to become loyal ghosts.

In the book Wicked Teeth: the Secret History of Werewolves, the anonymous author Rogue Hypnotist explained that the Koryos recruited children whom they groomed to become killers through various drug-induced, ritualized means (a bit like a “proto MK Ultra” program for kids). The Koryos used children, whether corporeal or otherwise, as weapons. (Somewhat like how communists recruit the youth to foment political agitation…)

The process of destroying the will of a person and then replacing it with the will of the cult is symbolized by the concept of ZOMBIFICATION—indeed, like mindless zombie hordes, the Koryos sent bands of young boys to go massacre nearby villages. Given that the Koryos prized homosexual “love” over heterosexual “love” (their concept of “love”, mind you, bears almost no resemblance whatsoever to any sane definition of the word), they needed to recruit these children into their ranks, rather than make them themselves.

Importantly, these children were known to become absolutely ferocious killers. Remember how the Koryos would intentionally allow themselves to become possessed in order to receive superhuman strength, among other abilities?

From where I’m standing, it would appear that some kind of ancient science of mind control exists whereby children are tortured and groomed to become utterly ferocious beings/spirits, and who then become the very ghosts that enter the bodies of other Koryos members to imbue them with the same demonic ferocity.

It would not surprise me in the slightest if the progenitors of the MK Ultra program are themselves direct inheritors of the werewolf tradition. These people appear to have a deep science of mind control that relies on torture, hypnosis, occultism, and which creates split personalities and ghosts.

Please keep in mind that the universe is big enough for many things to be simultaneously true—what I’ve presented is not necessarily a “theory of everything” regarding the cabal, demons, and other related topics. I have only provided a piece of the overall puzzle, in the hopes that this will assist Digital Soldiers in our collective decoding efforts.

With all the above said, let’s finish things off on a happier note…

How to Rescue a Soul

In part 3 of this series, we introduced a man named Dr. Jerry Marzinsky, who worked with schizophrenic patients in maximum security hospitals, and who demonstrated beyond any reasonable shadow of a doubt that the voices schizophrenic patients hear are NOT hallucinations—they come from evil spirits who have an independent existence of their own.

On his youtube channel Engineering Sanity, Marzinsky has repeatedly told a very instructive story of a therapist who worked with the voices to try to heal them, and successfully helped one go back into the light.

A surprising fact about the voices is that they have a hierarchy, where some spirits act as “handlers” for other spirits in order to maintain their “programming” (the CIA basically does the same thing on our side of the veil…).

Within this hierarchy, there are enforcer spirits who use threats and deception to keep the “lower” spirits in line. These threats and lies can largely be summed up as “God hates you, and if you don’t do as I say then we’re going to send you to an even deeper rung of Hell than the one you’re currently in”.

Marzinsky’s colleague (whom he has not named publicly, because you can get in a HEAP of trouble for talking about this stuff) managed to gain the trust of one of these voices. He asked the voice, “do you have any light in you?”, to which the voice responded, “they told me that there is no light in me”…

The therapist then asked, “have you ever looked?”, and the voice responded, “if I don’t keep doing this to [the patient], then they will throw me into the pit”. Nonetheless, the therapist got the voice to “look inside yourself and see for yourself if you have any light in you”… and, lo and behold, the voice came back and said, “there’s a dim orange color”.

So the therapist persisted, “but I thought you have no light in you? What happens if you go towards the light”.

This was the moment that the voice learned that it had been lied to by the very hierarchy it served. Recall what I said earlier about the importance of being able to discredit liars?

The voice resisted at first, because it was afraid that the light would “burn” it—but it eventually worked up the courage to walk into the light that it found inside itself. And upon discovering that the light was safe, it swiftly walked into it, after which the patient never heard the voices again.

If you go to Marzinsky’s channel, you can hear plenty more stories of this nature. Even when a spirit has been lost between realms, having wandered for so long in the darkness that they no longer know who they are, it is STILL possible to help them see the light. Indeed, isn’t it amazing that the primary mechanisms of “enforcement” within hells hierarchy are deception and fear?

(For the record: I do NOT recommend one make it their mission to rescue spirits unless all of your material and financial needs are met, and you’re in absolute peak health in every domain of your being, from the physical to the spiritual. Seeking out contact with spirits can make one go schizophrenic—I’ve seen it happen. It’s far more important that we take stock of what’s going on in the world and deal with the cabal first. Once they’re out of the picture, a LOT of problems will suddenly become fixable that previously weren’t.)

The Nature of Enslavement

One lesson I’ve taken from these stories about spirits is that we indeed become our own jailer when we’re severed from the truth. I could tell many more stories of miraculous healings that have occurred as a result of reconnecting with God, reconnecting with intrinsic truth (which science is SUPPOSED to explore, but doesn’t), and so on. I have personal stories that I shall share in future articles—for I was groomed into militant leftism as as a young child and have had my own battles with demons that made their way into my psyche as a consequence of the lies that I had been raised to believe.

As powerful as the cabal may appear, they are unable to enslave us without our participation. By being willfully ignorant, we empower those who would deceive us. Consequently, nothing is as important as the pursuit of objective truth.

Of course, we must approach the truth in degrees—we can’t know “everything”, nor can we expect ourselves to be without error 100% of the time. But as long as we make it our aim to know the truth as objectively as possible, we will surely free ourselves by our own spiritual bootstraps, sooner or later.

What is taking place in this world is not merely a “geopolitical” war, but a spiritual war. The more clearly we can understand the beliefs and practices of the dark occult, the more we will inevitably learn about ourselves as we continue decoding their symbols—there will come a point when we’ll reach a “critical threshold” of awareness, which is the very thing these dark occultists fear the most.

Remember, at first it’s a trickle, and then it trickles a bit more, and then the flood comes…

I reckon a Storm is brewin’.

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