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Merchants of Chaos at work: how we are being used by Labour and other criminals

Merchants of Chaos at work: how we are being used by Labour and other criminals

This article was originally published on The liberty Beacon. You can read the original article HERE

Intro by Watchdog

I love it when someone throws some light of understanding upon hitherto cloudy and bewildering issues.

The following article does just that, bringing some understanding to current events that have us all vexed and dismayed.

Before I go further into this, I want to clarify one thing: I am neither a Jew nor a Muslim. I have Muslim and Jewish friends and they are good people, with whom I get along just fine and who get along with one another just fine as well.

I have a lot of sympathy for the violence and suffering to which both peoples have been subjected, from the slaughter of Jews by the Nazis to the carpet bombing of Baghdad by the West to the slaughter of Palestinians by the Zionist regime in Tel Aviv and various other mass killings inflicted by the invaders of the Muslim countries of the Middle East.

And there is of course the violence that rabid elements of both communities have visited upon one another over  the years.

The ongoing tiresome conflicts of Muslim vs Jew vs Christian vs Hindu vs Sikh vs Atheist and so forth, in which otherwise rational people become the victims of mind games that result in erstwhile friends and neighbours slaughtering one another, are of course a phenomenon now thoroughly explained by the discovery of the natural law known as the Third Party Law – which is explained here. Its sincere and honest application presents us with a tool with which to resolve conflicts.

There are of course those who do not want this or that conflict resolved as they profit or benefit from its continuance and they will do everything they can think of to sabotage such efforts. I refer to them as the Merchants of Chaos.

Be that as it may, in my own life I grew up when the Muslim world was very much under the yoke of the British empire, then later the American Empire. And outside the Middle East, the Muslim country of Afghanistan was variously attacked, invaded and subjugated by the British, Russians, Americans and so forth.

This is not to say that the Muslim world has not itself also produced its far share of psychopathic maniacs to blight the existence of decent people the same as the Christian world, but overall it is the Christian maniacs who have thus far prevailed to a point where their allies/proxies, the Zionists, are slaughtering the people of Palestine whilst the US and UK  are currently bombing (yet again) several Muslim countries and evidently chomping at the bit to blow up thousands more Muslims if they can dupe their own citizenry into supporting it, financing it and donating their sons and daughters to the war effort.

It mystified me for quite some time what this “Muslim threat” advertised in our media and by our politicians was all about and how we could be so threatened by people whose countries we have been bombing and/or occupying and/or messing up for as long as I can remember.

I can appreciate that we might be frightened by lurid stories of illegal  immigrants arriving here in dinghies but if that scares us (which is what such scenarios are intended to do) I cannot imagine how scary it would be if these immigrants had arrived here in warships and tanks and planes all bristling with missiles and backed by entire industries devoted to manufacturing weapons of death and aggressively chucking their weight about and/or shooting anything that moves, blowing the limbs off our children and so forth, which is more or less what the residents of many Muslim countries have had to face.

And it occurred to me to that many of the illegals, desperate enough to risk the terrifying ordeal of crossing the ocean in a crowded dinghy (we may never know the numbers who drowned) come from countries we are have been or still are blowing up and otherwise rendering chaotic and unliveable, so perhaps if we are really concerned about the influx of refugees we could help ourselves by telling our government and its proxies stop creating them.

After all, the current genocide in Gaza is going to drive thousands of Palestinians to desperate measures in the search for a safe and tolerable life free from agony and terror and we’ll be moaning about “all  these Palestinian immigrants”. Why can they not stay in their own country even though it has just ben wiped off the ruddy map by the Zionist brand of psychopathic maniac?

Of course, the Zionists do not have a monopoly on psychopathic maniacs. Essentially, we live in a world run by gangs of psychopaths known as “governments” whose stock-in-trade is death and  these gangs fight one another. As they fight, millions of people who would rather skip the whole thing and live decent lives get caught up in it rather like bystanders getting caught up in a gangland shot-out that wrecks their neighbourhood.

So how did we get hoodwinked into fearing the very people we’ve been invading and subjugating for the last few hundred years?

The recent events in Palestine threw things into better light when it became evident that much of our media and political establishment is Zionist-controlled, whether through blackmail, financial leverage or actual allegiances. With Zionist eyes on  carving out a realm in the Middle East, and an ongoing atrocity happening before our eyes, it is necessary for them to pull the stunt commonly used by aspiring conquerors: the dehumanisation and vilification of the intended victims. If you can make the victims seems somehow less human, less worthy of decent treatment or even deserving of whatever violence you are dishing out, you can make your crimes seems less criminal, less abhorrent to to the citizenry of your home nation whose support and sacrifice you are going to need if you are to have your way.

It seems to me that this is what has been happening through the Zionist- controlled media and political establishment, the dehumanisation and vilification of the target peoples,  much as the Jews were once targeted, dehumanised and vilified by the Nazis.

This is not to say that the Muslim world does not produce  its own psychopaths and subversive nutjobs: all counitries have them. It just so happens that at this point in history the Western nutjobs and their Zionist chums (or masters?) have done a brilliant job of  duping, propagandising and manipulating Western populations so as to feed parasitically upon their resources and enterprise.

And we wind up with the propaganda coup whereby Brits are kept so fixated on worrying about being “taken over” by Muslims, they don’t notice their country is already to a considerable  degree taken over by the Zionists.

The  following article gives in my view some insight into how that manipulation and psychological subjugation is being done, through the activities of Zionost-controlled front groups ad stooges and how this led to the disgusting spectacle of the murder of three little girls by a drugged-up nutter from a Christian family being used to whip up hysteria and in the good old divide-and-conquer  tradition.

We (Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs, Atheists et al) rare being played by psychopaths and sociopaths into fighting eachother. Can we please stop letting them do that?

Anyway, we predicted at Labour would waste no time using its majority of seats acquired via the actual vote of just one citizen in five) to  push through the globalist agenda in a hurry before its hollow popularity collapses. And that is just what Labour is doing, with the help of various front groups and agents provocateurs operating within our communities.

[NOTE: The meaning of AGENT PROVOCATEUR is someone employed to associate with suspected persons and by pretending sympathy with their aims to incite them to some incriminating action.]

Check out the article and form your own conclusions.

And The False Flag Protests

This will be an extremely intricate situation to navigate, so even if you don’t agree with a given point, bear with the article, because there’s a lot of hidden elements to unpack which may end up changing your mind on the wider context.

Keir’s Starmtroopers

Keir Starmer recently announced the mass rollout of “facial recognition technology” in order to restrict the free movements of ‘criminals’, as exposed by Big Brother Watch, and scarcely mentioned in mainstream media:

Was this in response to a stabbing of 10 British children in Southport, three of which are dead? No. The mass stabbing had been done by Axel Rudakubana, a 17 year old, born in Cardiff (in Wales) to two Rwandan migrants, and it provoked zero retaliary response from the government.

What the government was responding to were the protests and riots organised in response to the stabbing, where Keir ‘angrily blamed the far-right’. Now, it’s very easy to get sucked in here as it seems like we have clear cut good guys and bad guys in the classically wrong Hollywood trope, but there’s more to this whole story than first meets the eye.

Keir Is A Friend Of Israel

He even took liberty to address them directly and in-person to say he would not allow boycotts of Israeli goods:

Why is this relevant?

Stephen Yaxley-Lennon (A.K.A Tommy Robinson) Is Also A Friend Of Israel

Stephen proudly wearing an IDF shirt
Stephen proudly wearing a Mossad shirt.

And before you say ‘maybe he just bought those shirts’, he’s him on an IDF tank at the Golan Heights…

For those of you not familiar, the riots and protests (supposedly ‘against’ the Southport stabbing), were organised by Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, a name so suspiciously middle-class (and not working classhe had to adopt a fake British sounding name in order to trick people.

It’s not a hard thing to conclude regarding his involvement either: the rioters were explicitly chanting “Tommy Tommy Tommy Robinson” (apparently his ego needs stroking even with a fake name?).

Smarter folks might have noticed the fake name is basically comprised of the word ‘Tommy’ (from the nickname given to British troops during WW1) and ‘Robinsons’ (the famous British squash drink given to children). I.E. the most obviously generic British references possible. It’d be like if he called himself Royce Cadbury.

Why the media keep referring to his fake name, we’ll never know — maybe it’ll spoil the illusion of ‘the far-right’ if they said ‘Riots Organised By Stephan Yaxley-Lennon’ or ‘Riots Organised By The IDF’?

As evidenced, Stephen Yaxley-Lennon is rabidly pro-IsraelJust like the UK government, and Keir Starmer. And it turns out these riots serve Israel’s objectives a lot better than they do the British public.

Even the pro-Israel Times of Israel announced Stephen Yaxley-Lennon was receiving financing from pro-Israel groups back in 2019, expressing some confusion. The EDL have been supporting Israel from at least 2009. English Defence League? Seems more like Israel Defence League.

Stephen Yaxley-Lennon Exits Stage Left

Another curiousity is the stabbing occurred on July 29th, shortly after Stephen Yaxley-Lennon exited the UK, supposed in order to flee a court order (he hasn’t fled any other court orders prior to this point). In-fact, his departure was announced by Sky News on… July 29th, although they claim he had already left the country in June (again, using his fake name).

Rioters Attack Muslims

Stepen Yaxley-Lennon had directed his Israeli goons to attack a mosque, supposedly in response to the Southport stabbing, even though the attacker was associated with Rwanda, a majority Christian country in Africa.

Even if you were approaching this with an eye towards race, Rwandans are Africans, most Muslims are classically Arabic. It makes absolutely no sense whichever direction you spin this. His attacks only make sense through the lens of Israeli thinking, and not through British thinking.

Essentially, this is an attempt to cause the British public to fight pro-Palestinians, essentially dividing a now Israel-critical British public (one type of Israeli enemy) into fighting supporters of Palestinians (another type of Israeli enemy), whilst allowing a pro-Israel government to expand their authoritarian powers.

Media Fuel The Fire

‘We’re after a man; may be male, man-aged and looks like a man.’

Remember when nearly every other stabbing crime was about “a man” with zero details? You know, ‘just in-case it made people racist and angry’. And how nearly every other protest (E.G. the anti-lockdown, anti-mandate and anti-vaccine protests) got practically zero coverage? These are typically censored via UK government “D-Notices”.

Well, curiously, the media have played into the riots, not only with perpetual coverage, but by doing something they almost never do, which is not only to name the perpetrator, but to also immediately both reveal a descriptor and photographs of the stabber (the BBC even tossed in a court drawing).

Oh, and the reported stabber just happens to also have ties to the UK government, via the BBC.

It’s fairly obvious then we have plants for Israel — one is Keir Starmer, passing legislation to take away your freedoms, and the other is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, who gives him the justification to do so by provoking the British public into attacking enemies of Israel.

Misdirected Anger

Scapegoating Muslims is a convenient distraction, both from the government’s own tyranny (both expansion of and perpetual encroachment) and their current overseas warmongering.

The riots have distracted from the fact the UK has very recently sent additional troops to the middle-east, which looks like they’re planning to go to war with Iran and Lebanon on Israel’s behalf.

Visit The Daily Beagle for more fascinating articles

Visit UK Reloaded


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This article was originally published by The liberty Beacon. We only curate news from sources that align with the core values of our intended conservative audience. If you like the news you read here we encourage you to utilize the original sources for even more great news and opinions you can trust!

Read Original Article HERE

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