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Badlands News Brief

Badlands News Brief

This article was originally published on Badlands Media. You can read the original article HERE

Fake Electionception, Sovereign Alliance Digs & Chick Fights

The News Cycle is almost impossible to track these days. At least, to do so fully.

That’s where we come in.

In the Badlands News Brief, the Badlands Media team hand pick news items of interest from the previous days to give you an overview of the biggest goings-on relevant to the Truth Community with some Badlands flavoring to help wash it down.

Now, onto the news from Thursday, August 1 …

US recognizes opposition candidate González as the winner of Venezuela’s presidential election

The stakes grew higher for Venezuela’s electoral authority to show proof backing its decision to declare President Nicolás Maduro the winner of the country’s presidential election after the United States on Thursday recognized opposition candidate Edmundo González as the victor, discrediting the official results of the vote.

The U.S. announcement followed calls from multiple governments, including close allies of Maduro, for Venezuela’s National Electoral Council to release detailed vote counts, as it has done during previous elections.

The electoral body declared Maduro the winner Monday, but the main opposition coalition revealed hours later that it had evidence to the contrary in the form of more than two-thirds of the tally sheets that each electronic voting machine printed after polls closed.

“Given the overwhelming evidence, it is clear to the United States and, most importantly, to the Venezuelan people that Edmundo González Urrutia won the most votes in Venezuela’s July 28 presidential election,” U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said in a statement.

Maduro responded with a quick admonishment: “The United States needs to keep its nose out of Venezuela!” — AP News

Our Take: There we have it. The ultimate reverse indicator.

I hope this serves as a potent reminder to those who immediately regurgitated globalist talking points coming out of Venezuela regarding a "stolen election," and using 15-second videos of SpAntifa thugs burning stuff, known gang members lobbing threats and out-of-context images of big crowds as their only evidence.

As I've been saying since the very first thing I wrote in the Info War, it is FAR easier and more useful for the purposes of awakening to hunt down falsehoods, contradictions and logical fallacies than it is to "discover" truth through a digital kaleidoscope of Fifth-Gen Warfare deployments.

Reverse or negative indicators abound in the Info War.

When ALL of the worst people, figures and apparatus start saying the same thing, in unison, the opposite stance might not be entirely accurate, BUT ... it's a much better place to start than marching in lockstep with a regime bent on your continued subjugation and stupefaction.

But then, perhaps this sentiment is best expressed via a loose timeline:

In 2016, they told you the election was stolen.

In 2020, they told you the election was "fortified."

In 1995 & 2002, they told you the elections of Saddam Hussein were "show elections." What followed was the 2003 invasion of a sovereign nation by western terrorists, a literal show trial by an Iraqi court installed by the US and an execution of a sovereign leader who had threatened the petrodollar.

In 2011, Muammar Gaddafi warned that the "Arab Spring" movement was a color revolution after threatening the petrodollar's hegemony. He was dragged through the streets, sodomized with bayonets and killed. Hillary Clinton infamously cackled in delight over these events. Years of Obama-funded bloodshed ensued.

In 2014, the Obama and CIA-backed Maidan Revolution culminated in the ousting of Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych and the genocide of ethnic Russians in the Donbas.

In 2024, Ah, never mind. I'm sure they're telling us the truth about Venezuela now ...

And the US come November. —

Russia to Release Evan Gerskovich, Paul Whelan in Prisoner Swap

Russia has agreed to release jailed Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gerskovich and former U.S. Marine Paul Whelan in a prisoner swap, according to a report Thursday by Bloomberg News.

Bloomberg reported:

Russia is releasing Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich and former US Marine Paul Whelan as part of a major prisoner swap with the US, according to people familiar with the situation.

The men, jailed in Russia on espionage charges they and the US deny, are en route to destinations outside of Russia. The US and its allies will return prisoners to Russia that they hold under the deal, the people said, asking for anonymity to discuss matters that aren’t yet public.

Last month, Russia sentenced Gerskovich to 16 years in prison on bogus espionage charges. Whelan was left behind in a previous prisoner swap to release WNBA star Brittney Griner in 2022.

It is unclear which Russian prisoners held by the U.S. were released in the exchange, or what other concessions the U.S. made for Gerskovich and Whelan’s release.

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump had promised to secure the prisoners’ release, threatening enemies of the U.S. in his speech to the party convention last month: “To the entire world, we want our hostages back—and they better be back before I assume office, or you will be paying a very big price.” — Breitbart

Our Take: Paul Whelan is coming home. Readers will recall the confusion and disappointment of December 2022 when Whelan was left behind, deprioritized for WNBA star Brittany Griner — convicted on drug charges in Russia. He is currently serving a 20 year prison sentence, but will soon return stateside, according to this report.

Evan Gerskovich, the journalist discussed by Vladimir Putin and Tucker Carlson earlier this year, was also released, despite having been sentenced to 16 years for espionage charges last month.

The terms of this development have not been released.

‘It is unclear which Russian prisoners held by the U.S. were released in the exchange, or what other concessions the U.S. made for Gerskovich and Whelan’s release.’

Journalists should demand answers from the White House on what they negotiated with Putin, but it’s likely (and expected) they will call this a win, and an example of the Biden Admin’s competence and leadership, while not disclosing the terms.

Of course, they may have no idea. As the author mentions at the close of this piece, Russia’s change of heart seems directly related to the much anticipated return of President Trump.



UK charges Glencore’s billionaire ex-head of oil over corrupt payments

The UK Serious Fraud Office has charged Glencore’s billionaire ex-head of oil Alex Beard and four other former executives with conspiring to make corrupt payments after a long-running investigation into allegations of bribery by the UK-listed commodity trader in Africa.

Beard, who ran Glencore’s oil division between 2007 and his retirement in 2019, became a billionaire when the company listed in London in 2011 and is the highest profile commodity trader to be charged with corruption in the UK.

Beard was charged along with former colleagues Andrew Gibson, Paul Hopkirk, Ramon Labiaga and Martin Wakefield in relation to oil contracts awarded in Glencore’s interests, the SFO said on Thursday. The defendants must appear before Westminster Magistrates’ Court on September 10.

The fraud agency first opened an investigation into Glencore in 2019 over allegations of bribery connected to its London-based West Africa desk, which sourced and traded crude oil across the continent. The SFO was initially planning to announce charges last year but was forced to delay the decision after it received more evidence. — Financial Times

Our Take: Glencore? Africa? Bribery? Where have I heard all of this before?

That's right: Dan Gertler—the Israeli billionaire oligarch and scion of the Israeli diamond cartel, who was targeted by President Trump's Executive Order 13818 in December 2017 for using child slaves in his copper and cobalt mines in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Gertler's name was the third name listed among the thirteen individuals targeted by the initial EO. (Other people, such as the Gupta Brothers, were targeted later by the EO, as the investigation expanded.)

But it gets better, because another name I noticed in the court filings concerning the settlement deal Glencore struck with authorities in May 2022 was Venezuela.

Turns out that, in addition to targeted mining rights in Africa, Glencore (the largest commodity trading company in the world) also targeted oil rights in Venezuela. When I dug deeper, I found a lawyer named David Boies, who is billed as "the most famous lawyer in the world." (I've never heard of him...)

Based solely on a review of his list of clients, Boies seems to be a true lawyer— and I don't mean that as a compliment. He has represented Harvey Weinstein, and was accused of hiring Black Cube (Tel Aviv-based private intelligence firm) to run smear campaigns against Weinstein's victims. His other clients include Jeff Bezos, the NFL (against the Players' Union), Theranos (Elizabeth Holmes), Al Gore in Bush v. Gore (election integrity lawfare), and was responsible for the 2009 lawsuit against Proposition 8 in California, which was filed after the state legislature amended the California constitution to outlaw gay marriage. Boies’ success in getting Proposition 8 overturned is what seems to have started the lawfare campaign that has spawned the LGBTQ madness.

However, Boies was also responsible for representing the DOJ in the 2001 landmark antitrust action taken against Microsoft on behalf of the US government, after Microsoft was accused of monopolization for placing restrictions on the ability of PC manufacturers to uninstall Internet Explorer and utilize competitors like Netscape or Java. Bill Gates publicly accused Boies of trying to destroy Microsoft.

Boies also represented [pro bono] Virginia Giuffre against Prince Andrew (though Boies agreed to settle the suit before Andrew was deposed), as well as other Epstein victims seeking justice and maybe some form of closure.

And, coincidentally, just two days ago, Delta announced that they had retained Boies to go after Crowdstrike and Microsoft for the recent massive outage. (Could this discovery be how we learn the truth about Crowdstrike and/or what really caused the outage?)

I've spent enough time around lawyers to know that the best ones are always sought out by the people who need them most, and that tends to be people who are in some kind of legal trouble, so we can't judge a skilled lawyer solely on his client list, especially if he is also shown to have participated in more noble causes. (There are always exceptions to that rule.)

But what throws a wrench into this plotline is that Boies’ client was Nicholas Maduro, who wanted to go after the foreign executives who had struck predatory deals to exploit the resources of his country by bribing corrupt officials—whom Maduro threw into jail, after a scorned lover exposed the corruption of the lead conspirator by bringing his laptop to Maduro.

So when Maduro filed his lawsuit against Glencore, Trifigura, and Vitol—"the three biggest commodity trading houses in the world, with combined annual revenue of a trillion dollars"—in US court in March 2018, it would be one of the biggest civil actions cases in US history. (Funny how we never heard about it...)

According to this Bloomberg article dated April 20, 2023, there were 40 executives named, and over 70 attorneys involved. The laptop had been given to an investor named Bill Duker in March 2017 by the "bitter rival" of the lead conspirator, William Ruperti, who had received it from the conspirator's salty ex-wife. Ruperti appears to have financed the legal defense of Maduro's two step-sons when they were caught smuggling cocaine into the United States, so I would assume Ruperti was given the laptop by Maduro, and asked to pursue the matter.

"The laptop contained a trove of explosive material, including instant message chats discussing confidential information and account statements for offshore companies that had made large, unexplained payments to family members of Venezuelan oil executives."

Is any of this starting to sound familiar? When I look at the timing of the filing of this lawsuit (March 2018,) it aligns with the future actions of the Trump State Department to go after associates of the globalist crime syndicate, such as the Guptas.

The crux of the services rendered through Glencore's bribery was to secure oil contracts awarded by the state, avoid government audits, and mitigate legal liabilities in the eyes of government officials.

This Bloomberg article dated November 30, 2017—roughly 6 months after Maduro gave Ruperti the laptop, and 6 months before they filed the lawsuit— titled, "Venezuela Arrests Former Oil Heads as Maduro Widens Purge" indicates that Maduro went into seek and destroy mode after receiving that laptop.

Another article from April of this year affirms this notion, reporting that a different oil minister—who apparently was Maduro's closest ally, but also once protege to Hugo Chavez—had been officially arrested charged with stealing millions of dollars from the government, and "conspiracy to destroy the Venezuelan economy" a year after stepping down in April 2023, as six other officials were arrested as part of a corruption prove, with speculation that Maduro's [former] ally would be next. The 2024 article confirms that the arrests are part of a multi-year corruption purge that had arrested 50 officials.

So, the same month that Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman was anointed as the sovereign of Arabia, and began his corruption purge of the royal family, Nicholas Maduro was also engaged in a corruption purge of his own? Which is still now ongoing? And it overlaps with the prosecutions and lawfare surrounding President Trump's Executive Order 13818—targeting the same companies?

One must wonder if this all has anything to do with that little coup (attempt?) we just witnessed in Venezuela. Seems that Maduro has made some enemies, which may align with the list that Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, and Mohammed bin Salman have compiled as a group.

And the same people who tried to sell us on the coup against Donald Trump, are now trying to sell us on the coup against Nicholas Maduro?

And then Maduro makes public statements that the same people who killed JFK also tried to kill Donald Trump, and have been overthrowing governments for over 200 years.

But the CIA is only 76 years old... could he mean something bigger? —

"This Is Unjust!" Female Boxer Quits Olympic Match, Melts Down In Tears After 'Biological Male' Brutalizes Her In 46 Seconds

Feminists are once again silent after a female boxer was destroyed in 46 seconds by a 'biological male' in an Olympic matchup.

After just 46 seconds and two massive shots to the head, Italy's Angela Carini threw her helmet onto the mat and abandoned the bout against Algerian boxer Imane Khelif, shouting "This is unjust!"

The 25-year-old Carini, and Italian police officer, refused to shake hands with Khelif - who was previously banned from the 2023 world championships by the International Boxing Association after failing tests to establish gender qualification.

After the Olympic match was stopped, the referee raised Khelif's hand in the air, while a visibly furious Carini yanked her hand away from the official and stormed off, the Daily Mail reports. She then dropped to her knees and burst into tears, saying she had never felt such strong blows in a match.

"I'm used to suffering. I've never taken a punch like that, it's impossible to continue. I'm nobody to say it's illegal," she said after the match. — ZeroHedge

Our Take: Outrage consumed social media Thursday, as a boxer with XY chromosomes competed against a boxer with XX chromosomes, forcing the latter to discontinue the match after just 46 seconds.

Again, satire has become reality:

A user on X, @sylphwindrunner wrote, ‘I cried watching this. They’ve legitimised men beating the sh*t out of women. Having been at the receiving end of a man’s fists, it took me right back there. That poor woman, all her life working & training for this. Absolutely disgraceful, repulsive & sickening.’

Angela Carini, the Italian female boxer was heard shouting, ‘This is unjust!’ as the match ended, and appears desperate for a decision from the International Olympic Committee on the fairness of the matchup.

Notably, the transgender boxer was banned from the International Boxing Association, but permitted by the IOC against the protests of female athletes.

Don’t expect justice for Carini or changes to IOC policy. The IOC is committed to equity or equality and safety. Remember, the 2024 IOC also allowed a convicted child rapist to compete in Men’s Volleyball.

And, for the trans movement, equity means never having to apologize for beating the shit out of women. —

US sends 12 warships to the Middle East amid rising tensions

The U.S. Defense Department has deployed 12 warships to the Middle East, including the Persian Gulf and the Mediterranean Sea, according to the Washington Post. This move comes amid heightened tensions in the region due to recent Israeli strikes on Beirut and Tehran.

The USS Theodore Roosevelt and six destroyers were stationed in the Persian Gulf, while a group of three landing ships and two destroyers with 4,000 marines and sailors was sent to the eastern Mediterranean. This deployment is not an official announcement of increased forces but a response to the recent escalation following the deaths of key figures from Hamas and Hezbollah.

On July 30, Israeli airstrikes targeted the Hezbollah stronghold in southern Beirut, resulting in the death of Hezbollah military chief Fouad Shokr. The following day, Hamas reported that Ismail Haniyeh, its political bureau head, was killed in an Israeli attack on his residence in Tehran. Hamas Deputy Chairman Mousa Abu Marzook warned that Haniyeh's assassination would provoke a response. — Badlands News

And …

US Senator Graham calls for military force against Iran over Hezbollah threats

Any escalation by Hezbollah against Israel that leads to a major confrontation should be viewed as an attack carried out and executed by Iran, according to a resolution South Carolina Republican Senator Lindsey Graham introduced on Wednesday.

 According to the resolution, the Senate “asserts that efforts to deter Hezbollah and the Islamic Republic of Iran are most credible when the President keeps all options on the table, including military force.”

The resolution holds Iran and Hezbollah responsible for “any adverse impacts on the people of Lebanon that result from an attack on the State of Israel by Hezbollah” and also urges Congress and the President to use “all diplomatic tools and power projection capabilities” to hold both Iran and Hezbollah accountable.

Graham also introduced an Authorization for Use of Military Force which would permit the use of US Armed Forces against Iran for threatening the national security of the US through the development of nuclear weapons. — Jerusalem Post

Our Take: Some things never change. Like Lindsey Graham, and his thirst for blood.

Funny thing about Lindsey Graham: [In my opinion] He helped found ISIS alongside his old buddy, John McCain.

In June 2011, Senators John McCain, Lady Lindsey, and that bum Richard Blumenthal all took a little trip to Libya. CNN shamelessly branded it as a display of "courage."

The reason they went to Libya was to meet with Abdelhakim Belhaj, the leader of a merry band of freedom fighters known as the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG).

Here's a picture of the three stooges present Belhaj with some kind of accolade—the "bread and circus" part of their trip, no doubt—but the true purpose of their trip (as CNN more or less reports) was to rally all these eager lads to go fight the good fight... and kill Muammar Gaddafi, which is exactly what they did about 4 months later.

After brutally butchering Gaddafi and live streaming it to the internet in October 2011, the LIFG and their allies raided the armory, and worked with the CIA to traffic those arms to their comrades in Syria, who were preparing to lay siege to Bashar al-Assad—who would gain the military support of the Russian military, the Wagner Group, and Hezbollah. That coalition that formed in 2012 would become the vanguard for fighting against ISIS, NATO, Israel, and their proxies in a conflict that has circuitously come full circle—detouring through Ukraine and Gaza—standing now on the doorstop of Lebanon, as the neighboring Golan Heights (Israeli-occupied Syria) prepares to join Lebanon as a potential battleground.

Iran has flexed up, promising to strike Israel, and the Taliban have offered to draw swords with Hezbollah, as has Russia, China, and likely North Korea—since Kim Jong Un was eager to send troops to Ukraine to fight for Vlad. (I think Un is just lonely, and wants more time with the boys; All good, bro, we miss Trump too.)

Wait a minute...

"Oh muh gawd, it's the Crown Prince's music!"

And there, my friends, is the closest thing to a "proof" that we are going to get (for now) that everything we have witnessed since Trump left office—regarding Netanyahu and the Middle East—has been part of a counterinsurgency operation against Netanyahu, spearheaded by the signing of the Abraham Accords on September 15, 2020.

It's a giant pincer move—a double-envelopment—with President Donald Trump on one side, and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman on the other. This operation has succeeded in isolating Netanyahu, politically, both abroad and at home. His reputation has been destroyed, sentiment among the public (hopefully in Israel, too) is turning against him, and arrest warrants even being issued—on the seventh anniversary of the Sword Dance; probably a coincidence—by the UN Criminal Court. (A totally illegitimate globalist construct... that is now being weaponized against the people who helped make it.)

Bibi crawled into Mar-a-Lago last week on his hands and knees, eager to kiss Trump's rings. It is a total inversion of that first trip Trump took to Israel—two days after the Sword Dance—where he flagrantly disrespected Bibi, as Bibi clearly expected him to bend the knee and kiss his rings.

The one thing Bibi had going for him in this conflict was the backing of the Arabs. They had used their missile defense systems to swat away Iran's last attack, as well as other attacks from the Houthis in Yemen; but now, the undisputed leader of the Arabs (and the Islamic world, at large) has chosen this moment—on the eve of war—to publicly extend the olive branch to the sworn enemy of Israel, with whom it has just exchanged vows of destruction.

This is a demonstration of 5D chess; Thinking many moves ahead; Anticipating the conflict before it develops; adapting to changing conditions; trapping the opponent in impossible positions;

Game Theory. —

Black Lives Matter’s Surprising Stance on Harris

Black lives matter’s persuasive power and influence climaxed in 2020, in the reckoning that followed the murder of George Floyd. It was a time of rare consensus, when some two-thirds of Americans expressed support for the cause, according to the Pew Research Center. But by last year, only half of Americans continued to support BLM, and less than a quarter did so strongly. “A majority of Americans say the increased focus on issues of race and racial inequality in the past three years hasn’t led to changes that have improved the lives of Black people,” Pew found.

Now BLM is weighing in on the candidacy of Vice President Kamala Harris. One might assume, based on the group’s foundational emphasis on identity politics, that its support for a liberal Black woman would be full-throated. Instead, I was surprised to see it release a statement last week that was strikingly critical of the Democratic Party’s decision to elevate Harris without a primary.

“Democratic Party elites and billionaire donors are attempting to manipulate Black voters by anointing Kamala Harris and an unknown vice president as the new Democratic ticket without a primary vote by the public,” the statement reads. “While the potential outcome of a Harris presidency may be historic, the process to achieve it must align with true democratic values. We have no idea where Kamala Harris stands on the issues.” The group called for a “virtual snap primary” that would give voters a chance to voice their preferences and concerns. Bernie Sanders famously argued that “it is not good enough for somebody to say, I’m a woman; vote for me.” Now Black Lives Matter seems to be arguing that it is no longer good enough to say: I am a Black woman; vote for me. — The Atlantic

Our Take: When it comes to analyzing the fake news, I often do so by categorizing various publications in accordance with what I imagine is their express mandate by the establishment.

The Atlantic is one of the key cultural narrative setters for the system, with its headlines not so much targeting or even speaking to the reading audience, but rather to other key narrative cultivators that orbit the DC Swamp and occupy informational outposts throughout the digital battlespace.

Specifically, they tend to traverse the gray zone between the entertainment and media industrial complexes, and so, when they put up signal flares, they're often warnings to their own side, which is why they're extremely useful when it comes to taking in the tenor and constitution of current narrative cycles.

With their latest, I believe The Atlantic has caught on to Trump's masterful baiting of another Kamala Harris race debate by warning their fellows not to lean in to an identity politics defense campaign.

Too late. —


Five arrested after 53 police officers injured in Southport riots

More than 50 police officers were injured and five men arrested after far-right riots in Southport, which broke out as the town reeled from a knife attack that killed three children.

The Merseyside chief constable, Serena Kennedy, said the five were arrested in connection with riots in which 53 police officers were injured – 49 from Merseyside police and four from Lancashire. Three police dogs, Zoe, Ike and Quga, were also hurt.

Kennedy said the rioters were there “purely for hooliganism and thuggery”. She estimated 200-300 people had been involved and said more rioters would be arrested.

A 31-year-old man from St Helens; a 31-year-old man from West Derby, Liverpool; and a 39-year-old man from Southport were all arrested on suspicion of violent disorder. Jordan Davies, 32, from Southport, was charged with possession of an offensive weapon on Wednesday night.

Merseyside police also announced the arrest of the fifth person, a 39-year-old man, following a report of a domestic incident in Southport after threats had been made to a male family member.

The suspect was taken to hospital for treatment for a head injury, and officers recognised him from footage of the disorder on Tuesday, where he is alleged to have thrown rocks at officers. The suspect was also reported to have racially abused a patient while at the hospital.

Special powers – known as section 60 and section 34 orders – are in place giving officers authority to stop and search individuals and direct people who are engaging in antisocial behaviour. — The Guardian

Trump, for 3rd time, asks judge in hush money case to recuse himself

A change in the nation's political landscape means the judge overseeing former President Donald Trump's criminal hush money case should be recused, defense attorneys argued in a court filing made public Thursday.

Trump is reviving a longshot effort to have Judge Juan Merchan recused from the case because of an alleged conflict between the judge's daughter and Vice President Kamala Harris, who is now the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee.

"Your Honor's daughter has a long-standing relationship with Harris, including work for political campaigns. She has obtained -- and stands to obtain in the future -- extensive financial, professional, and personal benefits from her relationship with Harris," defense lawyers Todd Blanche and Emil Bove wrote.

Describing the vice president as Trump's "presumptive opponent," defense lawyers argued that Merchan's daughter has had an "extremely beneficial working relationship" with Harris because her company was a top vendor to Harris' 2020 presidential campaign.

This is the third time Trump's lawyers have attempted to have Judge Merchan removed from the case. Last year, New York's Advisory Committee on Judicial Ethics determined that Merchan's impartiality "cannot reasonably be questioned" based on his daughter's professional work as a political consultant. — ABC News

FBI Ramps Up Censorship Efforts Ahead Of 2024 Election

The FBI is ramping up its censorship efforts ahead of the 2024 presidential election by increasing its coordination with social media companies after having started a quiet operation in February to censor information, according to a recent memo.

A Department of Justice (DOJ) memo dated July 12, 2024, from Associate Deputy Attorney General George D. Turner, states that following the Supreme Court’s decision in Murthy v. Missouri, the Biden administration has sought to censor information it deems to be “foreign malign influence” (FMI) information. That June decision obliterated the First Amendment’s right to free speech.

Following the Supreme Court’s stay in October 2023 of a 5th Circuit injunction restricting the FBI’s collaboration with Big Tech, the DOJ “began developing a standardized approach for sharing FMI information with social media companies that continued to appropriately account for First Amendment considerations,” the memo states.

The FBI began using the standard operating procedure in “early February 2024” and “actively sharing FMI threat information with social media companies on a continuing basis,” the memo explains, adding, “As part of that strategy, FBI will resume regular meeting in the coming weeks with social media companies to brief and discuss potential FMI threats involving the companies’ platforms.” — The Federalist

We hope you enjoyed this brief look back at the major news items you might have missed in this ever-escalating and ever-accelerating news cycle as the Information War continues to rage on around us.

As always, if you have any thoughts on these news items or the MANY others swirling in the digital ether, drop into the comments below to share them with your fellow Badlanders.

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