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How Would You Go About Taking Down the Cabal?

How Would You Go About Taking Down the Cabal?

This article was originally published on Badlands Media. You can read the original article HERE

It’s Not as Easy as One Might Think

Many people think that the day Donald Trump was sworn into office on January 20th of 2017, he should have immediately started arresting people. He should have filled up FEMA camps with corrupt American politicians, world leaders, CEOs, entertainers, media members—everyone who is a part of the Deep State Cabal, everyone who has benefited from the Cabal, or who has looked the other way while the Deep State has committed endless crimes against humanity.

Some think that once these people were rounded up and put into detention centers, they should have been immediately executed. Others think they should have been tried in a military tribunal system, then, if found guilty, imprisoned or executed for their crimes.

On the surface, it’s hard to argue with this logic.

In theory, you would try and execute the known Deep State members, removing them from positions of power and influence—problem solved. But in reality, this might be more like removing the part of the iceberg that is above water, leaving the larger, more dangerous part of the iceberg underwater, intact, and invisible to the human eye. In other words, if you execute the known Deep State players, how do you unearth the unknown players?

It’s possible the unknown players are more powerful and more evil than the players known to us, or Trump’s allies at the time of his inauguration in 2017. It’s also possible that Obama secretly pardoned all these criminals on his way out the door.

‘No Deals!’

This has been the sentiment of some, if not many.

‘Justice must be served in every case.’

Again, I get it. But is this realistic, and is this even the best way to go about eliminating the Deep State Cabal?

If one removes some of the cancer, but not all of it, the cancer will grow back again, and eventually, one is right back to where they started.

What kind of effect would the mass arrests and executions of the corrupt people in positions of power and influence have on society? Would this cause a civil war? Would the economy collapse, creating a dystopian-Mad-Max-like scenario? Would fear take over, causing the abandonment of societal rules and the abeyance of laws? Would the fear, stress and confusion cause epidemic levels of health and mental health issues, even worse than we are currently experiencing?

This may all sound over the top, but there really isn’t any precedent to use in predicting the possible outcomes. The Cabal, who has controlled the world for centuries, if not millenniums, has never been taken out in one fell swoop. Maybe the taking down of the Cabal should be treated with a little more caution, a little more subtlety. Maybe it would be better to be safe than sorry.

When Trump picked up the keys to the White House, he didn’t know what was in every closet, what was in the attic, or what might be rotting in the crawl spaces. To expect him to execute the greatest takedown in human history on his first day in office is a bit much. To complete this mission in four years might be a pipe dream, especially with 95% of D.C., globalists, big business and the media working against him. It’s like expecting a fighter pilot to singlehandedly win a war the first day he stepped foot in a cockpit. Yes, he now has access to a powerful weapon, but he needs to learn how to use it and who to use it on.

What does make sense? How should one go about taking down the Deep State Cabal in a manner that lessens the risks to society as much as possible, while capturing as many criminals as possible?

If one was going to take down the Deep State Cabal that has manipulated the world for centuries, controlling every aspect of humanity, how should one go about doing it? What would be the first thing one should do? How far in advance would one need to plan this dismantling? Who would one ally with? How would the execution of the plan look?

In taking down the Cabal, the first thing one should probably do is to get a better understanding of who is in the Deep State Cabal, and map out their hierarchy. Who is at the very top pulling the strings? Who is ultimately in control? Who are the Cabal assets, and who is managing these assets?

If one looks at this as the Mafia Families, who are the bosses, the underbosses and consigliere, the capos, soldiers and associates?

One should understand that while the Cabal Families are working together to control the world, there is a constant power struggle going on between the Cabal Families—a jockeying for power and wealth. In dismantling the Cabal, it would be foolish not to play the Cabal Families against each other.

With a clear comprehension of who runs the Cabal system and how the system works, the strategizing to take them down would begin. Deals with the lower-level associates and soldiers need to be made; these minions must be made aware that their loyalty is unwarranted—their overlords will sacrifice them and throw them under the bus at the drop of a hat to protect themselves and to protect the corrupt system.

While deals are made with the lower-level Deep State players, one must insist that they go about their business as if nothing has changed. This might mean these lower-level criminals would continue to commit crimes and influence society, but this might be necessary to maintain the illusion that there is no plan in place to take down their masters.

Just as the police may let a lower-level street drug dealer off or give them a lesser punishment for information and cooperation in taking down their drug supplier, one must understand that collateral damage is necessary at times, and there would be some criminals that would not face the justice they deserve. Deals have to be made, but many people don’t understand or refuse to accept this. Some people throw around accusations about patriots being a part of the system because deals are made, but without the deals being made, the system can’t be completely dismantled.

Having a clear understanding of the Cabal system and its hierarchy, an assessment of the mental and psychological state of the masses needs to be made. There needs to be an understanding of exactly how conditioned and brainwashed the general public is, how asleep the general public is, and who, if any are awake or capable of shaking off the spell that has been cast on all of humanity.

Through a detailed assessment, it was likely concluded that people are at different stages—some are awake, some are ready to be woken up, some will stay asleep for quite a while longer, and some are in a psychological coma from which they will never wake up.

How does one go about informing the people of the atrocities that have occurred and are occurring, unbeknownst to them? How does one go about telling the people that almost everything they believe is a lie? How does one explain to the masses that the people they support and adore are evil and actually hate them?That the people they view as their enemies are really their allies?

Would it be better to take baby steps, or to force the addicts to go cold turkey? Would the withdrawals be worse than the addiction? Would a mass exposure of the truth cause irreparable damage to too many people? Would the mass exposure of the truth cause many people to shut down, to be unable to function, unable to deal with reality?

I would argue this is a risk that couldn’t be taken.

It makes more sense to start the communication process with people who are awake, or ready to be woken up—the people who are equipped to handle the truth. A unique way of communicating to these people would be needed. It would be necessary to work around the media that is controlled by the Cabal; it would be necessary to communicate outside of the normal means, outside of normal channels—to communicate in anonymity, in the shadows, in codes.

In order to avoid disseminating classified information, information would need to be shared in the form of questions, leading people to research on their own. Statements in the form of questions like, ‘Was the CIA involved in the assassination of JFK?’

Confusion is necessary. Anonymity must be maintained until the very end.

Those who have ears to hear and eyes to see have been called on to research, and decode, and connect the dots. With the Cabal-run-media demeaning and poisoning the communications, it exposes their corruption even further to the masses. This discerning audience is expected to separate the truth from the fiction. Discernment and the ability to reason and read between the lines are both necessary, especially in the early stages of the information drops. The awake are needed to wake up the less-discerning, the masses. The chosen few can’t be spoon-fed or showered with affirmation; a distance is required between the messages being disseminated and the messengers.

But well before communicating with the people who are ready, willing and able to receive the truth, an infiltration of the Cabal would be needed. As Crocket and Tubbs drove a Ferrari and wore designer clothes on Miami Vice to convince the drug cartel that they were players in the drug game, a public identity would need to be created to convince the Cabal you were one of them. The optics of an egotistical, womanizer obsessed with wealth and power would do the trick. ‘If this is how one acts in public, imagine how morally corrupt they must be in private.’

The Cabal must have been shocked when they finally discovered there were no skeletons in their enemy’s closet. There is no way to blackmail and control him.

As Batman tries to avenge his parents’ deaths and save Gotham City from the criminal underworld, a Bruce Wayne-like alter ego would be beneficial, allowing one to rub elbows with the elite, to spy on them, unknowingly. An alter ego would be necessary to convince the elite that you were one of them, they had no reason to fear you, and that their immoral secrets are safe with you.

Early on, bonds would need to be made with honest men and women in law enforcement, the FBI, the CIA, the military, big business, D.C. and the media. One would need to ally with world leaders that have not had America’s best interest in mind, from countries that have been enemies to the American people. The organized crime families would need to be infiltrated. No one could suspect anything until it was too late.

But first, it would be necessary to discover who the honest people are, who can be trusted, and to test people to find out who would remain loyal.

Patriots, their families and allies would be put in harm’s way. Many would be subjected to ridicule. Egos would need to stay in check. The biting of tongues would be needed. Ridicule and attacks would go unchecked. Names would be drug through the mud as the Cabal mocked and lied about those who stand up to them. In some cases, families would be financially ruined, and good lives would be lost.

The easiest and simplest move to make would have been to arrest everyone suspected of being a part of the Deep State Cabal on day one. The hard decision, the right decision was to take one’s time—to assess the situation, to collect information and move forward with caution.

The world can’t be told the truth, they must be shown the truth. They must believe they discovered it on their own. The world must be shown the depravity of the Cabal. The world must be shown the criminality of the Cabal. The world must be shown the inadequacies of the Cabal’s minions.

The recent Presidential Debate is a prime example. The world refused to believe what they are now willing to accept about Joe Biden, having seen it with their own eyes. With no one to tell them what they are seeing, the people are forced to accept reality.

I understand the frustrations people have, the belief that nothing is happening. The Cabal still controls the world, and justice has not been served. But I also understand it had to be this way, and some mistakes have been made along the way. The plan hasn’t been executed to perfection, but it has been pretty darn close. We had to go through the trials and tribulations we’ve endured. In this tug of war against the Cabal, we need everyone pulling their weight, with the vast majority on board.

As we approach the election, and eventually Trump’s next term, nothing will be the same. It won’t be another four-year term where the Deep State is bruised and bloodied, but still remains in power. Trump’s first term was an information collecting mission, a sting operation—a sting operation he planned decades in advance.

Trump’s next term is when the strategic dismantling of the Deep State occurs. Not a demolition with people still in the building. Not even a controlled demolition that creates a massive mound of rubble. The demolition will likely involve the dismantling of the Cabal, one wall at a time. One CEO replaced at a time. One government agency head replaced at a time. One congressman, one senator, one studio head, one world leader. We will grow bored of the constant winning, yet insist it isn’t happening fast enough.

Be patient, be hopeful, be brave and trust the plan, as painful as it may seem. We are at the doorstep of a world we have never known before. We are entering uncharted waters. It is an understatement to say, “The best is yet to come”.

It won’t just be a better day; it will be a new existence.

Our chains are about to be broken.

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This article was originally published by Badlands Media. We only curate news from sources that align with the core values of our intended conservative audience. If you like the news you read here we encourage you to utilize the original sources for even more great news and opinions you can trust!

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