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The Werewolf Game - Our Vast, Undiscovered History

The Werewolf Game - Our Vast, Undiscovered History

This article was originally published on Badlands Media. You can read the original article HERE

An Exposure of Ancient, Worldwide Evil

This feature is a continuation of The Werewolf Game series, which explores some of the core tenets at the heart of the Deep State’s mass mind control strategy. Start the series here.

Greetings Friends and Patriots,

Today, we’re going to talk about the hidden origins of the Deep State Cabal.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: the creation of this Werewolf Game series took me by total surprise. I never once thought I’d end up writing a book’s worth of articles connecting werewolf symbolism to the DS—I never would have predicted how many threads of research would coalesce around this one theme. The process of researching for this series has been immensely rewarding, and I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I’ve enjoyed writing it.

Though this article is Part 6 of the Werewolf Game series, it can stand on its own. To get the most bang for your buck, I recommend reading all of the articles eventually, but I also understand that time is in short supply for many of us—so don’t sweat it if you only get around to reading one or two of them.

Anyways, to make a long story short for newcomers, I picked up a book many months ago about an ancient Werewolf-themed Cult named the Koryos, and this finding—much to my surprise—enabled me to piece together a veritable galaxy’s worth of data into a coherent picture.

I do not claim that this picture amounts to a complete “theory of everything” in regards to the Cabal; however, I’m certain that this series has uncovered many truths about history, the occult, geopolitics, and psychology that have never been assembled into one series before.

The Power of Accurate Language

In many occult systems, it is said that a spirit must answer you if you call its name; though I don’t think that’s strictly true in all cases, it’s nonetheless a fact that we can’t do much about things we can’t describe accurately. To know the true origin and beliefs of the cabal is to once and for all gain the upper hand in the information war (DISCLAIMER: “information war’ is a term I use to describe a battle of words and wit—because that’s what an information war is).

If you were trying to survive in the woods, it doesn’t suffice to merely know about the existence of predators—you want specific information about said predators. In many ways, the dark occultists who run the Deep State are a predator class unto themselves. Unfortunately, few people know of their existence, let alone can accurately describe their beliefs and modes of operation—and until this changes, they will maintain an advantage over mankind.

The Koryos have influenced the course of human history in a way that few appreciate, because evidence of their existence has been kept very well hidden, until they were extensively covered by an anonymous author named Rogue Hypnotist (the very man whose books convinced me of the value of learning hypnotism).

Evidence of the cult can be found in Ukraine, Romania, amongst the Aztecs, and even in places as geographically distant as Africa and New Zealand. We know they existed as far in the past as 2,000-3,000 BC, and yet, their influence can be observed in the music industry and Hollywood to this very day.

Many ancient fairy tales are likely veiled warnings about this cult—the “magic potions” of ancient witches may, at least in certain circumstances, refer to the drug cocktails that they would use to intoxicate and seduce people into their ranks.

Important Details of the Cult

The Koryos were famous for using the lure of drugs and sex to seduce primarily young people into their ranks.

Everything they did was about defying nature and inverting traditional morality—consequently, they worshipped hermaphrodism, and abolished any semblance of traditional family formation amongst themselves. Men were “romantic” with men, and women were “romantic” with women—I put “romantic” in quotes because their concept of romance has little to do with genuine love or affection. They believed that one could switch sexes by merely imagining themselves to be the opposite sex.

Is any of this starting to sound familiar?

If you ask me, this cult (and others like it) exist on planet Earth because Hell itself has spilled over into our realm. Some may find that to be an extreme (or possibly even blasphemous) stance, depending on what one believes, but I’ve nonetheless arrived at this conclusion in good faith after quite a lot of research about cults in general, and the Koryos in particular.

Research shows that even the toughest of men experience lasting trauma from causing harm to innocent people. What kind of person takes delight in ruthlessly hurting/killing innocent people, as many cults like the Koryos do?

My personal theory is that we’re dealing with demonic energy—something I regard as 100% real, even though “respectable academics” would say otherwise.

Indeed, most psychopaths—and the Koryos cult are no exception—sincerely believe they are not the same type of animal as “normal people”. (See the groundbreaking book Political Ponerology for more on this psychology).

Psychopaths frequently believe they are a superior, or more evolved version of “regular” humanity. This, of course, provides them with all the justification they need to do whatever they want to whoever they want. I suspect that the Q team and Trump are currently battling a modern incarnation of this cult.

Anyways, now that you’ve been sufficiently introduced to the Koryos, let’s turn our attention to ancient history.

We All Spoke the Same Language, a Long Time Ago

In our last couple articles, we explained that there once was a time when the entire world spoke the Ancient German language (which I’ll abbreviate from here on out as AG). We know this is the case because knowledge of AG allows one to correctly make predictions about the world we’re living in.

Multimillionaire success coach and language researcher Frederik Dodson has published many books using AG to make accurate predictions about people, culture, geography, and so on and so forth.

From Chapter one of his book, The Secret History of Polynesia, we read:

“Some years ago [while traveling in New Zealand], I took the bike tour from Kaikohe to Horeke in the west. That’s about 40 kilometers of cycling. On our drive there, my wife said 40 kilometers would be too much for a day… But I knew it would be mostly downhill and therefore doable… Having never been there or researched [the area], how did I know the trip would be mostly downhill?

Because… the German word for “hohe” means “heights”I could ride around the country making accurate predictions about any place, just by [its] nameI annoyed my wife in the car, telling her we would soon see a river, a lake, a flat plain, a glacier, shrubs, forests, large trees, small streams, spectacular views—simply based on town names…” (emphasis mine)

If you want the full scoop from him, his books, Levels of Heaven and Hell, Extraterrestrial Linguistics, and The Secret History of Polynesia contain hundreds of pages worth of comparisons between AG and various languages from around the world.

Let’s keep going …

Common Origins

If all languages share the same origin, then this utterly demolishes mainstream history, which categorically denies the reality of trans-oceanic contact between ancient people. So be it. That which can be destroyed by the truth, ought to be. Let’s peruse some of the linguistic evidence in support of what we’re saying.

To “make” something is to use your own hands (or mind) to create something that didn’t exist before—to “make” something is to bring it into existence. You cannot make anything without the resources and knowledge that the thing in question requires; for example, you cannot make a computer unless you know how to make a circuit board, and you can’t make a circuit board before you have knowledge of electricity and circuitry.

Well, did you know that the Arabic word maher means “deft, skill” or “a job well done”?

The Maoris of New Zealand have a similar word mahi which means “effort”, and the first syllable ma means “made by/acted upon”. And here we’ve been taught that Arabic, English, and Polynesian cultures have nothing historically to do with one another.

The prefix ma if often connected to mother, as the “ma-pa/fa” dichotomy (for mother and father) is found everywhere. In mandarin Chinese, for example, mother is mu qin and father is fu qin. What does this have to do with maher or mahi, both of which refer to “making” things?

Mothers make children… In other words, a mother = a maker of babies.

In Buddhism, we have the concept of Ma-ya, which says that creation is an illusion. We can see here that to create is essentially the same concept as to make. Mahayana Buddhism distinguished itself as a great path to liberation, rather than a “little path” (which is how the Mahayana Buddhists referred to Chinese Zen Buddhism), and we indeed find that the concepts of creating and skill and greatness are connected through this word maha in many different languages.

The Many Names of God

Now let’s look at another word: God.

The word for God in Latin is Dei (think: deity), which is closely related to Theos, and both of these terms have cognates in many other languages inside and outside of the Latin family of languages.

In Chinese, we have the word Tian, which harkens back to Theos. In the Pashto language, the word for God is Xwdai, which is related to the Persion Xuda, where the da is more or less the same as dai/dei. In Indian, we have Dev, and in Kazakh we get Quday. In Kyrgyz, we have Kuday.

I think you get the point?

Over time, the languages have “drifted” somewhat away from each other, to the extent that connections between words may not be as obvious as what you’ve just read. For example, the word ten is used in many places to refer to God/the Ultimate/etc—we can see how this could easily be connected to the Chinese word tian.

Continuing along these lines, the word for God in Hungarian is Isten'; professional linguists have claimed that Hungarian is an isolated language, but this could just be lazy scholarship, or it could be the result of a deliberate coverrup of some sort. We will return to this point later.

The Native American word for God, or Great Mystery, is Wakan Tanka. In the Uyghur language, one of their words for God is Tengri; and in Turkish, their word for God is Tanre. That last part, “re”, is likely connected to concepts such as ray (a ray of light), just like the Egyptian deity Ra. In Tibetan Buddhism, one who has achieved Buddhahood is known as a Tenzin (does “zin” = “zen”?).

As Q once asked, how many coincidences before it’s mathematically impossible?

We have only analyzed but two words, and yet, we have already connected a great many languages through these two words.

I will continue making linguistic connections such as these throughout the Werewolf Game series. For now, let’s return to the Koryos.

Possible Explanation

How could a cult such as the Koryos gain worldwide influence without hardly any recognition from history. Well, how much does mainstream history know about secret societies in the first place?

Not much!

In the modern world, we can clearly see how the manipulation of information by a dominant class can lead billions of people into abject blindness with regard to any facts deemed “misinformation” by the dominant classes. As a Badlands reader, I know you already understand this.

In Wicked Teeth, by Rogue Hypnotist, we learn that the Koryos were Scythian, which is an ethnicity that supposedly no longer exists. Although we don’t know how many Scythian individuals were members of the cult, one thing we know for certain is that the cult were the aristocracy of the Scythians. We also know that the cult interbred with the aristocracy of other peoples—and this is why many Koryos-style beliefs and rituals tend to be practiced by “elites” the world over.

Case in point: in Roman mythology, the founders of the City of Rome, twin brothers named Remus and Romulus, were suckled by a she-wolf after their mother hid them from their great uncle, King Amulius, who saw them as a potential threat to the throne. The abandoned twins were raised by a wolf!

Indeed, the Koryos were famous for grooming children into their ranks. In light of what we’ve learned about the Werewolf cult, the implications of this myth are made quite blatant, aren’t they?

Moving along…

The Scythians supposedly went extinct a millennia ago—which makes sense if their rulers eschewed family formation to make homosexuality the norm instead. Even the Koryos themselves asserted that they were possessed by demons who commanded them to only love members of their own sex.

(For what it’s worth, Illuminati whistleblower, Jay Parker, says that he was raised in an “elite” family and reports that they did not believe true love could exist between the sexes).

My personal theory is that the origin of the Werewolf cult is non-human, because many of the beliefs and behaviors of the cult are diametrically counter to the instincts and customs of most people. Just like how the cordyceps fungus can infect ants, totally altering their behavior and making them self-destruct, so too does there seem to be some kind of bizarre, “satanic” influence at work in the world that drives humans to self-destruction. I don’t think this influence is literally a fungus—but, whatever it is, it uses people as a host.

Do healthy humans engage in practices that self-evidently lead to extinction? Do healthy humans worship death? No. None of this is “normal” at all for the vast majority of human beings.

Frankly, I don’t see how anything other than demonic influence can explain what’s going on here. I think we’re dealing with a non-human, demonic influence that is using certain groups of people as a proxy to wage war against mankind—and that this is the likely origin of the Dark Cabal/Deep State.

I suspect that some sort of major outbreak of evil took place around the Black Sea (in Part 3, we discussed the possibility that a literal portal to hell may be located around there), and that this “evil energy” used the Scythian Koryos (the Sith?) as a vector to spread chaos, violence, demon worship, and blood rituals throughout the world.

Instead of preserving the Scythian nation, their rulers became sadistic cultists who interbred with the aristocracies of other nations, which created a worldwide, two-tier system of government based in dark occult practices.

Now, back to the Aztecs…

The Aztec Connection, Revisited

One characteristic of this cult is that its progenitors were red-haired albinos (just for the record, this does NOT mean that all people of this description are members). This fact, as we will see, turns out to be very important.

Among other things, Montezuma of the Aztecs is depicted as having red hair, which would would be highly unusual for the indigenous peoples of Mexico of that time. Lo and behold, the Aztecs practiced ritual sacrifice in a style highly reminiscent of the Koryos. The spilling of blood was EXTREMELY important to this cult, for it was considered to be the food for the “gods” (which “gods,” exactly?). In exchange for blood, these “gods” would confer material abundance and worldly power onto the cult.

On the other side of the world, the Maori of New Zealand tell us that, before they arrived to the continent, a race of red haired, pale-skinned people were already there, and these people were cannibals. (The Secret History of Polynesia covers this in depth.)

Considering that there is extensive overlap between the Maori and Aztec languages (again, rooted in AG), I reckon that both the Koryos and other peoples were engaged in trans-pacific travel, possibly thousands of years before mainstream history says they did.

Historical Cover Up

In 1866, the Linguistic Society of Paris made it official policy that all research into the possibility of a common origin to all languages shall be forbidden from publication. Obviously, this is an absurd rule for a research body to make… unless there were a specific reason why such information must be kept hidden.

Of course, by the mid 19th century, atheists had already become the dominant leaders in standardized, industrial-scale “education”; they claimed to fight the “tyranny of the church”, but merely enacted a tyranny of their own.

You see, the notion that all languages have a common origin is part and parcel of religious teachings all over the world. The suppression of this idea is therefore tantamount to the suppression of traditional religious viewpoints. Alas, the censorship of religious viewpoints by atheists pretending to “liberate” mankind is nothing new—it’s been going on for centuries!

So here’s the crux of the matter: what if the religious position is the factually correct one? What then?

Well, all the evidence suggests that mankind once spoke the same language, and that events transpired that caused people to become isolated from each other, leading to a gradual process of differentiation of said languages.

Biblical history does a MUCH better job of making sense of these facts than does mainstream history. It’s far more rational to believe these texts are referring to objectively true history than to think that they’re purely metaphorical-allegorical “myths”.

Conclusion, For Now

Coming full circle to where we started, the purpose of all the above research is to help us learn how to accurately identify what’s happening in the world today. That’s really what this is all about.

It’s well known by conspiracy researchers that the power structures of the world are psychopathic and occult in nature, and this is why I’ve spent a lot of time researching those two topics in particular. The fact of the matter is that psychopathic, occult ideologies are at cause for much of what we see taking place in the world, and the more of us learn the history and psychology of the dark occult, the better we can articulate our present situation.

Centuries ago—back when lycanthropy (aka, werewolfism) was declared a crime in France—it was believed by many Christians that you could bring a werewolf back to their senses by saying their true Christian name three times. Isn’t that remarkable?

It is impossible to overestimate the importance of calling things by what they truly are.  

We are not merely facing a geopolitical battle—what is taking place right now is a battle for the soul mankind against a force so evil that many good people struggle to comprehend it even exists. And this battle has, by all appearances, been going on throughout the entirety of recorded history. I believe that the moment a sufficient number of us recognize the true scope of what’s happening AND are able to accurately articulate it, this evil will be defeated once and for all.

As I’ve pointed out before—despite all appearances, the necessity for nonstop propaganda proves that, as Q said, the thing that scares the cabal the most is being accurately identified. (The same is true of psychopaths in general).

If the Cabal feels existentially threatened by a mass awakening, then this shows us beyond any shadow of a doubt that we DO have what it takes to win.

We’ve covered a tremendous amount of ground, and I appreciate you guys sticking along for the ride. You are learning things that almost no one in the English speaking world knows… yet.

Stay tuned, because even more startling disclosures about the past and the present are on their way …

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