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The Aftermath of a Trump Victory

The Aftermath of a Trump Victory

This article was originally published on Badlands Media. You can read the original article HERE

Some Won't Adjust Well

Imagine if you were born on an island and never left it your entire life.

I mean literally never left the island; you aren’t forced at gunpoint to stay on the island, but for some reason you just never left it. You experienced a near death boating accident as a young boy, leaving you traumatized with a strong desire to stay on dry land, where you believe it is safe. In reality, you’ve never been inspired enough to leave the island. You know there is a world out there, places you’ve never been and things you’ve never experienced. But the desire to experience new things is weaker than your fear of getting on a boat and leaving the island.

Unknown only to you is the fact that everyone you interact with is a paid actor. Your family, your spouse, your friends, strangers, everyone has been strategically placed into your life. Nothing in your life is real. Your job, your customers, the guy who pulled in front of you in traffic and caused you to miss the green light, everything is staged. You go through life feeling safe and content; you are never really challenged or face staunch opposition. No one bullied you in school, no one mugged you on the street, no one has ever broken into your house, you’ve never been fired or laid off from a job, nothing tragic ever seems to happen to you or the people around you.

This is the world you know, so none of it seems unusual, none of it seems contrived.

Occasionally, random strangers approach you on the street and tell you your whole life is fake and manipulated. After this, they are grabbed by other strangers you don’t recognize and are taken away. This has happened to you many times in your life, but not frequently enough to give it any real thought. You hear it, think they are crazy conspiracy theorists, shake it off and go about your day.

Then one day, you start to question the reality of your world, you notice a glitch in your matrix. You start to notice patterns that appear to be random, but aren’t. You notice there is someone behind a curtain. A curtain you’ve never noticed before in this Emerald City in which you live. Eventually you come to accept that your whole life is fake and manipulated and controlled by the guy behind that curtain. Nothing in your life is real. None of your relationships are real, none of your accomplishments are real, nothing you have experienced is real.

How do you deal with it?

Do you laugh it all off? Do things start to finally make sense, or do you go into a downward emotion spiral, refusing to let go of the false reality that is your life? Does it cause you to wander deeper into your false reality, never to return?

By the way, this is the plot of the movie The Truman Show, with a Matrix and Wizard of Oz reference thrown in.

A quarter of a century ago, Hollywood was telling us in The Truman Show the reality of the world in which we live. Actually, the movie The Wizard of Oz was released 85 years ago, and the book was published 124 years ago. They’ve been telling us for a really long time. Whether or not they were trying to warn us or were simply bragging about what they have done and what they are doing, I don’t claim to fully understand.

For many of us, we are those people on the street that approached Truman and told him his whole life is fake and staged. The guys who grabbed us and pulled us away could be seen as Facebook or Twitter, when they kicked us off their platforms. Or the media who calls us conspiracy theorists, or Snopes who fact checks us, or the government who threatens to lock us up for spreading misinformation.

At this point in our mass conditioning, a considerable number of Americans are incapable of having an independent thought. They consume and regurgitate mainstream media talking points, believing it makes them intelligent and educated. Unaware everything they hold to be true has been spoon-fed to them by a collective group with the sole intent of controlling them.

These same people who shake their heads at those who allegedly drank the poisoned Kool-Aid in the jungles of Guyana because an authority figure told them to, were first in line to get experimental drug injections because, you guessed it, authority figures told them to. These same people insisted gyms, and parks and hiking trails be closed to keep people healthy. Everyone must be locked up in their homes for their health, for my health, and the only people who should be out and about are drivers who deliver fast food to people’s homes.

People really believed this, and some still do today.

In talking about the aftermath of a Trump victory, I could talk about the prosperous economy that will follow, or possible rioting and sabotage orchestrated by the powerful elite being forced from their positions of power. Trump and his people will have their jobs to do, as well as the military and police, but we will have a job to do as well, and that is what I would like to focus on here.

Imagine if you will, an arid desert. A hot desert that hasn’t seen rain in a very long time. The desert ground is a hard clay, as hard as concrete. Now imagine two feet of rain coming down in this desert in a three-hour period. This would cause flash flooding, where very little, if any, rain would actually soak into the ground.

Now imagine a group of people who haven’t been exposed to any truth, having been fed lies their whole life. Their brain matter has become as hard as concrete. Imagine a downpour of truth coming at them in a very short period of time. How much of that truth do you think their brain will absorb, and how much of it will run off, causing flash flooding to their psyche?

Educating people who have been misled their whole life is not as easy as some might want to believe. A logical person would assume the reason people are misinformed is because they just haven’t yet been told the truth. We naively believe that if we give someone the truth, they will become informed, that they will wake up to the reality around them. But this just isn’t how the human brain works.

Honestly, do you really think that time you told someone everything is fake is the first time they’ve ever been told that? They think you are the crazy one who is misled. If they ever start to question their beliefs, they just need to turn on the TV to get validation that they are the smart and educated ones, and you are the crazy one.

In my comments on Substack, someone said they follow me just to hear what the crazy people are thinking. They view me and the people who support my articles as being crazy and misled. This person laughs at how crazy we are. This means that nothing I say or anything the other people in the comments say absorbs at all into this person’s brain. I suppose they look at us as being like a homeless person giving out financial advice. They don’t take us seriously at all, seriously enough to even consider anything we say. To them, we are 100% wrong about everything. They are amazed at how we could be so wrong about everything. How have we survived this long in life?

In some cases, it’s like someone who reads and memorizes the Bible word for word and still believes Christianity is crazy. It’s not that they are uneducated on what Christians believe, they just think what Christians believe is crazy.

In the case of many normies out there, they know what we believe, they just think it’s crazy. For others, it comes down to not understanding they have been lied to their whole lives. It is these people who we can reach and help.

American society has been controlled and manipulated through the media for at least a century. No one is immune to it. It’s only by an act of God that anyone is able to break free of the spell the media has put on us all. But we all have blind spots, we all have chapters in this book of reality we’ve skipped or haven’t yet read.

Why is waking up to the truth so hard?

The human brain is designed to hold onto what it already believes to be the truth, what it sees as reality. When presented with information that goes against those pre-existing beliefs, the brain uses all its tricks to reject it. The brain can excuse away a wrong: ‘yeah, the people I support are bad, but the other side is worse.’ It can justify a wrong: “yeah, it’s bad, but it’s for the greater good.” Or it can go as far as blocking information out: “it never happened, it’s fake news.”

Most of the time, the media can just call anything they don’t want exposed fake news:

Children aren’t really being trafficked, illegals aren’t really invading the borders, elections aren’t really stolen. It’s all fake news. But sometimes it becomes impossible to say something isn’t really happening, so they have to deflect the blame. Inflation is one of those things. The media can’t tell the people that everything they buy doesn’t actually cost more, so they have to cast the blame on the greedy businesses, rather than the government that has created the inflation by turning up the money printing machines.

What will happen to the people who believe the lies of the media when Trump is POTUS again and the media mind control machines start to be shut down? What happens when these people are forced to leave their echo chamber and enter into the real world, forced into reality for the first time in their lives, pushed out of their nest of lies and forced to fly or die?

For a considerable number of people, everything they believe, everything they stand for, everything they value is based on lies. It’s like the blind white supremacist on the Chappelle Show who discovers he’s black. He immediately divorces his wife because he couldn’t be with a woman who would marry a black man. This skit is comedy gold, funny because, as ridiculous as it is, it’s not that far from the truth.

The strings that bind all the ridiculous concepts that much of the general public believes, worships, glorifies and identifies with, are just a few frays away from it all falling apart. When it all falls apart, who picks up the pieces?

The betrayal, the embarrassment, the shame, the guilt for attacking and ridiculing those who were right all along. Some have no shame, and feel no empathy to their fellow man, but many will be cut down, clinging for something to believe in. Remember, most believe they are in the right.

There will always be some who will never come around, will never accept the truth. We’ve seen this in the people who still wear a mask when driving alone. They will never get it. They will never accept that they were duped; instead, they double down and wear two masks.

A significant portion of the American population has always had the media to back up their beliefs, not understanding that the media actually manipulated them into their beliefs. The media has always had their back. They’ve never been challenged and forced to stand on their own to win an argument through the use of logic and facts. They’ve been coddled and protected their whole lives. They are like the cowards who gang up on a person, and soon they will be forced to stand on their own, with no one to back them up, or insulate them, or fight for them.

They are like Japanese Wagyu cows that are massaged, kept from moving, raised to be fat, who will soon need to pull a heavy plow—brains that have never needed to think.

Will these brains even work? Are the neural pathways permanently damaged by the constant messaging, and drugs and exposure to toxins? I guess we’ll find out soon enough.

When Trump becomes POTUS again, I’m sure there will be stages that people go through in accepting the truth, and as I mentioned, some will never accept it. For those who are willing and able to accept the truth, they will probably go through the coping stages to deal with their grief and the loss of their false reality.

Denial … When Trump wins, some will deny the election results. They will insist Trump could not have won a fair election, so the election had to be stolen. They will struggle with the fact that they have been told the past four years that the US Elections are safe and secure, but they will bypass all this prior conditioning to deny the election results.

Anger … The next step will be anger—anger for some that, in their minds, so many stupid and evil people voted for Trump. They will refuse to call Trump their president. They will riot and protest, and spit in people’s faces.

Bargaining … They will make deals with themselves to feel better. They will convince themselves that they will push back and expose the fascist and fraud they believe Trump to be.

Depression … At some point, the reality of their loss will settle in, and they will become depressed, concerned the world will end in less than a decade due to climate change. Believing all their rights will be stripped away and they will be locked up for their dissension. They will lose hope and motivation. Some will be unable to function, some unable to work, some suicidal.

Acceptance … Eventually, most will realize the world isn’t going to end and their rights are still intact. They will realize the country is flourishing. They will accept the fact that they won’t be thrown into prison and will need to move on with their lives. They will begin to understand that none of the things they said would happen, actually happened. They may still hate Trump and hate conservatives, but they will be forced to move on with their lives.

Some will acknowledge they were wrong and will humble themselves. Some will understand they were wrong without actually acknowledging it and will move on just the same. And some will be permanently broken, unable to accept the world they thought was real was actually a media-created false reality.

If we thought Covid was bad, which exposed medical lies and government over-reach, a Trump victory will usher in a mass exposure.

How will this mass exposure play out? Will it be like the ripping off of a Band-Aid, or will it be a little more gradual?

Trump allowed the election to be stolen four years ago because the American public wasn’t ready for the mass awakening that needs to occur in dismantling the system.

Will the transition into a new system require baby steps?

This is yet to be determined, and it may require patience on our end. It may not happen as fast as we want it to occur.

The number of Americans who will be traumatized by the truth hitting them in the face could be massive. It could be like a bunch of alcoholics going cold turkey all at the same time, with withdrawal symptoms from not being told what to believe. Suicides, depression, anxiety as well as DEI hires being forced to play on a level playing field, maybe for the first time in their lives. Without the media backing them up, many will be ill-equipped to even have a logical discussion with others.

While Trump winning the election will be a turning point in America, the start of prosperity and unity never known before, there is no guarantee it won’t be a bumpy ride and there won’t be casualties.

Currently, gas prices are being held down to keep inflation down. Job numbers are being fabricated, all to make the economy look better than it really is. When Trump becomes POTUS again, there is no reason for the Deep State to continue to lie and manipulate the numbers, which could lead to the realization that the economy is much worse than believed. This will all be fixed in the long run, but in the short run, there could be issues.

Covid sent some people off the deep end, never to return. A mass awakening from a Trump victory could be Covid times ten.

The Covid narrative caused many to become permanently disabled, unable to work. This is not due to the physical effects of getting Covid, but rather the psychological damage done—the fear of getting sick, a refusal to leave their homes and go out in public, afraid of being breathed on or to touch anything.

Some will make the transition easier than others. Some of us are already there.

Some are ready to let go of their false reality and grab onto a reality that doesn’t require such a struggle to make sense of the world. For some, the transition will take time. They will take two steps forward and one step back. For others, they are permanently lost, and they will likely go deeper into their false reality to cope, to find a safe space.

For those who are awake, we mustn’t gloat. We can’t insist that others acknowledge we were right all along. We shouldn’t ridicule, all though this may be difficult. In reality, we will be called upon to help people make sense of the world.

We should be thankful we have been chosen to understand before the majority of others, and that some have been awake for decades. We should be honored we have been chosen. It is an honor, and a responsibility that comes with battle scars.

We have been chosen for a reason. And that reason includes bringing comfort and understanding to those who don’t yet understand that the world they think they know is actually a lie, and that the world that is being ushered in shouldn’t be feared—that, in fact, it will be a much better place to live.

For most, the best is yet to come. For some, they are permanently lost.

Like a triage tent in a war, we must help those who are capable of recovering from their psychological wounds and ignore those who are mortally wounded.

Ignore the permanently lost, refuse to argue with them, and humbly assist those who seek to understand the truth.

I understand that this is easier said than done, but it is what we have been woken up early to do.

We have been called to brew the coffee, fry the bacon and crack the eggs.

Soon, many will wake up, and they will be hungry for the truth.

Badlands Media articles and features represent the opinions of the contributing authors and do not necessarily represent the views of Badlands Media itself.

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This article was originally published by Badlands Media. We only curate news from sources that align with the core values of our intended conservative audience. If you like the news you read here we encourage you to utilize the original sources for even more great news and opinions you can trust!

Read Original Article HERE

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