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Euthanasia, net zero, “Free Suits” Starmer and the NHS

Euthanasia, net zero, “Free Suits” Starmer and the NHS

This article was originally published on The Expose. You can read the original article HERE

Among his latest passing observations, Dr. Vernon Coleman reminds doctors that the covid PCR test doesn’t work.

“The potentially lethal and entirely, utterly useless PCR test is still being used by illiterate, numbskull doctors and nurses. Anyone who uses and relies on a PCR test is too stupid to be cleaning lavatories for a living. The PCR is not a test for covid – it is a test for stupidity,” he writes.

And “Free Suits” Starmer gets a mention or two. He “is, it seems to me, a reverse Robin Hood.”

As for the NHS, “GPs are now so lazy,” Dr. Coleman says, that “in future patients who need help may see a pharmacist, a physiotherapist, an occupational therapist, a clinical assistant or someone who just wandered in to mend the heating system.”

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By Dr. Vernon Coleman

1. I sent a copy of Jack King’s book on euthanasia (`They want to kill us’) to the Archbishop of Canterbury who you might imagine would have an interest in the subject. (I’ve sent out armfuls of copies.) Sadly, I received a very neatly typed letter (on beautiful, expensive, embossed notepaper) back from his office telling me that the Archbishop received too many gifts to enable him to reply. Maybe Starmer sends him parcels containing his unwanted suits and spectacles. Nevertheless, I expect the Bish will express his views on the subject very widely during the coming debate so that’ll be OK. Incidentally, “Free Suits” Starmer is reported to have promised Esther Rantzen, a British pensioner, that his Government would provide time for a debate on euthanasia and a vote on assisted dying. A nice euthanasia bill for Christmas will save the nasty Government even more dosh than cutting out the winter fuel allowance. A euthanasia bill will give every doctor and nurse in the country a licence to kill (not that most of them need a licence).

2. The best way to deal with unwanted plastic is to burn it and use the heat as a power source. Exporting plastic waste is insane. And plastic cannot be recycled profitably.

3. I describe the joy of buying and owning a 67-year-old car in my book `Old Man in an Old Car’ which is available through the bookshop on http://www.vernoncoleman.com and which will, I believe, capture hearts and minds. I also draw an analogy between old cars and old people. We have much in common. Old cars are much better than new cars in many ways. For one thing, they don’t snitch on you to the authorities like new cars do. And if you drive into the sea or a river you can use the old-fashioned winder to lower your window and make your escape. Plus, there is no need to have an MOT or pay a tax to use the road. The insurance is a lot cheaper too. Plus, old cars can be repaired with spanners rather than computers.

4. A friend wanted to have antibiotics available in case he or anyone in his family developed sepsis. He pretended to have a dental abscess to get the drugs from an online medical service and is not in the slightest bit ashamed of the mild deceit. Now that GPs work library hours and the ambulance service is unreliable and the local hospitals are effectively closed, we are living in an age of self-reliance.

5. Ryanair is planning to force passengers to use its APP by 2025. (It’ll save them money on printing out boarding cards.) So we must all boycott Ryanair.

6. The potentially lethal and entirely, utterly useless PCR test is still being used by illiterate, numbskull doctors and nurses. Anyone who uses and relies on a PCR test is too stupid to be cleaning lavatories for a living. The PCR is not a test for covid – it is a test for stupidity.

7. Home working is being recommended because it is part of “net zero.” The proponents of home working don’t care that (like lockdowns) it ruins mental health, destroys productivity and wrecks the economy.

8. Deaths are now occurring faster than births in the UK but the UK’s population is now close to 70 million – thanks entirely to so-called asylum seekers (who should, on the whole, more accurately be referred to as “carpetbaggers”). England was vastly overcrowded when the population was 60 million and services are bound to continue to deteriorate. Moreover, there will be no money to improve public services because it is now predicted that half of Britain’s millionaires will have left the country by 2028. They’re leaving because of new taxes, rotten public services and the failure to implement Brexit (which many supported). The most stupid article I’ve read since the internet was invented in 1482 said “good riddance” to departing millionaires. This is stupid because without millionaires (who already pay huge amounts of tax) there will be no money left to pay for benefits, welcome packages for asylum seekers or posh, chauffeur-driven cars for ministers. Sadly, I suspect that one millionaire will still be a UK resident – “Free Suits” Starmer. Incidentally, I wonder if Starmer realises just how many people now think of him and his colleagues as even more corrupt than the last few Tory governments? Without encouragement, a delivery driver said to me that it felt uncomfortable to live in a corrupt country. We agreed that we expected to see “Free Suits” Starmer appearing in public wearing a paid-for by someone else uniform full of gold braid and rows of brightly coloured tin medals. Under “Free Suits” Starmer, Britain has become one of those squalid little countries at which we used to turn up our noses. But then it is difficult to think of any country in the world which is now not corrupt. It’s all an inevitable, unavoidable part of the stupid net zero and the loathsome great reset. The sight of the Labour Party transferring much-needed sums of money from the elderly to rich union members must have caused more than a little waterbrash in left-wing gullets. “Free Suits” Starmer is, it seems to me, a reverse Robin Hood. You could argue (and I will because it seems appropriate) that he takes from the poor, the weak, the frail, the hungry and the cold old folks and he gives to the rich doctors and train drivers. This is communism in all its raw, superior glory.

9. In the 1950s, in the US, state spending on public services was 25% of GDP and spending on entitlements was 3%. Today, both figures are around 15%. Public services have got worse and entitlements have rocketed. It is not difficult to predict that it will not end well.

10. Israel is now clearly a terrorist nation, a rogue state. Why does no one seem to care? Politicians and journalists obsess over trivia and turn their backs on what is happening in the Middle East. If Germany rose up and did to France what Israel is doing to its neighbours (for example), Biden, Starmer, Trudeau, Macron and the rest of the world would be screaming STOP and taking action to stop the genocide. But politicians everywhere are frightened of being falsely labelled antisemitic so, to their eternal shame, they keep supplying Israel with arms and look the other way. I suspect that for some people the concept of antisemitism no longer has any real moral value and is now considered by a growing number to be more a social faux pas than anything else – something of historic importance and as significant as passing the port the wrong way round the table. Although I suppose I could be wrong (always an unlikely possibility I concede), it is difficult to avoid the suspicion that for an increasing number of people it is a word which has become a weapon, used to threaten, to bully, to abuse, to blackmail and to control. Naturally, I have no comment.

11. In England a Christian has been arrested for praying silently in a public place. He was just standing there, praying silently, and they arrested him. We lost our freedom of speech years ago. Now we’ve lost our freedom of silence.

12. The entire British media seems in favour of Harris winning the US election and opposed to Trump. This isn’t surprising. The media seems to be dominated by left-wing luvvies who support Biden.

13. Some NHS hospitals are now charging patients £2 an hour if they need a wheelchair. The wheelchairs can only be unlocked via a credit card machine. So, if you don’t have a credit card you can bloody well walk. Maybe they’ll rent you a pair of crutches or a walking stick.

14. “We’re always here for you,” said our GP. I nearly laughed out loud.

15. Thanks to the global warming net zero nutters, the UK’s last coal-fired power station has closed. Eight of the UK’s nine nuclear reactors are due to close soon. The UK will rely on burning imported wood and on a little solar and wind power which provide around 20% of the country’s electricity needs. So, where is the electricity going to come from? It’ll come through giant cables linked to electricity supplies in France and other EU countries. The UK will be importing electricity. Households and businesses will be paid to cut their use of electricity in an attempt to avoid the blackouts which I forecast a decade ago. And our electricity will only arrive if no one cuts, damages or blows up the cables.

16. “Not since the days of slavery have there been so many people who feel entitled to what other people have produced.” – Thomas Sowell.

17. Just nine people in the UK still believe in global warming. Five of them are in the Government and four are employed by the BBC.

18. The Labour Government in the UK needs to raise £20 billion, £22 billion or £25 billion depending upon which day of the week it is. Why not just cut the subsidy to the House of Commons bars? That should do the trick.

19. Businesses in the EU (and that includes the UK since the UK never actually left) will soon have to collect and report on water use, energy consumption, labour conditions, chemical use, waste and emissions throughout their supply chains. This is part of the move towards net zero, and small businesses will close down by the thousand. Everyone who believes in net zero is a dangerous cretin. Please read Jack King’s book `Net Zero will destroy you and everything you care about’. You can buy a copy through the bookshop on http://www.vernoncoleman.com

20. Britain has the worst record in the world for dealing with cancer. The evidence suggests that lazy and incompetent GPs are at least partly responsible for this failure. GPs who work few hours and do not take personal responsibility for their patients are a menace.

21. The Russian Ambassador to the USA has been permanently recalled to Moscow. This is what usually happens just before a war starts. Did your favourite newspaper bother to mention this?

22. The plan was to reimburse people who had been scammed by up to £415,000. But the banks demanded that the compensation be cut to £85,000 and so guess what – the compensation level was cut to £85,000; useless for people scammed while buying or selling houses.

23. The most meaningless word in the world is now “sustainable.” When you hear the word, run as fast as you can in the opposite direction. And don’t look back. The people who use the word “sustainable” can turn you into a block of salt.

24. Campaigners complain that the BBC doesn’t have enough walruses appearing on its programmes. “We’re looking into it and hope to have more walruses on screen very soon,” said a spokes-idiot.

25. The Government may soon attack pubs in order to increase alcoholism. Without pubs people drink supermarket booze at home. And they drink far more of it because it’s much cheaper.

26. GPs are now so lazy that in future most patients who want to see a GP will be seen by an assistant. Nurses already conduct one in five appointments which are supposed to be done by a doctor. In future patients who need help may see a pharmacist, a physiotherapist, an occupational therapist, a clinical assistant or someone who just wandered in to mend the heating system.

About the Author

Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc practised medicine for ten years. He has been a full-time professional author for over 30 years. He is a novelist and campaigning writer and has written many non-fiction books.  He has written over 100 books which have been translated into 22 languages. On his website, HERE, there are hundreds of articles which are free to read.

There are no ads, no fees and no requests for donations on Dr. Coleman’s website or videos. He pays for everything through book sales. If you want to help finance his work, please just buy a book – there are over 100 books by Vernon Coleman in print on Amazon.

This article was originally published by The Expose. We only curate news from sources that align with the core values of our intended conservative audience. If you like the news you read here we encourage you to utilize the original sources for even more great news and opinions you can trust!

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