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Dr. Steve Pieczenik: “There’s a counter-coup in progress…”

Dr. Steve Pieczenik: “There’s a counter-coup in progress…”

This article was originally published on WLT Report. You can read the original article HERE

As my friend the Digital Asset Investor would say, you can file this one in the “red file” which is a shout-out to the old TV show Dallas.

Meaning….I’m not here to tell you this is 100% true, but it sure rings true and truth is often stranger than fiction.

So as I believe we’re nearing the final scene of this movie, I want to show you perhaps a glimpse behind the curtain of what’s really been going on the past 10+ years.

Meet Dr. Steve Pieczenik.

In case you don’t know who he is, here’s a short bio:

Steve Pieczenik is a psychiatrist, former government official, and author with a unique blend of expertise in both psychology and international diplomacy. Born on December 7, 1943, in Havana, Cuba, Pieczenik holds degrees from Cornell University (B.A.) and Harvard University (M.D.), along with a Ph.D. in international relations from MIT. He is known for his role in the U.S. government, where he served as a consultant and high-level negotiator for the State Department under several administrations, including those of Presidents Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, and George H.W. Bush.

During his time in government service, Pieczenik was involved in crisis management, psychological operations, and hostage negotiations, playing key roles in high-profile situations like the Iran Hostage Crisis and other international incidents. He is also a prolific author of fiction, most notably co-writing the Tom Clancy’s Op-Center series, which blends geopolitical intrigue with action-packed storytelling.

Pieczenik became more widely known outside of government circles in the 2000s and 2010s due to his controversial views and conspiracy theories, particularly around major events like 9/11. His opinions and public statements have drawn both supporters and critics, and he has remained a polarizing figure in discussions about U.S. foreign policy and intelligence activities.

In recent years, Pieczenik has continued to share his views through various media appearances and books, maintaining a presence in discussions related to geopolitics, psychological warfare, and conspiracy theories.

Pretty clear to see the man has a long and storied history in government.

And he seems to have seen EXACTLY what was going on.

While some label that a “conspiracy theory” it seems to me like Pieczenik was simply watching what was happening around him, connecting the dots and taking good notes!


In other words, he seems very credible to me.

What I’m about to show you is his description of the “counter-coup” that was put into place to stop the Clinton/Obama original “civil” coup.

This lines up DIRECTLY with so much of what I’ve heard about why President Trump stepped in to run in 2015.

Watch here:

It makes sense, doesn’t it?

It also lines up perfectly with that viral video from a few years ago explaining how President Trump went on a world tour to all major foreign nations and got each one to submit to him.

Do you remember that video?

I’ll repost it down below because you HAVE TO see that and how it ties in!

It’s absolutely incredible.

But before I show you that one, I want to give you two more from Pieczenik first…

Starting with this one:


Dr. Pieczenik:
“Mr. Chun, this is Dr. Pieczenik, and what I want to say is the following: the impeachment process that the Democrats have undertaken is nothing more than a disguised coup by the CIA.

Why the CIA?
Number one, there is no such thing as a whistleblower in the CIA. The directors of the CIA have been absolutely incompetent. Gina Haspel, before, was involved with torture and terrorism. You’ve had Morrell, you had Tenet, you’ve got Brennan—all incompetent for 30 years. I’ve worked with the CIA, and it is known as an ‘excepted’ organization—’excepted’ means E-X-C-E-P-T-E-D, not ‘accepted’—it means you can fire at will. There is no such thing as a Good Samaritan or whistleblower; he should be fired and brought up for treason, as well as any of the analysts.

CIA analysts are redundancies—useless, worthless. You have one congresswoman who was a CIA analyst—totally useless. For 30 years, I’ve worked with the CIA, I worked with military intelligence, I’ve worked with all types of intelligence, but consistently the CIA has performed very poorly in any execution or analysis of Russia, the Soviet Union, Cambodia, Panama, and whatever other things.

But let me tell you, as a Deputy Assistant Secretary in five different administrations, I had no problem firing CIA station chiefs, CIA operatives, and analysts because they were useless. Now, it’s your job to start firing CIA operatives. It’s your job to start firing White House personnel. And it’s your job to understand that you have to recognize what a coup looks like.


Now let me get to the people who are involved.
Who are the three people involved? Number one, it’s Biden. Biden is clearly corrupt. Biden was an individual whose whole history is nothing but pathological lies and corruption. In high school, he was plagiarizing. In college, plagiarizing. In law school, plagiarizing. He was the lowest man in every school—he was dumb as they come.

More importantly, he had an aneurysm in his brain, and what you have now, clinically, is that Biden is demented. There’s no question—he’s disoriented to time, place, and person. He didn’t even know which state he was in, and he confabulates—that’s called clinical dementia. But none of the other neurologists or psychiatrists are going to take action.

Number two, Biden is a totally incompetent individual. Dumb. If his father went to Georgetown or Yale, it was only because of the gratitude extended to his father. Yale’s connection to his father came from Alan Apter, an investment banker, a Jewish investment banker, who headed up Burisma in Ukraine and received $50,000 a month for not doing anything other than being corrupt for his father. And who else was appointed on that board of Burisma? Joseph Cofer Black, another Blackwater man, who was basically a CIA operative and national security advisor for Mitt Romney.

Who else was on that board?
John Kerry’s son, Heinz. And Kerry, ironically, is a Jewish individual, but he doesn’t tell you that. He went to Yale; his father was a Jewish Austrian who was ashamed of his background, became an Episcopalian, and sent Kerry, the corrupt, self-aggrandizing narcissist, to Yale and St. Paul’s School.

So what you have here, in effect, is a massive attempt to displace you and the administration out of its job. That is called a coup. It’s called a hard coup because this has been going on for quite a while.

Why do I say that?
Admiral Maguire was just appointed a month ago, and he correctly said in his testimony, ‘This is an unusual thing to see, where you have a Good Samaritan or whistleblower come out of the blue and basically write up all this nonsense that he did.’

Number one, there are no whistleblowers in the CIA. Number two, these analysts are useless. If this analyst has all that time to write up the extensive document that he did, that means he’s not doing his job—which wasn’t a great job to begin with. Fire him. Fire Gina and the CIA.

Let me give you a quote:
Stalin said, ‘Some people, some problem. No people, no problem.’

You’re going to need someone like me, or someone else, to clean out your White House.

Good luck, and good night.”


And then this one:


Dr. Pieczenik:
“Hi, this is Dr. Pieczenik, and today I want to talk about the fact that the CIA coup has been confirmed. This confirmation comes from two sources: one I can’t mention within the intelligence community, and the second one is from Dr. Rand Paul, who, like me, was a doctor and served in the military. He made it very clear in one of his brochures and portfolio statements that this was a CIA coup.

Now, what are we talking about?
We’re talking about Adam Schiff. Number one, we’re talking about the head of the House Intelligence Committee, Adam Schiff, a congressman from Los Angeles who took over the position that Henry Waxman would have had. There was a transfer of power from a very smart, very capable congressman like Waxman to somebody who was highly compromised. When you have a military coup or a CIA coup, what you need is a person who’s highly compromised.

What did Adam Schiff do that compromised him?
Number one, he took money from Mr. Pasternak, Igor Pasternak, from Ukraine in 2013, and later on in another year, he took hundreds of thousands of dollars in order to run for his campaign. So we have corruption with a Ukrainian oligarch.

Number two, and this has been confirmed by Abramowitz, Adam Schiff was caught in a pedophile trafficking ring somewhere in Los Angeles, and that was at the Standard Hotel, run by Mrs. Abramowitz, who apparently practices satanic rituals. But the more important part is that he has been highly compromised. When you have somebody who’s highly compromised and not that bright, certainly not as bright as Waxman, you have somebody that you can manipulate.

Who would manipulate him?
Number one, of course, is the CIA director. Now Gina Haspel, who hasn’t said a word, but as I’ve said before, the CIA is an ‘excepted’ organization, meaning you can fire at will. Forty to fifty percent of the CIA operatives and analysts are outsourced, so there’s no problem firing them.

We have Mike Morell, who declared that Trump is not fit to be president—he was the DCI. We had John Brennan, Catholics in Action, who declared that Trump was a disaster and a traitor. Then we had Clapper, DNI, who declared that Trump was no good and that we never should have had him as president. Then we had the FBI’s Comey, who came in and did all kinds of shenanigans but also declared that Trump wasn’t fit.

So, what do we have here?
We have a Ukrainian mess that was created by none other than Mitt Romney’s right-hand man, Joseph Cofer Black, a major CIA operative who, by the way, was involved in 9/11 and the false flag. He was vice chairman of Blackwater. Isn’t that interesting? That is a Hessian group funded by Erik Prince, who was thrown out of the United States and had to go to Dubai and the UAE to create another mercenary group.

What we have here is a lot of Deep State collusion among ex-CIA and FBI operatives, and what you people will call the ‘deep state.’ Although the deep state for me is far deeper than one would imagine—it has to do with other members of the 15 other intelligence organizations, which are far more effective than the CIA. I don’t have to get into it, but of course, I’ve mentioned before, defense intelligence agencies, military intelligence, G2, all of whom would respond and be loyal to the President of the United States or, more importantly, the Constitution.

Now, what do we have here with Hunter Biden?
Hunter Biden is not only ineffectual and dumb, like his father Joe Biden—who I told you had an aneurysm and is clinically demented now—but Joe Biden has a history of plagiarism throughout his life and lying and confabulating. Now we have Hunter Biden, who’s also ineffectual and, by the way, was also corrupt and was thrown out of the Naval Reserve for, guess what? Cocaine addiction.

So we have an ineffectual, corrupt Joe Biden and Hunter Biden.

Let me give you a quote:
In The Godfather, they said, ‘Hold your friends close, but your enemies closer.’ Well, that really is my saying. But the point here is that when this coup was initiated—and it’s in full force now—you will see people like myself and others, who are in the counterintelligence business, and we will take it apart.

Thank you, and good night.”

Ok, now let’s wrap up with this one that is going to absolutely blow your mind if you’ve never seen it before….

THEY ALL SUBMITTED: President Trump’s ReTruth Just Confirmed What We Told You 8 Months Ago!

THEY ALL SUBMITTED: President Trump's ReTruth Just Confirmed What We Told You 8 Months Ago!

This is starting to get crazy...

We are very proud of our reporting.

We put a lot of effort into our research and (real) fact-checking and we don't publish something unless we are confident in the validity of the reporting.

That's when we're covering hard news.


Sometimes we cover warnings about things we believe are about to happen, or things we believe are happening behind the scenes but which may be confidential or unable to be confirmed by hard facts at the moment.

When that's the case, we tell you ahead of time but the funny thing is even those reports end up being accurate .

Sometimes months later.

Sometimes even years later.

Much like rPOTUS himself, President Donald J. Trump, we are sometimes laughed at when we initially post something only to be validated and vindicated later on.

Remember when Trump said: "they tapped my wires!" immediately after the 2016 election?

Years later, he was confirmed to be 100% correct.

Something similar just happened here.

Over 8 months ago, we brought you this report:

The Most INTERESTING Trump Video You May Have Never Seen…

I'll post the full text of that article and the video below, but it generated a LOT of comments.

Well, flash forward 8 months and President Trump himself just ReTruthed a video on TruthSocial that essentially confirms our reporting and the video in our reporting was dead on accurate!

That's cool, but what's really amazing is what that means.

Because the video was wild.

And if that video is accurate, then there is WAY more going on behind the scenes than any of us can even imagine.

Here's the video that President Trump just ReTruthed:

That short 5 minute video is crazy but it means a LOT more if you know the backstory...

So please take a moment and read the post we originally brought you 8 months ago.

This tells the full story.

After you're done reading and watching this below, then go back and realize that President Trump essentially just confirmed it to be true.

OH MY....

Here it is:

The Most INTERESTING Trump Video You May Have Never Seen...

I have something truly fascinating for you!

This really is the most most "interesting" Trump video I have ever seen, and trust me....I've see a lot!

This video explains so many things that you saw happen during President Trump's first term with your own eyes but you probably didn't realize what was truly going on behind the scenes.

I was hooked within the first couple minutes of watching this and I couldn't stop watching until the end.

I expect you may be the same way.

I will say this....I don't agree with his views on God and Christianity, which are very off in my opinion.

And I debated whether I even wanted to post this in light of some of his comments.

But ultimately, I'm not going to throw the baby out with the bathwater.

We report hundreds of news articles every single week and we don't refuse to run a story before we check the faith of the person covered in the story.

So just know that if you are offended by that part of the video, I am not endorsing or agreeing with that part.

But the rest I find so absolutely fascinating (and believable) that I had to share.

I'd love to hear your thoughts....

Watch here on Rumble and then leave a comment:

Be sure to leave a comment below, I want to know what everyone thinks.

I will read them all.

This article was originally published by WLT Report. We only curate news from sources that align with the core values of our intended conservative audience. If you like the news you read here we encourage you to utilize the original sources for even more great news and opinions you can trust!

Read Original Article HERE

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