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Q for Dummies - Chapter 20

Q for Dummies - Chapter 20

This article was originally published on Badlands Media. You can read the original article HERE

Drops #122-127

The Badlands ‘Q for Dummies’ series attempts to ‘dumb down’ one of the most significant open-source intelligence drops of all time, which is partly responsible for triggering the period many refer to as ‘The Great Awakening.’ The series is intended for both newcomers and those looking for a fun review. Start with Chapter 1.

Hello and welcome to Chapter 20 of Q For Dummies!

Thank you for stopping by, my frens! As always, allow me to thank you so much for your continued support and love. You guys and gals rock!

This chapter will be focusing on Drops 122-127, and while not as packed as the previous couple of chapters, this one will still have some juicy tidbits to take in and digest. 

Before we get to it, I’d first like to mention the devastation coming to light from Western NC. This also includes Eastern TN, and parts of GA, FLA, and SC.

North Carolina is my home state, and where I currently live. Seeing the destruction and despair in Western NC breaks my heart. It is a beautiful area of the country, filled with countless breathtaking views, and generous, good hearted people. To most of us here in NC, the Blue Ridge is God’s Country, and right now the entire region is in need of all the prayer we can muster. 

I won’t go into whether or not the storm was manufactured/manipulated (it was), or who/what may have been behind it. Perhaps in a future chapter, but not now. Quite frankly, my soul is a little weary from seeing all of it, as such - I haven’t the energy to discuss it at length at the moment. Nor do I possess the energy to discuss the response from state and federal agencies - or should I say, the lack of response. 

The one takeaway we can be thankful for is seeing so many Americans coming together to help other Americans, while at the same time realizing the current administration does not care about them; however, I am personally finding it hard to take much more positivity from this situation at the moment. I am sure as time moves on, more and more positivity will be seen.

As Mr. Rogers said: “When bad things happen, look for the good people.”, and we have seen plenty of good people filling the gap and helping those in need - so, I’m gonna keep looking for the good people. 

We also saw a very short-lived port strike, which for the moment has been averted and suspended until January 15th. It is interesting to me that President Trump has a relationship with, and met with ILA President Daggett at Mar-A-Lago some months ago. 

Also not lost on me: 

  • The worth of Daggett’s Home: $1.7mm

  • The size of his home:  7,163 sq ft, 7 + 1 + 6 + 3 = 17 

  • The length of his yacht:  76ft (1776?)

  • Daggett also spoke of 17 deaths at ports within 3 months, and there were “45”k workers going on strike. 

Basically, this situation is laden with far too many comms for me to ignoreh and it leads me to believe there is/was far more to this port strike than we are aware. 

I mean, we were told to “watch the water”, after all. 

And the last thing I will touch upon: J.D Vance and his complete flogging of Tim Walz on National TV during the V.P Debate. He absolutely demolished Walz, and anyone who had questions about whether or not he was a worthy choice for V.P should now be putting those concerns to rest. He has certainly been up to the task thus far. 

Oh - I nearly forgot … silly me. But Iran and Israel are on the very edge of war, which for me, harkens to “Israel being saved for last”. Take a look at my post on X for a little more on why I believe that to be the case: Israel Being Saved For Last

Without any further delay or ramblings, what do y’all say we get to the drops? 

Drop #122 - November 6, 2017:

This drop will be the most packed of this chapter, and goes on to further pull the layers back on the rotten core that is the Deep State.

Q takes an opportunity in this drop to ask questions about various “truths” we have been taught. Let’s take a deeper look at what exactly Q is getting at in this drop.

We are first asked “what does money buy”.

This is both a simple, and a complex answer. The simple answer is that it can buy .. well, it can buy damn near anything you want if you have enough of it. To be more precise, money buys you power. And when we are talking about the kind of money some of these players possess (Soros, Gates, Bezos, Zuckerberg etc) - there isn’t much power or control they can’t buy, including control over elections and governments. 

Part of this control, as I mentioned, is over elections and the machines that control said elections.

Which leads into the next question: “How do you prevent tampering?”. This is slightly harder to answer, because there is no airtight way to prevent tampering (just short of voting moving to the blockchain). But one way we can at least stifle their efforts and make the steal harder to pull off is by going to vote. 

The following graphic comes from our friend

, and it does a fantastic job of showing you why voter turnout matters.

As you can see, voter turnout makes it far harder to pull off the fraud. I would even go so far as to suggest that the turnout in 2020 is one of the biggest factors in exposing the fraud to the level we have seen. Had we not turned out, it would have been exponentially easier to sweep under the rug, never to see the light of day. 

Q then asks about the media, and Hollywood, and why they are left wing. This is because most of them are assets under the umbrella of Operation Mockingbird. Most of them are blackmailed, and as such, will push whatever narrative and/or agenda they are told to. 

And that brings us to “why is the narrative so important?”

Because if you control the narrative, you control the truth. Control the truth, and you can control the population, along with making sure to keep your crimes hidden and away from the light of day. 

Next, Q asks us “why do liberals prefer racism w/o proof?”

Because they project. They project their own misgivings and moral ineptitude onto the rest of us in an effort to obfuscate who they really are. And the sad part is: It worked until very recently. For decades, these folks had the wool pulled over everyone’s eyes.

And in that, you can see why the Q Operation was, and still is, so very important.

Up next, Q dives into HRC’s background a little deeper. 

The first question posed is “Who is HRC’s mentor?”

Let’s have a quick review, shall we?

Robert Byrd was HRC’s mentor. Given the graphics above, I believe it is pretty easy to see the point Q was making.

[They] are the ones who are really racist. Democrats formed the KKK, Democrats formed the Confederacy, and Republicans freed the slaves. 

As a matter of fact, the Civil War was not what we were told it was either, but that’s for another article.

As an add-on: On the left, we see an image from the 1924 DNC, otherwise known as the “Klan Bake”. It was a DNC that was basically a huge KKK Rally. On the right, Bill Clinton signs a law into effect that honors the Confederacy. 

It seems to me that these folks like to play the racist card to deflect attention away from the fact that they are the real racists.

Instead of restaurants, schools and buses separated by color, we have seen the Deep State pivot towards using classism to keep the black population under control. Think back to the early 80’s, and the crack pandemic. It doesn’t take much effort to find stories of crack and weapons being funneled into low class/low rent neighborhoods by the CIA in order to constantly keep that section of society at war with itself. 

And it isn’t just the black population they have done this with, either. [They] have used many different tricks and methods to keep people divided and keep us all under control. 

The good news is many are waking up to this deceit, and many are refusing to put up with it anymore. 

Don’t believe me? Listen to this lady … 

Q then asks why there is an attack the day after bad news is published against the Democrats.

That is easy: Because the Deep State is trying to divert attention away from whatever horrendous truth it is that was just published about them. 

Drop #123 - November 6, 2017:

This Drop is dasting because it carries with it multiple meanings and a Q-Proof.

The first thing to take from this drop is Q telling us that nothing is random and everything has meaning. Does this mean we should be decoding every message from every Tom, Dick & Harry attached to Q? No. But it means we need to pay attention, and be willing to take a look at many different avenues to attain information. 

Q also includes a “+++” here, which, to jump ahead to Drop #133, we are told, represents the House Of Saud.

But, there is something far more interesting about this drop. And that is the fact that it became a Q-Proof.

On November 6th, 2017 at 4:15pm, President Trump Tweeted a “+++”.

Less than an hour later, at 5:07pm is when Q made Drop #123, in which he also included a “+++”. Less than an hour after that, at 6:03pm, President Trump made a Tweet in reference to the Saudi Arabian purge.

As we see in Drop #133, the “+++” represents the House Of Saud.

At this point, Q Team has made it very clear that this particular player (The House Of Saud) has been removed from the playing field. 

Drop #124 - November 7, 2017:

In this drop, Q gives us a “+”, a “++”, and a “+++”.

At the time, we didn’t really know the meaning.

As we saw in Drop #133: “+” = Soros, “++” = Rothschild, and “+++” = House Of Saud.

In Drop #125, Q gives us a photo. The filename of this photo is “_AF1_5A” - indicating that this photo originated from aboard Air Force One.

The photo was taken over Seoul, South Korea, which lines up with where President Trump was at the time (traveling through Asia). This, in and of itself, is also a Q-Proof, as no LARP, nor kid in someone’s basement is going to be able to obtain a photo from aboard AF1. 

In the following screencap, you will see that an Anon used Photoshop to pull the exif data from the photo. It is plainly obvious that the photo itself was taken on 11/7/2017 at 5:39am. In addition, this photo returned no results on any reverse image search, further proving it’s validity.

Drop #126 - November 7, 2017:

In this drop, Q calls out the deletion of the prior drop (Drop #124,) in which the “+” symbols were posted. 

No reason was ever given as to why the drop was removed from the boards; however, Q made sure to quickly repost the message.

This drop was not removed. 

Drop #127 - November 7, 2017:

In the last drop featured in this chapter, Q tells us that the graphic is our key (this is referencing the same graphic that has been posted multiple times during this series).

After that, Q throws a little snark, and a shot across the bow at the bad actors occupying the board by calling them out. “Let’s pause and say hello to the rogue intelligence agencies currently monitoring these threads.”

This is Q telling us that the boards and the posts from Q-Team are being watched closely by bad actors. 

Q then asks them if the money they were paid to sell out their country was worth it. We all know that treason never pays well in the end, so the answer to this question is ‘no, it is not worth it.’

Q also mentions “Titanic”, which to me is a pretty obvious message to [them] that the ship is going down, and the bad actors will be going down with it. 

Thank you for hanging on til’ the end, my frens! I hope you have enjoyed this chapter of QFD. Remember to keep your head up, and keep moving forward. No matter what. Rest easy knowing that patriots are in control and God Wins.

Until next time, be blessed, fellow patriots!

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