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We Won’t Forget

We Won’t Forget

This article was originally published on Badlands Media. You can read the original article HERE

Benghazi Exposes a Lot of Treason

There is a good reason why I needed to do several articles before I wrote about Benghazi.

There are so many things connected to Benghazi, and it was important to know some very important background on John McCain before we got to this article. He is at the center of it all. He was heavily involved, but you would never know that at the time, according to the news media. McCain acted like one of Obama’s biggest critics over the Benghazi scandal, but it was all a ruse. He was heavily involved, but that would never be discussed because his criticism of Obama would shield him, then help him to set the narrative and focus of the investigations. All coordinated by the enemy in order to hide the truth.

This scandal was a major battle in the ongoing narrative war. We didn’t control the narrative at the time, so the bombshells that were revealed ultimately didn’t change anything. The two tier justice system ruled the day.

But Benghazi has not been forgotten, and we haven’t forgotten the Americans who lost their lives, either.

Ambassador Christopher Stevens.

Sean Smith.

Glen Doherty.

Tyrone Woods.

We honor them, and we will see justice served for their sacrifice.

Trump and our military have not forgotten them.

Here’s Trump from way back in 2012, when all the investigations were happening, and long before he was running for president.

Trump knew how important Benghazi was back then. Do you think that he’s forgotten about Benghazi? We won’t forget.

Most people still don’t know what Benghazi was really about. They still think it was just another terrorist attack, and the “scandal” was that the Obama administration didn’t send help or prevent the attack in the first place. Those were “red herring” arguments from the beginning and were encouraged by the enemy in order to hide the truth. The truth is absolutely infuriating. It would have been a massive red pill for the American people at the time, but unfortunately, the enemy controlled the narrative battlefield.

The entire media argued and debated these two questions for years:

  1. Why didn’t the Obama administration send help to Benghazi when Ambassador Stevens was under attack?

  2. Why was the security in Benghazi so weak in the first place?

That is what the investigations focused on, too. Those are two good questions, but they also help to hide the truth about this attack.

President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton both took a lot of criticism during the investigations, but they were never in any danger of facing consequences.


Those two questions don’t come close to revealing the real reason this attack happened.

Arguing over whether or not they could have sent help or had more security there kept the investigations focused on the things that would easily be argued as “mistakes” rather than treason. This was purposeful. Even when mistakes are admitted to, no accountability ever comes. The only thing that comes is a well rehearsed litany of excuses. Then they announce new changes for the future, with great fanfare and it all gets swept under the rug.

That’s exactly what happened when Clinton, as Secretary of State, agreed to implement all the State Department Accountability Review Board’s recommendations in order to prevent it from ever happening again. All 29 recommendations. Most of the media then just moved on. Case closed.

But was that investigation by the Accountability Review Board at the State Department really about “accountability?” Accountability suggests that someone is taking responsibility for their actions. Does that sound like Hillary?


According to National Review:

Politico obtains the Benghazi-related chapter of Hillary Clinton’s forthcoming memoir, and describes it here.

You are unlikely to be surprised to learn that she attacks the motives of her critics, contends the intelligence community believed the attack started as a protest — even though she was the one who first issued a statement declaring the attack video-related, while it was still going on — and contends the government did everything it could to rescue those under attack.

She also “points out that she ordered an investigation into what happened nine days after the attacks” — it’s unclear why this is considered exculpatory or laudatory, instead of a strangely delayed absolutely necessary duty – and that she “agreed with and implemented all 29 of the recommendations made by a review board” — a review board that so thoroughly preemptively rejected the notion of her responsibility that they never bothered to interview her.

The State department investigation by the supposedly independent Accountability Review Board was a complete sham. They never interviewed Hillary even though she was at the center of the scandal. This “review” was all part of the cover-up.

Be encouraged, my friends.

Treason doesn’t have a statute of limitations.

They are going to be held accountable. Justice is coming for these traitors.


If you think that Benghazi is long forgotten and that nobody will be held accountable, let me try and change your mind.

There is one guy connected to Benghazi that I bet nobody remembers.

Do you remember Raymond Maxwell?

Who is he?

He was a whistleblower who testified before the House Select Committee on Benghazi. He had worked for the State Department under Hillary Clinton during the Benghazi attack, and during the coverup. He was the Deputy Assistant Secretary at the time, and came forward to give damning testimony about Hillary.

According to the Daily Signal:

As the House Select Committee on Benghazi prepares for its first hearing this week, a former State Department diplomat is coming forward with a startling allegation: Hillary Clinton confidants were part of an operation to “separate” damaging documents before they were turned over to the Accountability Review Board investigating security lapses surrounding the Sept. 11, 2012, terrorist attacks on the U.S. mission in Benghazi, Libya.

So the Accountability Review Board investigation didn’t get all the documents they requested from the State Department? Hillary was hiding documents?

What a shocker! That doesn’t sound like Hillary at all. She has always been so open and honest. She’s also been so transparent and helpful when it comes to investigations. I’m sure this must be a misunderstanding, or maybe just “another mistake.”


More from the Daily Signal:

According to former Deputy Assistant Secretary Raymond Maxwell, the after-hours session took place over a weekend in a basement operations-type center at State Department headquarters in Washington, D.C. This is the first time Maxwell has publicly come forward with the story.

At the time, Maxwell was a leader in the State Department’s Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs, which was charged with collecting emails and documents relevant to the Benghazi probe.

“I was not invited to that after-hours endeavor, but I heard about it and decided to check it out on a Sunday afternoon,” Maxwell says.

Did you catch that?

Raymond Maxwell was in charge of collecting emails and documents that were relevant to the Benghazi investigation. He wasn’t invited to this secret gathering in the basement at the State Department on a Sunday to remove any Benghazi documents that implicated Hillary or Obama. Maxwell showed up uninvited anyway, and was there to witness what was going on. He testified that two of Hillary’s closest aides at the State Department, Cheryl Mills and Jake Sullivan, were overseeing the operation.

The fact that he witnessed this “cover-up” made him a target.

More from the Daily Signal:

Maxwell, 58, strongly supported President Barack Obama and personally contributed to his presidential campaign. But post-Benghazi, he has soured on both Obama and Clinton, saying he had nothing to do with security and was sacrificed as a scapegoat while higher-up officials directly responsible escaped discipline.

Maxwell spent a year on paid administrative leave with no official charge ever levied against him. Ultimately, the State Department cleared Maxwell of wrongdoing and reinstated him. He retired a short time later, in November 2013.

Maxwell was one of the people blamed for Benghazi security lapses even though he was later exonerated. That was just to shut him up. It worked for a few years. He had testified in two separate Benghazi investigations about two years earlier, and had never mentioned this story.


Because he had worked at the State Department long enough to know that those investigations were just a “whitewash” to make it all go away. He didn’t want to risk his life because he knew those investigations were a complete sham.

What changed?

A new investigation was opened on Benghazi, and it was headed by someone who would become very important in this war. This new investigation was completely different, but it was also never supposed to happen. It was launched in the House because the Obama administration kept stonewalling requests for information, and a few key members of Congress demanded a new investigation.

This investigation was led by a “bulldog” named Trey Gowdy.

Do you see who else took part in this investigation?

That’s Mike Pompeo standing behind Gowdy. Just a coincidence that Trump placed him as head of the CIA and then head of the State Department? No coincidences.

Do you know how many investigations and inquiries had been launched to look into Benghazi?

According to Wikipedia:

Ten investigations were conducted into the 2012 Benghazi attack, six of these by Republican-controlled House committees. Problems were identified with security measures at the Benghazi facilities, due to poor decisions made by employees of the State Department's Bureau of Diplomatic Security, and specifically its director Eric Boswell, who resigned under pressure in December 2012.

Despite numerous allegations against Obama administration officials of scandal, cover-up and lying regarding the Benghazi attack and its aftermath, none of the ten investigations found any evidence to support those allegations. The last of the investigation committees issued its final report and shut down in December 2016, one month after the 2016 presidential election.

I would have never guessed there were 10 investigations into Benghazi, but that proves the importance of this scandal. Wikipedia says that none of those investigations found ANY evidence of a cover-up, or lying by the Obama administration regarding Benghazi. Do you believe that?

Constant lying and a cover up by the Obama administration were actually easily proven, and with lots of evidence. Gowdy’s investigation exposed Hillary’s little document search party in the State Department basement on a Sunday. That was definitely evidence of a “cover-up.”

There was actually a lot of evidence of crimes exposed, and it all seemed to come from the Gowdy investigation. That shouldn’t surprise anybody. Trey Gowdy is a patriot, and was one of the better prosecutors in the country before he was elected to Congress. Gowdy knows how to ask the right questions in order to reveal the truth.

That’s the most important thing. If you really want to get to the truth, you must ask the right questions.

But don’t miss that last very important point from Wikipedia.

The last of the investigation committees issued its final report and shut down in December 2016, one month after the 2016 presidential election.

That was Gowdy’s investigation, and it’s not a coincidence that he shut down the investigation and issued his report, one month AFTER Trump won the election.

Why was that important?

The plan was always to take this investigation that had exposed treason, and hand it over to the military working behind the scenes. The same military justice that removed McCain from the chessboard is the same military that took over the investigation on Benghazi.

Do you remember what Q said in drop #14?

Treason changes everything. The military is overseeing these investigations.

Here was Trump’s first response on this new investigation headed by Gowdy in 2014.

Now remember, Trump was a big supporter of Gowdy when the investigation started, but that changed when he was running for president. Here he is, mentioning Gowdy again in a tweet, about a year and a half later.

Trump had criticized Gowdy’s Benghazi investigation publicly for letting Hillary get away with “murder.” Trump was linking Hillary and “murder” with the deaths of four Americans. That certainly drew attention to his comment, and I believe it was purposeful.

But why would Trump turn on Gowdy?

There’s a really good reason. This is war, and deception is required.

Trump already knew the plan and what Gowdy’s future role was going to be. So Trump needed to create distance from Gowdy in order to hide his role from the enemy, especially the media. It is a narrative war.

Gowdy then did his part to create distance, by endorsing Marco Rubio for president, which created even more cover.

Does that remind you of something I wrote about in a previous article?

Mike Pompeo had also endorsed Rubio as cover in the 2016 primaries so that he could get confirmed as CIA Director. I wrote about that in my article titled: The Difference Between Friend And Foe.

It was the exact same playbook.

Trump purposely brought attention to Gowdy’s endorsement of Rubio in order to prove that Gowdy wasn’t his lapdog.

How did Gowdy feel about Trump calling him a loser?

According to MarketWatch:

Depending on how you judge the purpose of the Benghazi investigation, I think a lot of people would say I was a loser.’

That’s South Carolina Republican Trey Gowdy, elected to the House in the tea-party wave of 2010, on having been called a loser by then–presidential candidate Donald Trump.

The remark from the retiring congressman, who’s counting down his final journeys between his home state and the District of Columbia, came in a Gowdy interview with Vice News that aired this week on HBO.

Trey Gowdy didn’t take Trump’s insult personal at the time, or return fire. I’m sure the media wished he had. He was getting ready to retire from Congress. The timing of that was very important.

I do think he made a great point in this interview. Your view of him and the job he did may be based on what you thought the “purpose” of his Benghazi investigation was all about. If you thought Gowdy’s job was to bring Hillary or Obama to justice, then I could totally see why you might be disappointed, or even angry. You might think Gowdy was a “loser,” too.

But, does anybody really think that was the purpose of Gowdy’s investigation into Benghazi?

The truth is, there was nothing Gowdy could do to Hillary or Obama except expose their lies and crimes. Congress can’t prosecute anybody. The Obama administration was never going to prosecute Hillary or Obama for anything, even if Gowdy had given the DOJ criminal referrals full of evidence.

Eric Holder was installed as Attorney General for the very purpose of protecting the Obama administration and targeting his political enemies. Trump already knew that Gowdy couldn’t do anything legally to Obama or Hillary when he called him a “loser.” It was all purposeful deception.

Don’t believe me?

Why would Trump do this?

According to Reuters:

Former U.S. Representative Trey Gowdy stepped into a familiar role on Wednesday when President Donald Trump tapped him to join his outside legal team to help battle a Democratic-led impeachment inquiry.

The 55-year-old former federal prosecutor is best known for pushing relentlessly for information on Obama administration officials, including Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's role in responding to the 2012 attack on a U.S. government compound in Benghazi, Libya, that killed four U.S. officials.

Do you really think Trump ever thought Gowdy was a loser?

Trump created that deception on purpose to shield his real role in this war. And that role wasn’t to defend Trump on a phony impeachment. Trump was never in danger of being removed.

Why would Trump want Gowdy to defend him in the impeachment? How about this reason?

To gather evidence of more treason by the democrats trying to remove Trump. Gowdy was already up to speed on a lot of this treason.

Q would also specifically single out Gowdy for praise. Gowdy was going to be a major player behind the scenes, and Q said this about him:

Gowdy was on the short list in the public narrative to be Attorney General and a possible Supreme Court Justice.

Trump has never really thought Gowdy was a loser. That was just a narrative deployment. He was needed for a more important role.

Trey Gowdy is a patriot.

What role is Gowdy playing in this war?

Q gave us some hints. This is a very important Q drop.

Trey Gowdy, Bob Goodlatte and Jeff Sessions all resigned around the same time. Q emphasized that point.


Gowdy oversaw the only real Benghazi investigation in Congress. Goodlatte was Chair of the House Judiciary Committee, which has jurisdiction over legislation affecting the federal courts, administrative agencies, and federal law enforcement entities. Sessions was Attorney General under Trump during the Russian collusion sham, and appointed Huber and Inspector General Horowitz to investigate the Clinton Foundation and much, much more.

Q is suggesting they are playing important roles in the background investigations. Gowdy was a great federal prosecutor, and I think he is involved in some form of that same capacity behind the scenes.

Then there’s this:

Military planning at its finest.

Gowdy and Goodlatte ran the investigations that discovered the evidence of treason in the DOJ/FBI (etc). They know a lot more than what’s been revealed to the public.

Let’s connect a few more dots.

Q+ is Trump.

This is Trump communicating [directly] with Gowdy and Goodlatte, and thanking them for their “service.” Trump told them that their “sacrifices will never be forgotten.”

Why would Trump and Q single out both Gowdy and Goodlatte if they weren’t part of something much bigger happening in the background? We are in a real war, and they can’t spell out what they are doing behind the scenes. But this drop is saluting their service like they are national heroes, and I believe they are.

Let’s connect them to the military operation.

This Q drop thanking both Gowdy and Goodlatte for their service and sacrifice is connected to another important person working behind the scenes in this war.

From Q drop #2453 - Nov 07, 2018:

Here is Trump’s tweet in this Q drop.

Both Trump and Q were connecting these three players again, and personally thanking them. Trump’s public criticism of Sessions was all for show. It created distance between him and his Attorney General so that the media couldn’t claim these investigations were politically motivated.

Now let’s get back to Gowdy’s Benghazi investigation.

His only purpose in Congress was to EXPOSE the treason, and he exposed a lot of it. He did great damage to the enemy, and even though they have escaped justice TEMPORARILY, I believe what he discovered and exposed will be the basis for the coming military tribunals for treason.

The only huge bombshells in ALL of the Benghazi investigations came through his committee, in my opinion.

I’m sure everyone remembers one of those bombshells because it turned into a huge scandal that permanently damaged Hillary politically. She never recovered, and it helped torpedo her presidential campaign too.

What was it?

It was Trey Gowdy’s investigation that discovered Hillary’s secret illegal server. None of the previous investigations discovered it because they were part of the cover-up.

She set up a private server to send and receive email communications outside of government archive laws in order to avoid the Freedom of Information Act. She knew it was illegal and set it up as soon as she became Secretary of State, with Obama’s approval. I wrote about that in my article titled: Nothing Is As It Appears.

The top of the Obama administration along with Hillary and her aides at the State department were all using this private server to hide their communications from Congress and the American people. But Obama claimed to know nothing about the server when Gowdy’s investigation made it public. That was a huge lie. We know that because of an Inspector General investigation that looked into the illegal server, and proved that Obama was using the same server under a pseudonym.

Do you want to know why Obama lied and said he didn’t know anything about Hillary’s server? He was panicked. Do you remember what Gowdy was investigating? He was investigating Benghazi.

What do you want to bet that there are thousands of email communications related to Benghazi on that server? What do you want to bet that thousands of those emails are connected to not just Hillary, but Obama, McCain, Brennan and many others? Why do you think Hillary deleted over 30,000 emails, and then had an underling use “bleach-bit” to wipe the server clean before she handed it over?

Seems like panic and a desperate coverup to me. Then she took hammers to her Blackberry phones before turning them over. Who does that and gets away with it? Destroying evidence is a crime.

This Benghazi investigation scared them like nothing else. That server contained a lot of evidence of the worst kind of treason.

Here’s an important portion of Q drop #1682 - Jul 24, 2018:

Remember, Huber was named a “Special Prosecutor” attached to the Inspector General investigations, which gave the IG the power to question and prosecute anybody, including people who no longer work for the government.

Huber’s investigations were all based outside of D.C., and they had a team of about 450 investigators. There’s a reason that the number of sealed indictments exploded under Trump.

What was Huber’s first task?

He was tasked to look into corruption at the Clinton Foundation.

This Q drop is focused on Hillary and her server. That server holds a lot of evidence of treason by top government officials in the Obama administration connected to Benghazi and a lot of other things. That’s why she didn’t want to turn it over, and then she used “bleach-bit” to try and wipe it clean.

Who does Huber report to [directly]?

Why was the word “directly” in targeted brackets? There was another patriot serving in the Trump administration that was “targeted” by the enemy as soon as Trump took office.

His name is Jeff Sessions, and he served as Trump’s Attorney General.

He was forced to recuse himself from the phony Russian Collusion investigation, but that didn’t prevent him at all from overseeing Huber’s investigation. It actually gave him cover, because in the public narrative, Sessions had been neutered, and couldn’t protect Trump from being framed for Russian collusion. But in reality, it helped keep what he was doing in the background, out of the limelight.

Remember, nobody knew Huber was investigating anything or anybody until his name was leaked in a congressional hearing. He had already been investigating things from the beginning. I’ll have a lot more on Huber in a coming article.

It all goes back to Hillary’s illegal server.

Who has the SERVER? Why does Trump continually refer to the SERVER? Trump does not speculate. Future proves past. Who has it all? Topics stated in the past. Future BIG meaning?

“Topics stated in the past?”

One of those topics is surely Benghazi because it is connected to so much treason.

But what did Q mean by “Future BIG meaning?”

I think it’s referring to these two back to back Q drops that are connected.

Trump was the Commander in Chief, and did not need Congressional approval for military intelligence to take over these investigations for treason. Congress doesn’t have any oversight over these military investigations, either. They are hidden behind the “state secrets” designation because this is WAR.

Q said that this reference to military intelligence taking over these investigations is the absolute BIGGEST inside drop we will ever receive.

So let me start to connect Gowdy, Goodlatte and Sessions to these military investigations.

Let’s take a look at another portion of Q drop #2462 - Nov 09, 2018:

This is pointing to one of the most important players in this war who is way under the radar, and stays there on purpose. If you haven’t followed Q closely, then you’ve probably never heard of Ezra Cohen-Watnick.

Trump assigned him to work [directly] with AG Sessions. He was that important.

Why did Q say laser designator(s)? Plural?

Do you remember in my last article where Q described General Flynn as taking a rubber bullet in order to be a laser pointer for Congressional investigations? Well, Cohen-Watnick was also a laser pointer, and [directly] connected to General Flynn.

According to Business Insider:

When former national security adviser H.R. McMaster took over from his ousted predecessor, Michael Flynn, he cleaned house, removing a host of top officials who served under Flynn's brief and controversial leadership.

It took McMaster nearly six months to get rid of one particular aide, 31-year-old Ezra Cohen-Watnick, whom Flynn brought on to serve as the president's senior director for intelligence programs. Cohen-Watnick was protected by top White House adviser Jared Kushner and former chief strategist Steve Bannon.

Ezra Cohen-Watnick is a name to remember. As Senior Director for Intelligence Programs, his job was to be the liaison between the intelligence community and the President. That was a very important position for a 31 year old.

Who is Ezra Cohen-Watnick, and why is he so important?

According to Politico:

President Donald Trump has overruled a decision by his national security adviser, Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster, to sideline a key intelligence operative who fell out of favor with some at the Central Intelligence Agency, two sources told POLITICO.

Cohen-Watnick was brought onto Trump’s transition team and then the NSC by a leading critic of the CIA: retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, who was Cohen-Watnick’s boss at the Defense Intelligence Agency and preceded McMaster as national security adviser.

Cohen-Watnick and Flynn “saw eye to eye about the failings of the CIA human intelligence operations,” said a Washington consultant who travels in intelligence circles. “The CIA saw him as a threat, so they tried to unseat him and replace him with an agency loyalist,” the operative said.

The CIA has always been the enemy.

That’s why I spent so much time in this series exposing the history of the CIA and George H.W. Bush.

Flynn has been at war with the CIA. Ezra Cohen-Watnick wasn’t just a protege of Flynn, he was his righthand man. It took McMaster six months to remove Cohen-Watnick because Trump prevented it. But then McMaster was “allowed” to remove Cohen-Watnick after six months.


He had a new mission.

Where did Cohen-Watnick first go to work?

Let’s go back to that previous Business Insider article:

Last August, McMaster finally managed to oust the young staffer, who went on to work for the national security company Oracle.

Oracle isn’t just a National Security Company, it is also directly tied to Trump. For some reason, Flynn, who specializes in 5G warfare, wanted Cohen-Watnick to work at Oracle.

But then he was tapped for another BIG job.

More from the Business Insider:

President Donald Trump ordered the Department of Justice to hire a national security official, Ezra Cohen-Watnick, who was ousted from his White House last year.

Cohen-Watnick drew public scrutiny when it was revealed last year that he briefed Rep. Devin Nunes on classified intelligence concerning the Obama administration's incidental surveillance of Trump transition officials.

At DOJ, the young and relatively inexperienced staffer will hold an influential position, advising Attorney General Jeff Sessions on counterintelligence and counterterrorism.

Can you see how much Cohen-Watnick is involved in this plan?

As Flynn’s right hand man, he was installed as the filter between Trump and the corrupt intelligence community, especially the CIA.

Trump prevented him from being fired by the intelligence community for a specific amount of time. He did a short stint at Oracle, which is a national security company, and then Trump himself installed him as Session’s National Security Adviser, overseeing counterintelligence and counterterrorism. He was a key player on Trump’s trusted National Security team, which was separated from the corrupt intelligence community. He had given evidence of Obama’s illegal spying operation to Congress, which is why the CIA was trying to oust him.

The enemy had removed Flynn, but his righthand man was still in a powerful position and was digging up the evidence of treason within the intelligence community, proving they had tried to frame Trump with Russian collusion.

Cohen-Watnick didn’t just brief Devin Nunes on Obama spying, he also briefed Goodlatte and Gowdy on classified intelligence relating to the corrupt DOJ/FBI. He wasn’t just the liaison between the intelligence community and Trump, he was also the liaison between the intelligence community’s “evidence” and the treason investigations happening in Congress.

This is a military operation, and Gowdy, Goodlatte and Sessions are playing KEY roles in the background. They were all directly tied to General Flynn’s protege and righthand man.

So where did Cohen-Watnick go after he worked for Sessions?

According to AFCEA.org:

Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe and Chief of Space Operations Gen. John W. “Jay” Raymond announced today the designation of the intelligence element of the U.S. Space Force as a member of the intelligence community (IC).

“Today’s change aligns our newest service with the other members of the Defense Intelligence Enterprise and will help ensure our efforts are coordinated and synchronized across all domains of warfare,” said Ezra Cohen, acting undersecretary of defense for intelligence and security.

Ezra Cohen-Watnick’s stint at Oracle was more important than people realize. He was then working with both John Radcliffe and Chris Miller as the acting undersecretary of defense for intelligence and security. He helped to make the U.S. Space Force not only an independent branch of the military, but also included them in the Intelligence Community.

From criminal investigations of treason to the complete revamping of the intelligence community, this has always been “military planning at its finest.”

A lot of Q followers remember this drop.

Military is the only way, and it’s the BIGGEST advanced drop that we were given.

We need to expand our thinking.

Trump has a lot more power than people realize. And a lot more power over the military.

Let me share another Q drop.

Is that what Q was referring to from the previous drop? “Future BIG meaning.”

Is “BIG” referring to the military prosecuting these “bad actors” to avoid the corrupt justice system? I think people underestimate what is happening behind the scenes that involves our military.

Q gave us a huge clue.

Focus on the power of POTUS as it relates to the MARINES.

This is key.

Most people have a very high view of the Marines, and they are a much feared fighting force worldwide. But most people also see the Marines within a lens, where their scope of operation is to land on beaches, fight tough battles and guard important positions.

But that would be a misunderstanding of who the Marines are. Those are all things that the Marines have proven in history to be very good at. Their original function actually is much bigger than that.

Let me offer you a clue, if you don’t know what I’m talking about.

“As the President may direct.”

According to the U.S. Naval Institute:

In 1798, when describing the original functions of the Marines, the United States Congress provided that the Corps should serve not only in the ships, garrisons and forts of the United States but, in addition, should be prepared "for any other duty on shore that the President may direct."

Later, in 1836, a law was enacted giving further force and emphasis to this specific authority of the President by empowering him to order Marines to duty with the Army.

Congress gave the President the power to direct the Marines to do whatever he may direct. It was their duty from the very beginning.

More from the U.S. Naval Institute:

Finally in 1947 the drafters of the current National Security Act decreed once more that the U. S. Marine Corps should be prepared "for service with the fleet in the seizure and defense of advanced naval bases . . . service on armed vessels of the U. S. Navy . . . protection of naval property at naval stations or bases . . . and such other duties as the President may direct. . . "employing the same words that are found in the first assignment of Marine Corps functions by the Congress a century and a half before.

Can you understand how big a reveal this is?

Without giving details, Q pointed us to the possibility of Trump using the Marines for whatever he needed them to do…..”as the President may direct.”

They took an oath to protect the constitution, just like Trump did. Their duty is to fulfill that oath.

Trump has the constitutional power, given to him by Congress, while we are in a state of war, to direct the Marines to carry out their oath in whatever way he thinks is necessary, to protect the constitution and the Republic.

Do you get the gravity of that constitutional power? Can you imagine the possibilities?

More from the U.S Naval Institute:

A study of the subsequent employment of Marines lends credence to the conclusion that this interesting phraseology came into being by design rather than through chance, and that the early architects of our military structure recognized the need for a small military force-in-being responsive directly to Presidential authority.

Certainly Congress has set the Marines squarely apart from the other services by endowing the President with a measure of direct authority in employment of the Corps which he did not—and still does not—legally exercise over the Army or Navy, and now the Air Force as well.

The president has direct authority over the Marines according to law. He does not need Congressional approval, and he can direct them as he wishes.

But what does “As the President may direct” really mean? Is it limited?

More from the U.S. Naval Institute:

The effect on the Marines of this brief—though durable—statement of Congressional intent has been to require, over the years, that the Corps be prepared at any time for any form of expeditionary employment in order to meet a short notice Presidential call.

These calls have occurred with a regularity that stands as mute testimony to the practical requirement for such an arrangement. The significant historical implication which has developed from all this is not so much in the variety of combat missions to which the Marines have been committed as in the compelling necessity that they be continually ready for any form of action, specifically because of their special responsibility to the President.

The Marines are known for being ready to deploy at a moment’s notice. They have a special responsibility to the President, and are “ready for any form of action.”

Open up your mind, my friends.

Do you think Trump doesn’t know how unique this presidential power is?

He can use the Marines to help restore the constitution. It’s more than fighting on a battlefield.

How were the Marines used by past presidents? The answer might surprise you.

More from the U.S. Naval Institute:

The nature of their employment, moreover—the type of combat they were called on to perform—followed no set pattern, but responded only to the single principle "readiness to move and readiness to act" in accordance with the President's instructions.

In contrast to the nature of these overseas expeditions, the Marines were called upon by the Chief Executive to provide federal aid to local authorities on a procession of occasions.

Among the examples of this form of action, we find Marines in New York in 1863 helping to control draft rioters. Later in Portland, Maine, and in Boston, Marines provided protection for public and private property incident to a major conflagration. Still later Marines were called out to assist in the enforcement of revenue laws in the city of New York.

Again in 1890, the President found it convenient to call out the Marines to represent federal authority in a series of railroad strikes and labor riots. And, in an entirely different vein Marines were, as a result of Presidential directive, ordered, aboard a chartered steamer, to the Bering Sea in 1891 for the Purpose of conducting operations against seal poachers.

Doesn’t that change everything?

The Marines are not limited at all from operating on U.S. soil, “as the president may direct.”

The Posse Comitatus Act does not apply to the Marines. Trump does not need to ask for Governors’ permission to step in and stop Antifa or BLM rioters. The Marines can also arrest enemy combatants.

They are one of the many “Trump Cards.”

Can I offer another possibility?

I have often thought, that when the nationwide election fraud conspiracy is finally exposed, the military would conduct a new election and oversee it.


Because the entire election system is corrupted in every state, and that means that many of the politicians who are charged with overseeing the elections are in office based on cheating.

Why would we allow these corrupt officials to control the election anymore?

The easiest and fastest way to conduct a new election would be to deploy the military to oversee it. If the system is corrupted? Then it is a threat to the constitution, and that fits perfectly into the oath of both Trump and the Marines. There is nothing stopping Trump from directing the Marines to conduct new elections that are no longer corrupted.

It would also be the easiest and quickest way to change our election system with all of the safeguards that Trump keeps repeating, such as one day voting, voter I.D., paper ballots, no machines and clean voter rolls that eliminate illegals and dead people. It would make an example going forward of what a clean election looks like.

It’s certainly a possibility.

Please forgive me for barely getting into Benghazi, but I felt it was important to lay out a lot more evidence of a military plan in place that is operating in the background. I hope it encourages you.

My next article BEGINS to reveal the evidence of treason centered around Benghazi. It is going to connect a lot of dots, and I’ll give the real reason that our consulate was attacked and why Ambassador Stevens was specifically targeted.

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