Western Journal - World  

Prince Harry About to Get a Wild Inheritance Gift, Bigger Than What Prince William Is Getting

Prince Harry About to Get a Wild Inheritance Gift, Bigger Than What Prince William Is Getting New ...View More

Watch: Prince Harry Breaks Down Family Rift in Rare Interview, Says 'Abuse' from Media Has Kept Him Quiet

Watch: Prince Harry Breaks Down Family Rift in Rare Interview, Says 'Abuse' from Media Has Kept Him  ...View More

Spying Scandal Rocks Olympics Before Games Even Get Underway - Team Staffer Detained by Law Enforcement

Spying Scandal Rocks Olympics Before Games Even Get Underway - Team Staffer Detained by Law Enforcem ...View More

Hostile Fast Boat Closes in on Cargo Ship, Explodes in Fireball as Security Forces Open Fire

A fast-paced video from the high seas shows security forces on a cargo ship scrambling to meet a dea ...View More

Failed Assassination of Trump Becoming the Stuff of Legend - Watch What African Kids Are Doing

The failed assassination of former President Donald Trump has captured the attention of people acros ...View More

Ford Converts Electric Vehicle Factory to Build Gasoline-Powered Pickups

Ford had plans to build a lot of electric SUVs at a plant in Canada. Instead, it decided to make pic ...View More

Man Suspected of Wanting to Target Olympic Torch Rally Arrested, Sentenced over Bomb-Making Instructions

Frenchman alleged to be a neo-Nazi sympathizer was sentenced to two years in prison after making thr ...View More

WSJ Reporter Sentenced to 16 Years in Prison, Employer Calls It a 'Disgraceful, Sham Conviction'

An American reporter for the Wall Street Journal was sentenced Friday to 16 years in prison after be ...View More

Woman Tries New Strategy to Kill Bedbugs, Admits to Manslaughter After 11-Year-Old Neighbor Soon Drops Dead

A London woman will not face jail time after admitting a chemical she used to kill bedbugs led to th ...View More

African Country Issues Massive Fine on Meta for 'Multiple and Repeated' Violations of the Law

Nigeria’s government on Friday announced a fine of $220 million on Meta, saying its investigations f ...View More

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