Daily Signal - Border  

EXCLUSIVE: Conservative Group Alerts Congress to Kamala Harris’ Record

EXCLUSIVE: Conservative Group Alerts Congress to Kamala Harris' Record FIRST ON  ...View More

Likely Harris Nomination Dampens Enthusiasm of Swing State Dems

Likely Harris Nomination Dampens Enthusiasm of Swing State Dems Democratic Party ...View More

How History Will Remember Biden

How History Will Remember Biden When Vice President Joe Biden met in 2011 with C ...View More

Why I Started a Digital Platform for Young Conservatives to Take on the Left

In the back seat of a Toyota Sienna headed north through the winding roads of the Blue Ridge Mountai ...View More

Who Will Replace Biden as Democrats’ Presidential Candidate?

Who is most likely to replace President Joe Biden at the top of the Democratic ticket now that he ha ...View More

Trump Accepts GOP Nomination With Speech Focused on National Unity

Donald Trump formally accepted the Republican presidential nomination for the third time Thursday ni ...View More

7 Takeaways From Night 4 of Republican National Convention

Delegates celebrated happily Thursday night as they waited during the Republican National Convention ...View More

Here’s the Chart on Illegal Immigration That Trump Was Talking About When Shot: The BorderLine

Everyone my parents’ age remembers where they were when President John F. Kennedy was shot. Their pa ...View More

They Trust Trump to Protect Their Families From Drug Cartels, Border Residents Say

Jim and Sue Chilton own a ranch in Arizona on the U.S.-Mexico border. Every time Jim leaves the hous ...View More

Illegal Aliens Should Be Deported ‘1 at a Time’ Under Trump, Former Border Official Says

MILWAUKEE—If elected to a second term as president, Donald Trump vows, he will deport the illegal al ...View More

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