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Moves and Countermoves

Moves and Countermoves

This article was originally published on Badlands Media. You can read the original article HERE

Matters of National Security

John McCain was not a war hero. He was a traitor.

In my last article, I laid out a lot more evidence of John McCain’s treason. I offered evidence from Q that he was removed from the chessboard on the very day they said he would be—exactly [30] days after Q posted this drop showing McCain with his “hands up” and predicting that he would come back into the headlines.

Q drop #1706, on [July 25], 2018 at 7:[28] PM.

But there’s more.

Don’t miss these Q proofs that McCain was removed from the battlefield AGAINST HIS WILL.

Let’s break down this important Q drop.

1. Suicide weekend.

I believe McCain took the coward’s way out and chose suicide. But why did Q say suicide “weekend” when McCain died on a Saturday? Q loves to troll the enemy, and so does Trump. This Q drop was posted on Sunday August 26, 2018—the day after McCain’s death.

What’s so special about that day?

According to Newsweek:

National Dog Day on Sunday has been celebrated every August 26 since 2004 when it was founded by an animal advocate who wanted to raise awareness of the plight of animals in shelters and encourage adoptions.

National Dog Day was on August 26. McCain died the day before.

Do you remember what Q said about McCain two months before that drop?

From Q drop #1650 - Jun 30, 2018:

What was the “action” (coming) against No Name?

Q was hinting to us in June, that justice was coming for McCain on National Dog Day “weekend.”

Trump then trolled the enemy after the leader of ISIS was killed by making specific “dog” references.

He really went overboard on his dog references. Do you remember how he described Baghdadi’s followers as scared puppies? And what did he say about Baghdadi?

From Trump’s remarks:

Last night was a great night for the United States and for the world.  A brutal killer, one who has caused so much hardship and death, has violently been eliminated.  He will never again harm another innocent man, woman, or child.  He died like a dog.  He died like a coward.  The world is now a much safer place.

I don’t think those dog references to Baghdadi were a coincidence at all. McCain was directly tied to Baghdadi, and the Q team wanted the enemy to know that we knew all about the Obama operation to support ISIS. I believe when Trump said, “He died like a coward,” he was also referring to McCain. (Suicide)

2. Hands up? [30] [0:28]

Here’s more proof that we controlled when McCain would face justice.

Exactly [30] days.

Q announced when McCain would face justice on July 25, 2018 (hands up) and he died 30 days later on August 25, 2018.

But the [28] minutes was emphasized for a reason. Do you need more proof that “We are in control?” John McCain faced justice for his treason on our timing, and so will all the other traitors.

The [0:28] minute marker in Q drop #1933, isn’t just a delta to the timestamp of the “hands up” Q drop #1706, which was posted at 7:[28]. It also connects to something even bigger.

When exactly did McCain die?

According to AZCentral:

John McCain, who endured more than five years as a prisoner of war in Vietnam before becoming the 2008 Republican presidential nominee and serving Arizona for more than 30 years on Capitol Hill, died Saturday at age 81.

McCain died at 4:28 p.m., his office announced.

He died at 4:[28]. Another “delta” confirmation.

Impossible? Just a coincidence? We are in control.

Need more proof?

Q listed the Republicans who were not seeking re-election, and McCain was one of them. But Q put [Departure Soon] in targeted brackets.


Q then said something very specific, to make it very clear what had happened and that all the media stories describing McCain’s death were just a cover story.

A portion of Q drop #1935 - Aug 27, 2018 (two days after McCain’s death:)

[Departure Soon] on August 11, 2018.

Then Q posted that John McCain [did not depart on his own terms], two days after his death.

John McCain faced justice, and he did it on our timing.

As Q has said, “This will be on our timetable. (….AND WE WILL DELIVER). (Transparency and Prosecution).

We control the chessboard.

We removed one of Alwaleed’s biggest puppets in our government.

HRC election loss = Clinton Foundation inflow stop.

Clinton Foundation inflow STOP = No Name Institute INFLOW ramp.

Compare donors.

Q is telling us that Prince Alwaleed was funding both of these puppets.

Alwaleed’s money had stopped flowing into the Clinton Foundation because she was no longer a useful puppet. He started funding McCain through his institute because he was now Alwaleed’s most important puppet within our government. McCain was a powerful Senator at the time, and was immediately activated. He was intimately involved in framing Trump for Russian collusion, using a phony dossier in order to have Trump impeached and removed from office.

That phony dossier had been pushed by the Hillary camp to the media for quite a while, but nobody would report on it because everyone knew it wasn’t credible.

That is….until a U.S. Senator named John McCain, personally asked the FBI to investigate whether it was true or not, already knowing it was false. McCain gave the fake dossier, which was paid for by Hillary, the credibility it needed to launch an investigation and unleash the controlled media against Trump. More treason by McCain—“knowingly” trying to frame and remove a duly elected president.

McCain was a very important player on the chessboard for Prince Alwaleed.

Let’s go back to that portion of Q drop #1935 referring to John McCain.

Direct correlation? [He did not depart on his own terms]. Think FLYNN [30]. Exactly [30].

Why was Q connecting General Flynn to John McCain?

There’s a really good reason.

McCain faced justice exactly [30] days after Q predicted he would. But, did you know that Flynn is the reason that McCain would face justice? Just a coincidence that Q kept saying “done in 30” when referring to Flynn? Do you want proof that there is more happening in the background and that the justice phase is coming?

Did you know there is a massive investigation going on behind the scenes, and it has been going on since 2017?

Have you seen this portion of Q drop #2548?

Who knows where the bodies are buried?

FLYNN is safe.

We protect our Patriots.


They tried to remove Flynn from the chessboard, but failed because we protect our patriots.

This is very important to understand. The Mueller investigation was a “show trial” in the narrative war, and was used as a distraction. While all the controlled media focused 24/7 on the Mueller investigation and what they thought would be the coming removal of Trump, it distracted the media from the real criminal investigations happening in the background. But NBC News was reporting that there was evidence in court documents that there was a separate criminal investigation going on outside of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation, and that Flynn had been providing “significant assistance.”

But did you catch that important clue by Q?

Why did Q put “separate criminal investigations going on outside of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s purview” in TRIPLE target brackets, and also add THREE plus signs before and after?

Q is telling us that there were three criminal investigations happening behind the scenes. Flynn was providing significant assistance to those criminal investigations. He was head of all the intelligence agencies during the Obama administration BEFORE he got fired.

I wrote about WHY he was fired in my article titled: Clowns In America.

Flynn knew about all of the treason within the Obama administration, including the sixteen year plan, along with the arming and funding of ISIS. He also knew all about Benghazi and why it became a massive coverup. They are all related.

He knew where all the bodies were buried, and the enemy feared him.

But Q kept connecting Flynn to John McCain because both were major pieces on the chessboard. It’s not a coincidence that after saying Flynn was giving “significant assistance” to an “outside investigation,” Q would then mention;

“Think No Name.”

Both Q drops purposely connected Flynn and McCain.


A lot of the evidence that Flynn was providing to hidden investigations involved McCain. That’s why Q connected Flynn to McCain and kept saying “done in [30]” when referring to General Flynn. The number 30 was a significant marker, and was used to connect McCain to the evidence that Flynn gave, which is going to be revealed in the future.

Transparency and Prosecution. There is simply no other way.

Q connected Flynn and McCain again in this drop.

“Done in 30.” > Flynn.

“[30]”(targeted brackets) > McCain.

The enemy tried to frame General Flynn, and put him in prison in order to shut him up. Instead, we trapped them into creating the very scenario that would lead to all the evidence of their crimes being entered into grand jury criminal investigations, even though most of it was classified. Flynn became the star witness. There are a massive amount of sealed indictments, and Q told us to track them for a reason.

Flynn knew everything. As head of the intelligence community under Obama, he knew every detail that Obama had classified as top secret in order to hide their treason. This forced the enemy to desperately try and remove him from the chessboard.

But Q said, “Flynn is safe.”

Was he?

Q told us that Flynn was protected, but do you know why Q kept referencing “done in 30” when mentioning Flynn?

Have you seen this Q drop?

Don’t miss the important part of this Q drop that I circled at the top.

On March 27, 2018, an anon said he wanted Flynn freed. Q responded that it would be “Done in 30.”

Q then added something.

Free Flynn.

“What is the over/under DONE IN 30 months.”

This is an important clue.

An “Anon” requested on 3-27-18 that Flynn be freed. Q then suggested it would be done in 30. What happened 30 “months” later?

General Flynn was pardoned by President Trump, and then Judge Emmet Sullivan was forced to dismiss all of his charges in December of 2020. It was exactly 30 months. Judge Emmet Sullivan was forced into retirement because he was corrupt and trying his best to convict

Flynn. Q suggested that Sullivan would [step down] by March 2021, and he retired in February 2021.

Just another coincidence?

The military is behind the scenes, forcing enemy players to submit. The enemies pawns are being removed from the chessboard.

But there’s more. That date, 3-27-18 in the Q drop, was highlighted for another big reason.

Do you remember in my previous article titled “He’s Not A War Hero,” where I talked about John McCain being Trump’s biggest obstacle in Congress against building the wall on the southern border?

What big news story came out on 3-27-18?

According to CNN Politics:

President Donald Trump has privately floated the idea of funding construction of a border wall with Mexico through the US military budget in conversations with advisers, two sources confirmed to CNN Tuesday.

White House press secretary Sarah Sanders declined to weigh in when asked repeatedly on Tuesday at the daily press briefing about trying to get the military to fund the wall.

“I can’t get into the specifics of that at this point, but I can tell you that the continuation of building the wall is ongoing, and we’re going to continue moving forward in that process,” Sanders said.

However, no new wall is currently being built. Funds have only been appropriated to fix current fencing or build new fencing.

John McCain and other members of Congress, including Pelosi and Schumer, were preventing Trump from building the wall, but Trump had scored a record amount of funding to rebuild the military. Trump had used his bully pulpit to get Congress to give him over $700 billion in new military spending after Obama had denigrated our military.

Trump didn’t increase the military budget just to rebuild the military. The plan was always to have the military build the wall because it was a NATIONAL SECURITY issue.

Q told us this was coming ahead of time.

Here’s the Trump tweet from this Q drop:

The WALL was all about NATIONAL SECURITY, and Q said, “Think Green/RED CASTLE and “Think MILITARY.”

What was RED CASTLE?

The US Army Corps of Engineers was going to build the wall. Then Q connected more dots.

Think Green/RED CASTLE

Where was the US Army Corps of Engineers located?

Greencastle, Indiana.

A portion of #2582 - Dec 11, 2018:

Trump built the wall by using his vested powers under the constitution when it comes to NATIONAL SECURITY and protecting the nation. All of this was planned from the beginning.

Q drop #2836 - Feb 20, 2019:

Q first hinted at this plan way back in March of 2018.

A Q follower figured it out one day later.

Q had confirmed this decode by including it in drop #2582 on Dec 11, 2018.

Trump also confirmed the plan in a post on Twitter. This also proved that Q was connected to Trump.

The military was always going to build the wall, but the traitors like McCain, Pelosi and Schumer had to be exposed for their opposition to the wall.

The democrat party’s “objective” has always been open borders, eliminating ICE and supporting illegals. Trump had to “show” the American people that these people didn’t support border security at all; it was just a scam.

How did he do it?

He started, by inviting them to the White House for discussions without telling them that the press would be there to cover the meeting. Trump exposed them to the American people.

According to The Daily Caller:

As Tuesday’s White House talks between President Trump, Rep. Nancy Pelosi and Sen. Chuck Schumer turned into an on-camera debate on border wall funding, it soon became clear that both Democratic politicians would have been much more comfortable having the discussion away from public view.

Talks were going well until Pelosi used the words “Trump shutdown” to describe the government shutdown that could happen if a deal wasn’t reached.

As the two sides debated the issue, both Democratic leaders expressed their desire to talk privately more than once. Trump, on the other hand, seemed to relish the debate, even using the word “transparency” to describe it.

The enemy’s worst fear is “transparency.” Trump knows that, and constantly puts a spotlight on their hypocrisy in the narrative war.

Transparency and Prosecution. There is simply no other way.

Trump used a “government shutdown” narrative to focus the American people’s attention on the border wall and illegal immigration.

How damaging was it to the democrats?

They were forced to go public in order to try and turn the momentum that Trump created for building the wall.

Do you remember when Pelosi and Schumer held a televised speech together in response to Trump’s public address on border security? They looked like an SNL skit and were widely mocked with memes.

Even the Huffington Post admitted it was a massive fail.

They walked right into Trump’s trap. Trump set the table. You were either for building the wall, or you were against it.

Here’s the relevant parts of their speech together.

According to NBC News:

Speaker Pelosi

But the President is rejecting these bipartisan bills which would re-open government – over his obsession with forcing American taxpayers to waste billions of dollars on an expensive and ineffective wall – a wall he always promised Mexico would pay for!

Senator Schumer

My fellow Americans, we address you tonight for one reason only: the President of the United States – having failed to get Mexico to pay for his ineffective, unnecessary border wall, and unable to convince the Congress or the American people to foot the bill – has shut down the government.

My fellow Americans, there is no challenge so great that our nation cannot rise to meet it. We can re-open the government AND continue to work through disagreements about policy. We can secure our border without an expensive, ineffective wall. And we can welcome legal immigrants and refugees without compromising safety and security.

The symbol of America should be the Statue of Liberty, not a thirty-foot wall.

They couldn’t be more clear to the American people—they were never going to support building a wall to secure the southern border. Trump now controlled the border security narrative. The democrats have been on the defensive ever since, and building the wall has become even more popular with the American people.

There’s a reason that border security and finishing the wall is now one of the top two issues in the coming election. It is destroying the democrat party. There is no doubt now among the large majority of the American people that the democrat party is all in favor of open borders and free benefits for illegals, paid for by taxpayers.

John McCain was all for that too, with the amnesty bill he was always pushing in Congress.

McCain was removed from the chessboard and the wall he tried to prevent from being built, was funded and built by our military. The enemy tried to take out General Flynn, but we took down John McCain instead. He was one of Alwaleed’s biggest puppets.

But let’s go back to Q drop #4770 - Sep 25, 2020

What is the over/under DONE IN 30 months? 3-27-18


“Done in 30?”

[30] was a marker.

What huge story came out “30 days” later on April 27, 2018 and was revealed in a Q drop the same day?

It was a huge story focused on Flynn.

From Q drop #1281 - Apr 27, 2018

What was completed and released today? Re: FLYNN? Done in 30. Expand.

What was completed and released 30 days after 3-27-18?

According to Fox News:

House Intelligence Committee Republicans, in their newly released report concluding their Russia investigation, seemed to back up reports that FBI agents did not think ex-White House national security adviser Michael Flynn lied to them – despite his eventual guilty plea for making false statements.

Among the 44 findings in the report was a line stating that “Federal Bureau of Investigation agents did not detect any deception during Flynn's interview.

The Washington Examiner’s Byron York first reported earlier this year that fired FBI boss James Comey had briefed lawmakers amid allegations Flynn had lied to Vice President Pence about conversations with then-Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak and speculation he may have misled FBI agents who questioned him in January 2017.

Comey reportedly told lawmakers at the time that agents who interviewed Flynn did not believe he lied in that Jan. 24 meeting, and that any inaccuracies in his account were unintentional.

The evidence of Flynn being innocent of the charges was revealed in a Congressional report “30 days” after the Anon had requested that Flynn be freed.

Just another coincidence?

Don’t miss that last important data point.

Comey testified to Congress that the FBI agents who interviewed Flynn did not believe he lied. The media narrative was the opposite of that. Was it purposeful? Was it a helpful distraction, and is that why Flynn was sacrificed on the “narrative side” of the chessboard? Did you notice that neither Trump or Pence defended Flynn or fought the accusations?

They readily accepted his resignation.


Was he made to look weak, when he was actually strong?

The plan was to charge Flynn with a crime that he didn’t commit in order to allow him to become an expert witness and give testimony to several investigations exposing treason during the Obama administration. Here are some specific posts referring to Flynn that paint a completely different picture from what we all witnessed in the media war.

Flynn was not in danger; he was actually given cover in order to distract the enemy from what he was really doing.

Let’s look at what Q said:

A portion of Q drop #1265 - Apr 25, 2018:

We all have a part to play. We “knew” Flynn would be challenged. Part of the plan?

You are watching a …..(movie)

Flynn was playing a part, and it was all planned ahead of time by our military. They pushed out media stories in the narrative war to keep the focus on Flynn’s “trial” and give the impression that the enemy was winning.

For example: He “lost his house” in order to “fund his legal defense” and he was constantly “beat up” in the media as a traitor. They wanted the media (enemy of the people) to think they were destroying Flynn.

All a distraction.

Don’t miss this important clue in this drop. It was focused on Flynn, so why was [WHITE HOUSE position] in targeted brackets? Trump knew Flynn would be targeted by the enemy as his top National Security Advisor. Why not play into that narrative by charging Flynn with a crime that he didn’t commit?

That would allow him to take a different role outside of the limelight.

That is why Q asked the question, “Role outside of White House?”

From a portion of Q drop #1008 - Apr 04, 2018:

Why is Mueller going after 'inside plants'? FLYNN is safe. Define 'witness'. Can a 'witness' hold a position of power/influence while ongoing?

Isn’t that an interesting question?

Can a witness hold a position of power/influence while their trial is ongoing? Is Flynn still heavily involved in the background investigations today? Is he doing more than just giving significant assistance as a “witness?”

How about one more Q drop that will help lead us into more evidence of treason by Alwaleed’s puppets.

Here’s a portion of a Q drop that was posted on the same day that Prince Alwaleed was arrested in Saudi Arabia, which is focused on Flynn.

From Q drop #97 - Nov 05, 2017:

This was all a “setup.” “Disinformation exists and is necessary.”

This is a real war. Flynn was involved in intelligence operations and had access and privilege to a lot of hidden information.

Who becomes exposed?” The exposure phase is an important part of the plan, and transparency must happen BEFORE prosecution.

Coincidence that Obama fired Flynn considering everything that he knew?

There are no coincidences.

If you think Flynn has been removed from the chessboard, think again. This Q drop was three days before Prince Alwaleed’s arrest in Saudi Arabia.

No media leaks. How many Military Intelligence generals have visited Trump at the White House in the past “30 days?

Yet another “30 day” reference.

Focus on FLYNN. Background and potential role.

A potential role?

Remember, this drop about Flynn was in December of 2017, and Flynn had resigned from the Trump administration in disgrace back in February 2017, and was then charged with a crime.

Q suggested that Flynn is playing a role in the background.

Flynn was still heavily involved. The charges and court case were all a cover. A distraction to fool the media. Do you believe me?

What else happened “30 days” after that 3-27-18 date in the earlier Q drop?

“Done in 30?”

Another Q drop referring to General Flynn.

Q drop #1282 - Apr 27, 2018:

Flynn purposely took the “rubber bullet” to allow him to give classified evidence to investigators in Congress, who then helped fight the narrative war.

He was the “LASER POINTER,” and now the “hunters were becoming the hunted.”

Lawmakers learned gmail draft comms yesterday?

The enemy were using “gmail draft folders” in order to communicate secretly with each other. Flynn was the one who revealed that information.

From Q drop #1504 - Jun 15, 2018:

ES is KEY.

ES > Eric Schmidt.

He is one of the founders of Google, and is also the guy who helped the CIA set up their seven super computers named after the seven dwarfs in Snow White. I wrote about that in my article titled: Everything Is Connected,” and how it was tied to Alwaleed, who Trump nicknamed “Dopey.”

Eric Schmidt also helped the enemy set up “gmail drafts” to communicate secretly with each other, or so they thought. The evidence in those gmails they were hiding will convict them of treason. These gmail communications were revealed in an Inspector General report because Flynn was also helping the IG investigations. The NSA captures all electronic communications. Nothing is deleted.

A massive sting operation is happening in the background with multiple investigations.

Q told us early on in the drops what was happening in the background.

This next Q drop is very important, and there’s a good reason the first word in this drop is SCIF. (Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility)

This is a top secret operation, and is one of the reasons that a SCIF was installed at Mar-a-Lago.

The “State Secrets” designation, which has been upheld at the Supreme Court is now being used to hide the military investigations happening in the background.

Did you catch that important “word” in this drop?


What must be completed to engage military intelligence over other (3) letter agencies?

For the Military Intelligence to take over these investigations from the (3) letter agencies, you need to prove that those agencies are corrupted, and that there is a threat to the survival of the Republic and the constitution. That would put us in a state of war. This is why I keep telling people that Trump became a wartime president the day he was sworn in. We’ve actually been in a declared and never-ending war on terror since 2001.

What must occur to allow for civilian trials?

Do you remember when Q said that Senator Graham was activated? He then asked these questions at the Brett Kavanaugh hearing.

“ENEMY COMBATANTS” who commit treason can be tried under military tribunals. They can also be executed.

There are a lot of players who are going to be designated as enemy combatants and face charges of treason.

Justice is coming.

Why was the [F] in the acronym SCIF in targeted brackets?

In almost every Q drop that I’ve seen, the [F] in targeted brackets stands for the word FOREIGN. It makes perfect sense that this SCIF meeting was focused on a big foreign subject matter that involved military intelligence.


Two major players in this war were both mentioned in this drop and taking part in this meeting: General Flynn and Admiral Mike Rogers. Both were heavily involved in military intelligence. The subject of this meeting was very specific, and we were given a clue.

Why did Admiral Rogers (NSA) meet Trump privately without authorization?

According to The Washington Guardian:

(Joe) DiGenova spoke about an Obama administration official who actually had integrity, a man who noticed that something was amiss and acted. He discovered that American citizens were being spied upon.

In fact, it was this man who traveled to Trump Tower on November 17, 2016 to brief then President-elect Donald Trump that communications from the building were being tapped. He did not notify his superior, then Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, beforehand.

DiGenova said, “There’s a hero. His name is Admiral Mike Rogers. He was the head of the National Security Agency (NSA).”

Admiral Mike Rogers is a major player in this war, and he is a true hero, unlike John McCain. Rogers knew that Clapper was also corrupt, so he didn’t tell him that he was going to warn Trump about the illegal spying by the Obama administration.

That [F] in targeted brackets in the previous Q drop also connects to this next drop in a big way.

This is all about DECLASS of information and the Chain of Command. The information was declassified by Trump and is being used in Grand Jury criminal investigations.

Did you catch the [F] and what it was specifically connected to?

[[F] classified intelligence provided [FVEY - Non FVEY] as needed]

Flynn and Rogers were providing both [FVEY and Non FVEY] intelligence “as needed.” They were providing all the classified evidence on the illegal spying operation by the Obama administration against Trump, using foreign intelligence agencies to hide their treason. (FVEY- Five Eyes)

According to The Federalist:

The U.S. Intelligence Community asked fellow members of the “‘Five Eyes’ intelligence alliance to surveil Trump’s associates and share the intelligence they acquired with US agencies,” sources told a small team of independent reporters who broke the story yesterday.

According to the authors, “multiple credible sources,” said that “the United States Intelligence Community (IC), including the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), illegally mobilized foreign intelligence agencies to target Trump advisors long before the summer of 2016.

The Obama intelligence community, led by the CIA, was coordinating spying on the Trump campaign by foreign intelligence agencies, and it was happening long before anybody thought it was.

More from The Federalist:

“Until now, the official story has been that the FBI’s investigation began after Australian intelligence officials told US officials that a Trump aide had boasted to an Australian diplomat that Russia had damning material about Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.”

That probe, dubbed Crossfire Hurricane, launched on July 31, 2016, although Special Counsel John Durham would later conclude the Australian tip failed to justify the investigation into the Trump campaign. 

Australian intelligence was heavily involved in framing Trump for Russian collusion.

They weren’t the only ones. The “Crossfire Hurricane” probe by the FBI was only a part of this treasonous conspiracy.

But how early was Trump being targeted by foreign intelligence agencies on behalf of the Obama administration?

More from The Federalist:

However, British intelligence sources began targeting Trump on behalf of American intelligence agencies possibly as early as 2015, according to Tuesday’s blockbuster article. Several outlets had previously reported that the British Government Communications Headquarters, or GCHQ, had discoveredalleged ties between Trump and the Russian government.”

British intelligence was spying on Trump and his associates back in 2015. Did it begin soon after he announced he was running for president?

More from The Federalist:

“In truth, the US IC asked the ‘Five Eyes’ intelligence alliance to surveil Trump’s associates and share the intelligence they acquired with US agencies,” the journalists reported their sources as saying, with the Five Eyes nations being the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, New Zealand, and Australia.

Those were the five countries that had an agreement to share intelligence with each other going back to the Cold War. The agreement was called Five-Eyes (FVEY).

Obama and Brennan decided to use this shared intelligence agreement to get around the law against the CIA spying on American citizens. By using foreign intelligence agencies, they were trying to avoid any Congressional oversight.

They weren’t just illegally spying on the Trump campaign to frame him, they were also spying on candidate Ted Cruz, members of Congress and the media. That is treason. Both Rogers and Flynn were providing this evidence to several grand juries.

The Obama administration had been spying on his political opponents for a long time. He is known as renegade. It was happening long before the 2016 election and they were scrambling to cover up this treasonous conspiracy. That’s why they framed Flynn.

Congress learned about the illegal spying when the transcripts were released of Flynn talking to the Russian ambassador. There was no record of those transcripts through the regular channels, which proved they came from FVEY intelligence sources.

And guess who else has strong ties to FVEY?

Did you know that John McCain was also tied to the FVEY operation spying on Trump? He’s right in the middle of everything because he was a major Alwaleed puppet.

All assets were deployed.

What role did McCain play?

He immediately engaged Trump in the narrative war.

According to The National Sentinel:

This feud between Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., and President Donald J. Trump is getting out of hand and, frankly, it’s the senator who is at fault for keeping it alive.

His near-daily jabs at the president are not only frequently personal, they are frequently distracting – and frequently wrong.

The most recent one involves McCain demanding – demanding, mind you – that Trump either provide evidence that he was under electronic surveillance by the Obama administration at Trump Tower or retract his claim.

McCain wasn’t outraged that the Obama administration might be spying on his political opponents. He immediately accused Trump of lying. That was another purposeful and coordinated narrative deployment by the enemy.

More from The National Sentinel:

“If his predecessor violated the law, President Obama violated the law, we’ve got a serious issue here, to say the least,” McCain told CNN’s “State of the Union” program, while pointing out that he himself has no reason to believe the allegations are trueNewsmax reported.

McCain then challenged Trump to offer proof.

More from The National Sentinel:

“I also believe that the president of the United States could clear this up in a minute,” said the Arizona Republican. “All he has to do is pick up the phone, call the director of the CIA, the Director of National Intelligence and say, ‘okay, what happened?’ Because they certainly should know whether the former president of the United States was wiretapping Trump Tower.”

McCain already knew that the CIA was involved in spying on Trump, and also knew that it was being carried out by foreign intelligence agencies to prevent Congress or the public from knowing about it.

More from The National Sentinel:

In a piece by Sara Carter and John Solomon at Circa News, the two investigative journalists claim unequivocally that sources revealed to them that a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act court issued a warrant in connection to a counterintelligence investigation into possible Russian interference in the U.S. elections.

That FBI investigation included, briefly, electronic surveillance of a server located at Trump Tower, but no evidence of any link between Russia, U.S. election tampering and Trump or his team was ever found.

The FBI investigation included evidence from the FISA Court that a server at the Trump Tower was being spied on. They found no evidence of collusion. This became public information, and McCain never offered any apology to Trump for calling him a liar. But there is a bigger connection.

More from The National Sentinel:

The information leaked regarding former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn’s and then-Sen. Jeff Sessions’ discussions with Russian officials had to come from some form of intelligence surveillance. Now, either that surveillance was legally ordered – as it appears it was, based on the Circa News account – or it was illegally ordered.

But either way, since the investigation at one point touched on the presidential campaign of a political rival, do you really think it’s possible that President Obama didn’t know, given that presidents are normally in the FISA loop?

This is key.

The Obama administration was already illegally spying on his political opponents through FVEY. They were not going through the proper legal channels, which include the FISA courts. This is what led to the bungled conspiracy to frame people like Carter Page and George Papadopoulos in order to make the whole thing look legitimate. It was the cover-up.

They desperately needed FISA warrants on someone connected to Trump to hide the treason. That’s why they went with a fake dossier as the basis for the warrants even though they knew the material in the dossier couldn’t be verified and wasn’t believable.

True heroes like Flynn and Rogers forced the enemy to accelerate their plans, which made it a lot easier to expose the conspiracy.


Admiral Rogers “getting caught” informing Trump that his campaign was under surveillance was already part of the plan. It was purposeful, and Trump going public about it, forced Obama and Brennan to cover their tracks. That acceleration led to a whole bunch of critical mistakes that have exposed the conspiracy.

We control the chessboard, and always have.

Don’t believe me?

When did the spying operation by the Obama administration really begin?

Was it in 2015, or was it much earlier?

How long had Obama and Brennan been spying on Americans using FVEY?

Here is something I bet nobody remembers that I will get more into in my next article.

Look at this Twitter post by Trump, way back in 2013, long before he ever declared he was running for president.

The Obama administration got caught wiretapping the Associated Press way back in 2013. Do you think Trump and the military didn’t already know that the Obama administration was spying on their political opponents using FVEY when he decided to run for the presidency? I think they planned for it.

But why would Trump connect Benghazi to the IRS scandal and wiretapping of the Associated Press?

Everything is connected, and there’s a reason that Trump compared it to Watergate.

Q did too.

This is from drop #4771 - Sep 25, 2020:

I started, and I’m going to end this article with John McCain. He was right in the middle of all of it. He often gets overlooked in the Obama spying operation for a reason, but he is directly tied to FVEY.

In my next article, I will reveal how McCain is involved with FVEY and why the Obama Spygate scandal is much bigger than Watergate. There’s a reason that it’s centered around Benghazi.

Benghazi is going to connect a lot of dots.

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