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The Deep State Has Already Lost

The Deep State Has Already Lost

This article was originally published on Badlands Media. You can read the original article HERE

What Damage Will They Do on Their Way Out the Door?

A few weeks ago, I watched an episode of a house flipping show. I don’t remember the name of the show—Flipping Las Vegas or something like that—but frankly, it wasn’t very good. In the pilot episode, which was in the aftermath of the financial crisis of 2008, the house flipper’s real estate agent/buyer bought a foreclosure house in Vegas for him sight unseen.

After the purchase, they pulled up together in separate cars to see the house they bought. They found the outside walls of the house covered in graffiti. Scared to discover what was inside, they braced for what awaited them. As the door opened, the first thing that hit them was a horrific stench.

They briefly scanned the room before the buyer, dry heaving, had to run outside to throw up. Reentering the house, they discovered the carpets and floors were torn up, the appliances destroyed or missing, the walls covered in graffiti, walls ripped open with the electrical work, copper and pipes stolen, toilets smashed and cabinets pulled off the walls. It was a total gut job.

At this point, they were just hoping they could break even on the flip.

The renters or owners had been evicted for not paying their rent or mortgage and destroyed the place in retaliation of being forced to move out. Watching this, one can’t help but to think, ‘some people are animals.’

The only unanswered question was, how bad was the condition of this small house while the tenants or owners still lived there, and how much of the damage was done immediately before they left?

Eviction laws make it very difficult for landlords to evict a tenant in a timely manner. Landlords are usually painted as the bad guy by the public in most tenant disputes, and sometimes they are. But most landlords are just average, middle-class people who bought an investment property to rent out, creating an income stream that would hopefully last for them through retirement. They are simply trying to create a passive income. The time between wanting a tenant to leave and actually getting them out of one’s property can seem like an eternity.

It’s interesting that a few years back, BlackRock went around America buying up residential properties to rent out. They did this at a time when the housing market could be considered over-valued. In hindsight, I believe they were privy to information that allowed them to know interest rates would skyrocket in a year or two, and at that point, people wouldn’t be able to afford to buy a home. This meant they could jack up rents, and there was nothing the renters could do about it.

“You will own nothing and be happy.”

Wouldn’t it be interesting if companies like BlackRock created a situation that ended up backfiring on them? It would be poetic justice: BlackRock-owned houses trashed by tenants who could no longer pay the rent

Why the house-trashing analogy, then?

What will the Deep State do when they are given their eviction notice this Fall? How will the illegal immigrants whom they brought into the country behave when they come to the realization that they will soon be evicted from America? I don’t think either will go quietly without inflicting as much damage as they can on their way out the door.

Back in the Fall of 2019, before the Covid lockdowns and the BLM and Antifa riots, the movie The Joker was released in movie theaters.

In the movie, the lead character is an emaciated, emotionally disturbed, violent loser who lives with his mother. Interestingly, the role didn’t call for Joaquin Phoenix to become so emaciated, but he chose to do so anyway. The anti-hero spurs on rioting and revolt by others like him in the city. It’s difficult to not view Phoenix’s character as anything but the posterchild for Antifa.

Predictive programming—giving the target audience the permission to riot at a future point. A kind of blueprint. It should be noted that they had to release the movie in the Fall of 2019 instead of closer to the BLM and Antifa riots because movie theaters were closed in 2020.

Fast forward to today.

In the Fall of 2024, less than a month before the election, Joker II will be released in movie theaters. More predictive programing?

Are the Antifa-types being given the go ahead to riot, to disrupt the election, to interfere in the transition of power? Will rioting be used to create chaos before, during or after the election? Will cover be laid to activate sleeper cells? Or will it just be a matter of breaking as much stuff as they can while the Deep State is being forced out the door?

I’m not a stranger to accurately predicting future events. I wrote about tax-free tips being a shot across the bow to the Deep State a month and a half before it was on anyone else’s radar. I wrote about the Digital Services Act a year ago, which is in the news cycle today. I wrote about the Deep State shifting their power to Europe as we get closer to Trump taking office again. I predict the latter will be the next subject to be in the news cycle soon.

Kamala Harris is now talking about tax-free tips, backtracking on everything she has actually done to ensure they are taxed even more. I wrote that Trump stressing tax-free tips is a shot across the bow to the Deep State, and that he will dismantle the entire financial system when back in office, eliminating income tax altogether. Since Trump first began talking about tax-free tips, Biden has announced he won’t run again, an assassination attempt was made on Trump’s life, and RFK Jr. has endorsed Trump.

In regard to the Digital Services Act, currently England is cracking down on anything they deem offensive online. They even claim they will extradite people to England to face charges and punishment. They want us to believe that if some farmer in Iowa “likes” a tweet someone put out about how men shouldn’t be able to compete in women’s sports, he will be extradited to England to face charges for simply clicking the “like” button. I’m sorry, but that isn’t going to happen. He could be harassed by the FBI, but the MI5 isn’t going to be knocking on his door to take him away. It’s all a threat to shut people up.

Oh, and let’s not forget about the CEO of Telegram being arrested in France, a clear fascist suppression of free speech. And now Alexander Vindman, the weasel with super hearing who was able to overhear Trump’s perfect call with Zelenskyy is warning Elon Musk that he could be next.

The US is a Facebook and X country, so Telegram being shut down wouldn’t disrupt the US Elections too badly. But Telegram is much bigger in other countries … European countries. Shutting down Telegram would better isolate the continent from hearing the truth, especially if Musk and Zuckerberg both back Trump, neither platform would be allowed in Europe, giving Europe complete isolation.

Why is England and Europe cracking down on anyone who goes against their narrative through the use of the Digital Services Act?

I believe they are trying to create a safe space for the Deep State to exist after Trump takes power in the US again. They are insulating the continent of Europe. I would expect the next big push will be to make it much more difficult to extradite people from Europe. This would allow the Deep State to avoid prosecution elsewhere.

What is the Deep State’s plan for the US after they are evicted from power and influence, or rather after they go underground or leave the country before they are arrested?

My fear is that the Deep State will have one last, giant, destructive pillage of the US. In the process, they will shift as much money to their offshore accounts as they can. They will send as much money to their puppet masters as they can. They will consolidate their stronghold elsewhere. This may be something we don’t even notice, but it will likely happen just the same.

For centuries, the Deep State Cabal has gone from one stronghold to another. They have been forced to leave one city, to reestablish their stronghold in another city, in another country.

For reference, the Spanish Inquisition starting in 1478 was one such act of removing the Cabal from Spain. The removers were demonized in the process, while the Cabal became the victims. Where did the Cabal go? Prussia, and the City of London.

When a region has had enough of the Cabal and forces them out, the Cabal simply packs up and relocates. The act of reestablishing themselves in a new city, in a new country is just part of the process. Eventually, every region grows tired of the Cabal abusing and sacrificing their children, and the Cabal wears out their welcome. It appears the US has had enough, finally.

How will the Cabal exodus from America look?

I suspect some will try to blend in like the famous Homer Simpson meme where he disappears into the bush. Some have already started this process.

Some who hate Trump realize the inevitability of him taking power again and have gone as far as pretending to support him. Others have just taken their foot off the gas pedal and are taking a more neutral stance, hoping to avoid Trump’s vitriol. Others know they need to get out of Dodge as soon as possible.

If you knew Trump being back in office would likely result in your being arrested and prosecuted for crimes against humanity, wouldn’t it make sense to leave America? To create cover for your becoming an ex-pat, wouldn’t it make sense to say ahead of time you will leave the country if Trump wins the election? You would make it seem like you wouldn’t want to live in a country run by Trump, when in fact you need to get out to avoid punishment for your crimes.

What is the Trump team’s plan to deal with the Deep State?

I can see the Deep State reacting in multiple ways, maybe all at the same time. I can see mass hysteria and chaos created around the elections lasting up until Trump’s inauguration—Antifa types burning, looting and assaulting, especially in liberal run cities in an attempt to make the people believe that this is what they will have to look forward to under Trump, that this is what they get for voting for Trump.

I can also see a situation that appears to come off as a bit of a dud—no reaction around the election. A false sense of security created. Then cells that have been established in America over the past few years will be activated. If these cells aren’t rooted out, they will cause acts of terror for the next several years, trying to convince the public that they made a mistake electing Trump.

I’m confident Trump is aware of any possibilities and has already taken measures to deal with them. I don’t think most of the violent criminals that have been let into America the past 3 1/2 years are off the Trump team’s radar. When the time is right, there will be a mass apprehension.

As of today, Biden is POTUS, Kamala Harris is Vice President, and Mike Johnson is the Speaker of the House. If Biden steps down or is forced to step down and Harris takes over, Johnson is second in command. If it is discovered that Harris can’t legally serve as POTUS, Johnson would then take over as the acting President.

Let’s think about this: in my opinion, Trump handpicked who he would go up against in 2020—Biden and Harris.

I’m a believer in patriots in control. I believe he needed to allow Biden and Harris to steal the election understanding there wasn’t enough people awake in America to get a lot of the heavy lifting done in sequential presidential terms, and a lot of the heavy lifting that Trump wanted to get done, he preferred to happen on someone else’s watch. A lot of what has been happening during Biden’s presidency has been about motivating people to change their opinions and to set the table for Trump’s next presidency.

When Trump chose the very unpopular Kamala Harris to be Biden’s running mate, did he know there are things about her that would disqualify her from being able to take over as POTUS if Biden was unable to perform his duties as president? Citizenship, drugs and alcohol … something else? Did this force the Deep State to stick with Biden for the full term even though everyday he has been in office, the public has lost more and more confidence in the Democrat Party?

If there is something about Kamala that disqualify her, it makes sense why the Deep State has stuck with Biden so long. If they replaced Biden with Harris and she couldn’t serve as POTUS, then Mike Johnson would become the interim POTUS. Was Kevin McCarthy put in as Speaker of the House to give the Deep State a false sense of security? Did Mike Johnson replace him with a year left until the election to let them know who is really in charge … ‘don’t try anything, or we’ll put Johnson into the White House for the rest of Biden’s term.’

Imagine if this occurred today, or anytime soon. If Harris replaced Biden, and then Johnson replaced Harris, the Republicans would control the White House during the election. Republicans would control the transition of government to Trump next January.

Whether Johnson is to replace Harris as POTUS or not, the threat is there. The Deep State likely needs to leave Biden in place unless their hand is forced. With Johnson as POTUS, the Deep State would have a much more difficult time transitioning their power elsewhere. They would have a more difficult time pillaging America before their mass exodus. Johnson taking over and Trump being reelected is a worst-case scenario for the Cabal.

We all saw how the Obamas waited several days before endorsing Kamala Harris. Is there something they know about her, and that’s why they franticly tried to come up with a better substitute before finally endorsing her? Do they see her as a lousy candidate or actually incapable of serving as POTUS? It certainly doesn’t appear Trump is concerned about Harris taking over for Biden in the Presidential Race.

Why hasn’t the Deep State replaced Biden with Harris as POTUS yet?

It makes sense to do if you were looking to give Harris some legitimacy—to give her a six-month trial run to show the world she can do it. They could even make sure a few good things happened on her watch. The inflation and unemployment numbers could be fudged even more to make her look good. She could take a tough stance on the border. A terrorist leader could be killed like the bin Laden look-a-like that Obama killed before his last election.

The only thing that makes sense to me is that the Deep State knows Harris won’t win the election, and that even if they stole it, she couldn’t serve as POTUS. They are essentially punting; they are giving up possession while trying to move the line of scrimmage forward 40 yards or so. They are living to fight another day. If Harris could be POTUS, she would be POTUS today. Having to endure Biden as POTUS is not something the Deep State prefers.

In my opinion, Kamala Harris is VP because Trump wants her to be VP. Kamala Harris is running against Trump because he wants her to be running against him. Biden is still POTUS because Trump wants him to remain POTUS. With the Deep State unable to replace Harris as VP, they’ve been forced to keep Biden as POTUS, who has been in the White House 6 of the 34 days since announcing he won’t run for POTUS again.

Seriously, who is running the country, and why does no one seem to care?

In my opinion, the Deep State knows if they replace Biden with Harris, Johnson will likely take over in an interim capacity. This is not something they want. The Deep State is simply biding their time and preparing for a long winter—a winter they hope to survive.

With the patriots in control, my hope is that their control will keep the Deep State from doing too much damage on their way out the door. I’m hoping as with what has been the case the past 3 1/2 years, most of the damage will not be irreversible. If the past 3 1/2 years is any indicator, most of the damage done this Fall will be designed to create chaos and fear as a means to wage psychological warfare, but won’t be permanent.

I could envision a temporary stock market crash, another fake pandemic, a media blackout, or even rioting in the streets of blue cities. But I don’t believe any of this will be real or long lasting.

We need to keep our eyes focused over the horizon, to where we are going … the promised land. If a short walk through the valley of darkness stands in our way, so be it. I will rely on my faith and hope and everything I have done to prepare myself the past several years, and so should you.

Some people will try to black pill you. I ask you, have they ever been right about anything so far?

While I maintain hope, that hope seems to always be later supported by facts, over and over again. It’s not that I don’t point out when things are worse than they appear—I’ve been beating the drum about the job’s numbers all being fake the past 3 1/2 years. Imagine that, I was proven right yet again, as close to a million jobs will be revised down from the government numbers.

We are so close. The polls are fake. Kamala’s support is fake. But their panic is real.

I’ve never heard of a mother who after holding her newborn child in her arms said the birthing pains weren’t worth it. We are experiencing the birthing pains of a new existence. One that none of us have ever known before.

Let’s hunker down the next few months and rely on our discernment, faith and hope while the narratives begin to accelerate at a supersonic pace.

Don’t believe the lies, but at the same time, don’t forget to enjoy the show.

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This article was originally published by Badlands Media. We only curate news from sources that align with the core values of our intended conservative audience. If you like the news you read here we encourage you to utilize the original sources for even more great news and opinions you can trust!

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