Ted Cruz UNLEASHES On CNN’s Kaitlan Collins In Fiery Interview: ‘This Isn’t A Game!’

Ted Cruz UNLEASHES On CNN’s Kaitlan Collins In Fiery Interview: ‘This Isn’t A Game!’
By: Trending Politics Posted On: May 23, 2024 View: 12

U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) is leading the charge when it comes to challenging mainstream media reporters who continue to try and box conservatives into admitting concerns about election integrity.

Appearing on CNN, the Texas Republican told host Kaitlan Collins that he has found historical precedent that gives him reason to raise doubts about the outcome of presidential elections. Rather than answering Cruz’s questions how controversies around past elections, Collins bristled and doubled down, demanding he acknowledge if he plans to oppose the election results if former President Donald Trump loses in November.

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“Will you vote to certify the election results… or will you object regardless?” the reporter asked on Wednesday night.

“So Kaitlan, I’ve gotta say I think that’s actually a ridiculous question,” he started before she shot back, “It’s a yes-or-no question.”

“No it’s not, and let me explain… Have you ever asked a Democrat that?” he asked her. “Of course!” she said before hedging her statement. “No Democrat… you can’t compare the two situations,” referencing Trump’s opposition to the 2020 election results. “Have you ever had a sitting president that refused to facilitate the peaceful transition of power?”


Sen. Cruz then took the 32-year-old through a winding history lesson, referencing opposition by Senate Democrats in 2004 to the reelection of former President George W. Bush. And in 2016, “Democrats went and objected to Donald Trump,” he added, to say nothing of past statements by Hillary Clinton that Trump was an “illegitimate president.”

“You’re asking, do you promise no matter what to agree that an election is legitimate regardless of what happens, and that would be an absurd thing to claim,” Cruz shot back. “We have an entire election law system that people challenge elections. People challenge elections, voter fraud happens… and the media engages in this weird game post-Donald Trump that you insist no voter fraud has ever existed. Why does every state have laws in place to challenge voter fraud if it occurs?”

“This isn’t a game,” Collins replied before Cruz began talking over her. “It is a game!” he shouted back. “You only ask Republicans that.”

“Because Republicans tried to block the transition of power,” she retorted.

“If the Democrats win I will accept the result, but I’m not gonna ignore fraud regardless of what happens,” Cruz replied before reprimanding Collins for claiming there was no voter fraud in 2020.

Still, Cruz said he accepted the 2020 election results after wrestling with his conscience.

“The reason I wrestled with it is because I think there was significant voter fraud in 2020,” saying he wanted a 10-day commission to review the results based on past electoral results, including the election of 1876 between Rutherford B. Hayes and Samuel J. Tilden. “What happened there, there were serious allegations of voter fraud, and Congress didn’t throw its hands up and say ‘you know what, CNN demanded I accept the fraud no matter what so I gotta go.'”

Cruz then turned the table on Collins, asking her what happened that year. “I’m conducting the interview, with all due respect,” she said, ignoring Cruz’s story of congressional motions that year to appoint a 15-member commission to investigate voter fraud and determine the winner.

President Trump has leaned into liberals’ fear that he will refuse to accept the results of the election or even refuse to leave the White House if he wins. During a recent campaign appearance before the National Rifle Association, Trump joked that he might stick around for a third four-year term, unleashing a torrent of pearl-clutching media coverage.

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