Joe Biden Packing the Courts is Another Reason to Vote for Trump

Joe Biden Packing the Courts is Another Reason to Vote for Trump
By: LifeNews Posted On: May 23, 2024 View: 20

The “Progs” (progressives) have not been shy about their desire to “fundamentally transform” the courts. They have repeatedly called for packing the Supreme Court with additional left-wing activists in order to end the court’s conservative majority.

While they haven’t managed to do that yet, they are having success transforming the lower federal courts. So far, the Senate has confirmed 200 Biden judicial nominees, and they are all left-wing ideologues.

They are the kinds of judges who are responsible for the insane headlines you often read that defy common sense and the Constitution.

Let me give you an example.

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Yesterday, Senators Ted Cruz (R-TX) and John Kennedy (R-LA) grilled one of Biden’s judicial nominees who was before the Senate Judiciary Committee. They wanted to know why she put a six-foot-two man, who was convicted of molesting a young boy and raping a teenage girl, in a women’s prison.

The nominee insisted that everyone had a right to feel safe in their own space. Really? I doubt many women in that prison feel safe knowing there is a male rapist in there with them.

But this judge evidently believes, as most of the so-called “progressive left” does, that “trans rights” are superior to women’s rights.

Sadly, this is the kind of insanity Joe Biden is forcing on us. His judges don’t care about the law or common sense. They only care about advancing the left’s radical agenda at all costs.

We shouldn’t be surprised. After all, Joe Biden nominated a Supreme Court justice who couldn’t define what a woman is. When did such stupidity become an acceptable qualification for the Supreme Court?

The most important thing a president does, next to keeping the country safe from foreign enemies, is appointing federal judges. They serve for decades, and their decisions have far-reaching consequences. The men and women we elect to the Senate will either confirm or reject these nominees.

Your vote decides who makes those appointments and whether they are confirmed.

Any Christian or conservative who cares about America should care about getting the right judges confirmed.

To America’s pastors: Tell your flocks to vote and help save our country! Note: Gary Bauer is the president of American Values, a national pro-family organization and is the former president of the Family Research Council. Bauer ran for the Republican nomination for president and appears frequently on radio and television programs.

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