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The Werewolf Game - Modern Day Cyber-Necromancy

The Werewolf Game - Modern Day Cyber-Necromancy

This article was originally published on Badlands Media. You can read the original article HERE

Zombification is a REAL Phenomenon

This feature is a continuation of The Werewolf Game series, which explores some of the core tenets at the heart of the Deep State’s mass mind control strategy. Start the series here.

Greetings Friends and Patriots,

Welcome to Part 8 of the Werewolf Series—a series in which we explore, among other things, the significance of werewolf, zombie and vampire symbolism to the dark occultists who run the Deep State.

Q told us to expand our thinking, and so, in the spirit of Q’s directive, I’ve made it a point to expand my awareness of information ranging from ancient history to cutting edge metaphysics, in addition to topics such as information warfare and current events.

In an information warfare, good information = ammunition.

(DISCLAIMER: all references to “war” or combat are meant to be understood as metaphors for the general contest of narratives that inform, and therefore guide, the masses. American Hypnotist vehemently disclaims physical violence as a means for achieving beneficial change in our society, and any who would think or say otherwise is purely responsible for their interpretations and/or beliefs).

Though this is part 8 of the Werewolf Series, every article in this series can stand on their own, and there’s no requirement to read them in any particular order. Feel free to start here if you so choose.

Before starting this series, I had no idea how utterly clarifying it would be to take a deeper look into vampire, werewolf and zombie symbolism. Truly, a symbol is almost never “just” a symbol.

As Q told us that the cabal’s need for symbolism will be their downfall, it is my intention that this series provide insight into their hidden world of symbolism. We must become literate in the symbolism of the occult, so that the cabal can no longer talk over everyone’s head. That’s why we do this work.

Many people believe that studying the occult is “dangerous”, but I think the exact opposite is true: it is dangerous for us to not be aware of these matters. The study of occult symbolism can be likened to studying gang signs—aka, signals that criminals use to coordinate their criminal activity amongst themselves.

When it comes to the cabal, we’re dealing with spiritual criminals.

With that in mind, in today’s article, we’re going to look at zombie symbolism from a rather surprising angle—we’re going to talk about something I’ve coined as cyber-necromancy, which refers to the occult practice of controlling living beings through ghost energy and malicious bots… you’ll understand what I mean soon enough.

We won’t be focusing on werewolves per se, however I’ve included this article in the Werewolf series because werewolves, zombies and vampires all go together. ALL of these symbols point to the same cult that runs the Deep State.

Ever since the assassination attempt on Trump, I’ve observed a MAJOR uptick in the mass zombification efforts of the cabal—there is a distinct flavor in the air (and on social media) that feels like a last ditch effort of the cabal to maintain control over the minds of the masses. Have you noticed this as well?

Without further ado, let’s get into it.

NPCs and Zombies

A zombie is a creature with no will of their own. Zombies don’t think; they just consume. A consumer, if you will! When the elites call the masses “useless eaters”, this is a veiled reference to zombies…

Without belaboring the point: zombie symbolism refers to that state of being between life and death, where the natural processes of the body are still running (in some sense), but the spirit is nowhere to be found. The defining characteristic of the zombie is the absence of independent will. That’s the idea, at the very least.

With this in mind, we can see that the concept of an NPC is nearly identical to the concept of a zombie. An NPC (which stands for “non-player-character”) is someone who has no real capacity for independent thought or action—the evidence for this being the observable fact that they only speak in slogans and cliches.

Original thought, you see, is a tell-tale sign that someone is in touch with their spirit.

Anyways, zombies love to eat brains—this is a metaphor for the process of ideological indoctrination that NPCs like to inflict on free thinkers. I mean that quite seriously: many of my propagandized leftist friends from childhood are incapable of making coherent statements about current events that don’t sound like they were auto-generated by a discount version of ChatGPT that’s been trained only on MSM talking points. Furthermore, they get VERY agitated when you don’t share the same “programming” as them—I believe this is a real symptom of zombification, which I regard as a real condition.

(DISCLAIMER: nothing herein shall be construed as professional psychological or medical advice. Everything herein amounts to nothing more than one man’s opinion, arrived at it in good faith.)

Luckily, through miracles, the dead can rise again, and the blind can regain their sight… but I’m getting ahead of myself.

Let’s talk about something else that’s “dead”, namely the DEAD internet…

Dead Internet, Deadening Minds

For those who aren’t aware of what the phrase “dead internet” means, the basic idea is that the majority of the online activity these days comprises of bots and AI-generated content. Humans are no longer running the show (if they ever were!). According to Wikipedia, the “dead internet theory” (DIT) is a “conspiracy theory”, but how theoretical is it, really?

Well... according to a report by a cybersecurity company, Barracuda, approximately 64% of web activity is conducted by bots, and 40% of all online activity consists of malicious bots running various forms of “attack script”. Given that I am not a computer expert, I can’t easily verify, nor debunk those numbers—but as someone who uses the internet every day, that looks about right to me.

Malicious bots can do many things—they can run attack scripts, scrape private data, skew the feedback of information, etc.

After the assassination attempt on Trump, I saw dozens and dozens of posts on Twitter/X by progressives and democrats that were upvoted to the extreme (frequently breaking 100K upvotes), and yet, their comment sections were 100% negative.

Folks, there’s nothing “organic” about that at all—universally hated messages don’t receive 100K upvotes

This is just one example of something that could reasonably be interpreted as bot activity.

Another potential example of bot activity can be seen when comment sections are full of “people” repeating, almost word for word, the same talking points as the MSM—the key things to look for here are repetitiveness and a complete lack of originality. Of course, this kind of behavior is present in human NPCs as well, which brings up a very uncomfortable point, namely that NPCs, demons, and bots have a lot in common with each other

To understand what I mean by that, we need to look more broadly at the nature of dark occultism in general.

Dark Occultism and Voodoo

Not many people realize this, but it has already been proven beyond any shadow of a doubt that the universe is a living language that creates itself by “talking” to itself.

This was demonstrated by Chris Langan in his Cognitive-Theoretic Model of the Universe (CTMU) ; my article The Metaphysics of 5G War discusses the CTMU, for those who would like to learn more about that.

For our purposes here, it’s enough to posit that if our universe is symbolic/linguistic in nature, then this gives us a basis for understanding how voodoo might work.

To make a long story as short as possible: words and symbols are conduits of power and energy. This is because reality is not a purely material phenomenon, but rather comprises material and spiritual/mental aspects, the latter of which uses language to “build” ideas and concepts (whereas physical reality uses molecules/elements/etc to build structures).

On the one hand, you have physical reality (aka objective reality), in which objects and events influence each other by direct, local impact; on the other hand, you have metaphysical reality (aka subjective reality), in which concepts and ideas influence each other by virtue of likeness and resonance.

These two “halves” of reality correspond to Descartes’ “extended matter” vs “non-extended mind”, and are reconciled fully as a monic substance in the CTMU. In so many words, it is impossible to avoid affecting reality with your thoughts, because physical reality is an “outgrowth”, so to speak, of metaphysical reality, which is the realm in which “thoughts” happen.

Mind you, what you’ve just read is not a complete proof of anything, but rather a highly simplified model that should suffice to give some ground upon which we can begin to make sense of occultism and voodoo. (For the full scoop on cutting edge metaphysics, I invite you to read the original CTMU paper.)

The point to all of this is: dark occultists engage in ritualized, symbolic acts to influence the manner in which reality unfolds. And what is that, if not voodoo?

And what is voodoo, if not the imposition of ones will upon reality via the use of symbols and effigies?

No matter what way you slice and dice it, dark occultism is all about imposing ones will on God’s creation, rather than allowing God’s creation to grow of its own accord. Whatever the justifications or paraphernalia involved, it always boils down to that. Why be long winded about it when the underlying truth is so simple?

Needless, bewildering complexity is, in my opinion, a defensive tactic employed by dark occultists to hide their true aims.

Of course, the idea that God has His own reasons for making the world and it contents a certain way is a teleological concept (because telos = purpose). Mainstream academia and science, being steeped in secular materialism, deny metaphysics and teleology altogether—the idea that things are made with intrinsic purpose by an intelligent universe governed by a Creator is the ultimate heresy in the eyes of secular materialism.

NPCs, Demons and Robots Revisited

There is no sufficient reason why souls cannot exist, nor that they couldn’t be created purposefully by the same Creator that made the universe itself. One may prefer a different worldview, but, in a contest between worldviews, materialism doesn’t offer any genuine solutions for the many paradoxes of science and philosophy it pretends to solve. With that in mind, let’s theorize a bit further along the lines we’ve already established.

Why wouldn’t God have a unique purpose for every created soul? Why create replica souls? What does it do to the value of one soul if God were to issue a replica with which it could be replaced?

What makes a soul special is its irreplaceable uniqueness—the more in touch with your own soul you become, the more your unique insights, talents, aptitudes, etc can be rendered into works that no one but you could create. If God made you to be one-of-a-kind, then how could it be otherwise?

Modern society treats human beings, more or less, as if they were replaceable parts of a machine, rather than unique beings whose essence can never be replicated precisely because it prejudicially denies all concepts related to teleology and metaphysics. The fact that psychopaths ALSO view human beings as mere objects—as accessories or obstacles to their own purposes, and nothing more—is highly significant.

Yes, ours is a psychopathic system, conspicuously built upon an anti-teleological foundation. A telic universe is alive and full of spirit; whereas a mechanical universe, devoid of telos, is nothing more than a dead machine that “auto-generates” content ad nauseum, and without intrinsic purpose… which is a bit like saying that the entire universe is just one, giant NPC unto itself!

Are you starting to see the spiritual/philosophical threads that connect these things?

NPCS, Demons, and Robots are all alike in that they don’t exhibit the self-directed telic capacity exhibited by spirits who themselves are in the process of actualizing their unique essences. They are anti-telic, if you will. (Arguably, demons have a greater capacity for will than robots or NPCs, but it we spend too much time splitting hairs, then we’ll never get to the point). Their inability to act or perceive outside of pre-made programs (stereotypes, prejudices, unexamined assumptions, predictable moods, etc) is a testament to this fact.

An Introduction to 21st Century Cyber-Necromancy

Recall that the basic idea behind dark occultism and voodoo is that language has power—from the perspective of dark occultism and voodoo, it matters that the term “dead internet” has caught on.

The dead internet influences living beings, does it not?

A false impression of current events is engineered into mass consciousness through the manipulation of spiritual energy on the one hand, and cyberspace on the other. What people see on the screen confirms the same things that were whispered in their ear by this or that negative being—all of these anti-telic beings and devices are running nonstop (and often highly stereotyped) attack scripts of various kinds.

How often is the perception of the living influenced by fundamentally anti-teleological malware bots and disgruntled ghosts alike?

Yes, it’s a mind-blowing, strange “layer” to reality we’re uncovering here—but if our minds are sufficiently aware to penetrate these matters with some clarity, then I see no reason to fear hell, nor any of its agents. If it is God’s will that all spirits realize the highest potential of their own uniqueness, then no force shall ultimately prevail against such eventualities.

In regards to the practice of necromancy: the basic idea is to control the living via controlling the dead. My concept of Cyber-Necromancy is an extension on that theme.

Cyber-Necromancy is not merely the control of the living via controlling the dead, but the thwarting of all that is telic (living) by any and all anti-telic (“dead”) means. Cyber-necromancy is all about reducing unique souls into replaceable, mindless automatons—it is about the creation of zombies, and the triumph of death over life.

This all brings us full circle to where we began: werewolf, vampire, and zombie symbolism.

A zombie is someone who has no will of their own; they merely eat things and run scripts. In Part 3 of the Werewolf Series, I made the case that the Koryos werewolf cult (and similar cults whose influences are salient in the modern Deep State) are intentionally trying to manifest hell on Earth, and I believe one of the key methods for doing this is the practice of creating zombies through rituals, robots, ghosts all used in combination—aka, what I have termed cyber-necromancy.

Conclusion, For Now

The more we rely on technology to solve all of our problems for us, the more we descend into matter. In a similar vein, the more we become accustomed to repeating what we are told like parrots, the more our capacity for independent thought atrophies.

All of our aptitudes, skills, muscles, etc require regular use, otherwise they wither away—such is the nature of reality as we know it.

Have you noticed how our natural abilities are “dampened” through the use of certain technology?

People who rely on GPS lose the ability to navigate by their own wits—I have no doubt that those who rely on AI to generate ideas and figure things out will likewise find their creative and probative faculties slowly atrophying.

I’m not “against” the use of AI technology per se; my point is simply that we must be aware of the costs involved in using any kind of technology, and we need to proactively offset those costs. If you’re going to use GPS (which I do), then you need to put it aside from time to time and use your own wits; a little bit of effort goes a long way towards maintaining your mind-muscles!

Anyways… if one believes that there is no intrinsic purpose to life, then there is no reason why we shouldn’t pursue convenience and pleasure above all other things; and this is precisely the mindset that the dark occultists want you to adopt. It serves them quite nicely for you to believe that.

On the flipside, if indeed there is a purpose to your existence, then it makes no sense to allow your natural gifts to atrophy, which is exactly what will happen if you outsource all your effort and thinking to 3rd parties.

Almost all of mankind’s would-be enslavers have presented themselves as “liberators” and “helpers” to the masses. If someone legitimately wants to help you, that’s one thing; but if they want to take away your ability to help yourself, then that’s when you should raise your eyebrow.

The mass zombification process need not happen—to thwart it requires that people stop agreeing (if not in word, then in deed) that they’re replaceable cogs in someone else’s machine. It requires that people look deep within themselves to discover that which makes them utterly unique, and then subsequently DEVELOP what they’ve found within. This process can take quite some time to unfold, but even a small expenditure of effort in this direction will go a long way towards thwarting the dark occultists who want to make humanity utterly subservient to them.

EVIL is LIVE spelled in reverse—the mechanization of that which is living creates all kinds of negative energy that ghosts feed on (and attack bots amplify).

Not many people realize this, but Qs insistence that we all grow into our highest potential as independent researchers stands as a direct impediment to the zombification process. The LAST thing that these dark occultists want is for you to learn how to discern things for yourself and come to your own conclusions—even worse for them is when you link up with others of like mind to create new and better societies truly founded on the principles outlined in the Declaration of Independence.

With all that said, stay tuned because we’ll soon be wrapping up these Werewolf articles—we haven’t yet completed our deep dive into ancient history and the occult, but we’re getting close, dear Friends.

When we reach our destination, the 40,000 ft view will be absolutely astonishing. Hell will NOT prevail…

“From Darkness to Light” — Q

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