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Transparency and Prosecution

Transparency and Prosecution

This article was originally published on Badlands Media. You can read the original article HERE

There Is Simply No Other Way

This feature is a follow-up to ‘He’s Not a War Hero,’ and is best read with that context in mind.

Are Nuremberg type trials coming to America?

Are there going to be military tribunals?

Will we ever enter the justice phase?

How long must we endure going through the exposure phase in this war before we see real justice delivered to all of these traitors?

The exposure phase is the most important aspect of this war, in my opinion.

The truth is what is going to set the entire world free. The truth will not only reveal all of the corruption, it will expose all of the evil too. But more importantly, unless all of the corruption and treason is revealed to the people, we will have no chance to prevent this from happening again in the future. All of the evidence of the crimes must be exposed so that there is no question that when justice comes, it is well deserved.

There is a plan in place, and we must be patient.

Justice is coming, and it’s a huge part of the plan.

How do I know? It was promised.

From Q drop #2816:

“Transparency and Prosecution. There is simply no other way.”


This is a promise, and justice has always been a huge part of the plan. But the people “must be shown” why certain specific individuals, many of whom they have looked up to and admired, deserve justice. Their crimes must be exposed first.

My hope in this article is to prove to you that the justice part of this plan is coming, and that there is no stopping it. I am going to lay out the case for treason and sedition by many known players who were Prince Alwaleed puppets, and then show you why I believe justice is just around the corner.

John McCain is one of the major players and was involved in many things. He is the worst kind of traitor. He’s a backstabber who has painted himself as a war hero and a patriot with the help of his allies in the controlled media.

I ended my last article with this Q drop, #1090, from Apr 08, 2018:

We know everything. We have all the evidence of treason, and we know the real reason that McCain was in Syria meeting with these so called “rebel leaders” back in May of 2013.

Don’t miss this important bread crumb in this drop.

Who/what is not pictured? What forces shadowed No Name? Contractors. Special contractors.

Who are the “special contractors” that were providing security for McCain in Syria?

Q knows all of the details, and told us exactly who they were.

Have you ever heard of Erik Prince and Blackwater?

From the very next Q drop, #1091 from Apr 08, 2018:

“What forces SHADOWED No Name? Contractors? Special Contractors?”

Q told us it was Blackwater.

According to Politico:

Go read this Vanity Fair profile of Blackwater CEO (until today -- he reportedly has resigned) Erik Prince which says he was a CIA asset for the past six years, before, he claims, he "was thrown under the bus."

Erik Prince was a valuable asset working for the CIA for six years, and then he claims they threw him under the bus. There were charges filed against him, and they tried to bankrupt him with lawsuits, just like they tried to do to General Michael Flynn.


According to Vanity Fair:

But the truth about Prince may be orders of magnitude stranger than fiction.

For the past six years, he appears to have led an astonishing double life. Publicly, he has served as Blackwater’s C.E.O. and chairman. Privately, and secretly, he has been doing the C.I.A.’s bidding, helping to craft, fund, and execute operations ranging from inserting personnel into “denied areas”—places U.S. intelligence has trouble penetrating—to assembling hit teams targeting al-Qaeda members and their allies.

Prince, according to sources with knowledge of his activities, has been working as a C.I.A. asset: in a word, as a spy.

While his company was busy gleaning more than $1.5 billion in government contracts between 2001 and 2009—by acting, among other things, as an overseas Praetorian guard for C.I.A. and State Department officials—Prince became a Mr. Fix-It in the war on terror. His access to paramilitary forces, weapons, and aircraft, and his indefatigable ambition—the very attributes that have galvanized his critics—also made him extremely valuable, some say, to U.S. intelligence.

Erik Prince was a CIA/shadow government asset because he specialized in certain areas that were mostly hidden from the public.

He has been doing the CIA’s bidding, helping to craft, fund, and execute operations ranging from inserting personnel into “denied areas”—places U.S. intelligence has trouble penetrating.”

When John McCain traveled to Syria to meet these “rebel leaders” back in May of 2013, it was Erik Prince and Blackwater who escorted him into and out of Syria, even though we had no diplomatic relations with Syria at the time. Blackwater provided Mccain’s security on that trip and shadowed his every move.

But why did Q say “think double” when referring to Erik Prince? In the Vanity Fair article, the writer said that Prince was living a “double life.”

Is that what Q was referring to?

I don’t think so at all.

Did you see what Q said in the drop, right after saying “think double?”

Why are we confirming this publicly? Why now?

Remember, Q at the time was trolling John McCain, along with the enemy by mentioning “spiderweb,” and saying they knew the exact location of his meeting in Syria. The reason that Q was confirming Erik Prince and Blackwater as the “special contractors” during McCain’s first trip to Syria, and saying “think double” was because Erik Prince had flipped and was giving up all the evidence of McCain’s treason. He no longer worked for the CIA. He was now a “double agent,” and became one of Trump’s biggest supporters.

In case you doubt me:

The very next Q drop on the same day was used to troll John McCain and the enemy even more. The enemy has been following the Q drops from the beginning, and this drop proved to them that we have everything. We are going to expose everything to the American people.

Panic in D.C.

What did Q say?

We love phones! No name should know better.

Q was trolling John McCain (no name).

This Q drop revealed a similar picture from the same meeting McCain had in Syria, but there were two people circled in this picture.

I wonder who they are, and why Q focused on them?

This picture was taken with a cell phone, and cell phones can be accessed. Military intelligence captures all electronic data, and could have gotten this evidence from whoever’s cell phone this picture was taken from.

McCain wanted everyone to focus on the man next to him in this picture wearing the white shirt and glasses.

Who is he?

His name is General Salem Idris, and he leads the Supreme Military Council of the Free Syrian Army. McCain wanted him to be the moderate face of the “freedom fighters” that he was meeting with while seeking military intervention and funding in order to topple Bashar al-Assad. McCain was trying to garner sympathy for these rebel leaders from the American people.

But who are the other people in these pictures who were meeting with McCain?

You’ll never guess. This helps us better understand why Q didn’t want to even call McCain by his name, because he’s the worst kind of traitor.

Q lists who the people are in this picture, from Q drop #1088:

This is quite the Kodak moment.

McCain was meeting with the head of ISIS, Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi(2), who was in the background (I’ll come back to him later), along with the press officer for ISIS named Abu Mosa(1). Also in the picture is a wanted Syrian terrorist who specialized in kidnapping American journalists. His name was Muahmmad Noor(4).

And here is the other picture in Q drop #1088:

Do you understand this Q drop, and why these two pictures are “connected?”

Q asked, “See the spider web?”

Both pictures include the ISIS press secretary, Abu Mosa(1). But why did Q say. “See the spider web?”

Q was telling us to look at the background of the second picture. What do you see on the walls in the background? The first picture has spider webs, but the second picture has a label on the walls. The material for those walls was provided by USAID.

As I mentioned in a previous article, USAID is a CIA front group run through the State Department. Q was showing us that taxpayers’ money is funding ISIS in Syria, which is a CIA terrorist group.

We are funding our enemies, and I believe McCain promised them a lot more money on this trip.

Notice who McCain is directly talking to.

That is Al-Baghdadi, leader of ISIS.

The guy that helped set up the whole meeting in Syria is the guy sitting next to McCain in the white t-shirt and wearing the scarf.

His name is Mouaz Moustafa(5).

Q told us he was important, and to “dig” on his background and history.

He’s bigger than we know. Q compared him to the AWAN brothers.

Who is he? Why is he so important?


Can you see the little flag lapel pin that McCain was wearing? It wasn’t an American flag. It was a Syrian rebel flag.

Did you know that this meeting McCain had with ISIS in Syria happened on Memorial Day? Of all the days to not wear an American flag pin? As I’ve said before, John McCain is the worst kind of traitor.

Mouaz Moustafa is pictured in the Q drop standing with McCain next to the photographer. He’s described as being in a ‘trusted’ close proximity.

But why does Q say: “Refugees who work/ed US House/Senate?

Who is Mouaz Moustafa?

So he was a member of a government relations committee supporting Syria, and was a lobbyist?


According to the WorldBank:

Mouaz Moustafa is currently the Executive Director for the Syrian Emergency Task Force (SETF), Political Director of United for a Free Syria (UFS), and serves on the Government Relations Committee of the Coalition for a Democratic Syria (CDS).

A former staffer for U.S. Congressman Vic Snyder and U.S. Senator Blanche Lincoln, Mr. Moustafa spent four and a half years working in Congress before leaving to work briefly with Egypt’s U.S.-based opposition.

Moustafa actually worked as a staffer in Congress for several years before leaving to work briefly with Egypt’s US based “opposition.”

Can you say “Muslim Brotherhood” in Egypt?

The Awan brothers weren’t the only ones working for Congress with Muslim Brotherhood ties. Obama filled his administration with their sympathizers.

More from the WorldBank:

While working with SETF, Mr. Moustafa has led delegations to the Syrian border for journalists and lawmakers including U.S. Senator McCain’s visit with the Northern Storm Brigade inside Syria and U.S. Rep. Kinzinger and Holding’s visit with various Free Syrian Army commanders in Antakya Turkey in 2014.

The Northern Storm Brigade is the Al Qaeda offshoot in Syria that Muahmmad Noor was affiliated with. He was the one circled with the camera, pictured with McCain and Moustafa at the meeting.

But did you catch the name of the other Congressman mentioned in the article, who was also tied to these terrorist groups in Syria?

Crybaby Congressman Adam Kinzinger.

Another backstabbing Republican traitor, just like John McCain. I had never heard of Kinzinger before Trump was elected, but he quickly became one of Trump’s biggest critics.

But as Q said:

Trump’s loudest critics all seem to be the biggest traitors. That’s not a coincidence. Q purposely emphasized the word “knowingly,” and connected it to treason.


“Knowingly” is a legal term.

(Summary from Brave search engine)

Seditious Conspiracy

The federal crime of seditious conspiracy, as outlined in 18 USC § 2384, involves:

“… whoever knowingly or willfully advocates, abets, advises, or teaches the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying the government of the United States…”

Here, “knowingly” emphasizes that the accused person intentionally and deliberately promoted or supported the overthrow or destruction of the government, rather than acting out of ignorance or mistake.

Both McCain and Kinzinger are traitors. They were both connected to Mouaz Moustafa, who led them on trips to Syria.

Let’s connect some more dots.

Moustafa was the Executive Director for the Syrian Emergency Task Force.

What is the SETF?

According to Wikipedia:

The Syrian Emergency Task Force (SETF) is a United States-based, 501-C(3) organization established in March 2011 to support the Syrian opposition. SETF advocates in solidarity with the Syrian rebels to inform and educate the American public and its representatives about their struggle.

Syrian Emergency Task Force

Founded 2011


Washington, D.C. U.S.

Key people

Mouaz Moustafa, Executive-Director

Moustafa traveled with and helped coordinate McCain’s meeting in Syria. Did you see where his “nonprofit” had its headquarters?

It was in Washington DC. It was a lobbying firm for the ISIS terrorists.

But there was another important member of the SETF that joined McCain on this trip that I bet nobody knows about.

Have you ever heard the name Elizabeth O’Bagy?

That’s her in the background of this picture.

Who is she?

According to Shoebat Foundation:

Elizabeth O’Bagy is listed as a Political Director for the Syrian Emergency Task Force (SETF) in the group’s Washington, D.C. office. SETF lobbies Congress on behalf of the Syrian rebels.

During a Senate hearing this week, Senator John McCain, perhaps the most vocal supporter of the Syrian rebels in Congress, pointed to an op-ed by the twenty-six year-old O’Bagy that appeared in the Wall Street Journal on August 30th.

Nobody had ever heard of her before, and suddenly she was an “expert analyst” on Syria, who was being invited on news shows and writing op-ed pieces for the Wall Street Journal. McCain then used that op-ed piece in the Wall Street Journal as “evidence” in a Senate hearing in order to pressure Congress to fund these “freedom fighters” who were trying to overthrow Assad.

McCain and O’Bagy, along with John Kerry were pushing a lie that said “moderate” rebel fighters were completely separate from terrorist extremists, and they didn’t commingle. The pictures showing McCain meeting with General Salem Idris, who was considered a moderate, along with the leaders of ISIS, prove that is a lie.

But who is Elizabeth O’Bagy, and what’s her background? How did she become such an expert on Syria at the young age of 26?

Let me give you a hint.

All assets were deployed.

When McCain used her op-ed as evidence, he referred to her as “Doctor” Elizabeth O’Bagy. That certainly made her sound like an expert.

But who was she really working for?

Who was controlling Elizabeth O’Bagy?

More from the Shoebat Foundation:

Let’s go back to O’Bagy for a moment.

In the SETF Press Release that announces her addition as a Political Director, it says she “gained a Master’s in Arab Studies from Georgetown University”.

Georgetown University is under the very strong influence of Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal.

From the University’s website:

In December 2005, the Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding (CMCU) received a $20 million dollar gift from HRH Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal, an internationally renowned businessman and global investor, to support and expand the Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding. The Center was renamed the Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding (ACMCU). This endowed fund was the second largest single gift in Georgetown University history.

The Director of the ACMCU is none other than Professor John Esposito, a renowned Muslim Brotherhood apologist.

How does this all involve O’Bagy? Remember, she earned a “Master’s in Arab Studies” from this University.

Guess who’s listed as faculty for the Department of Arabic and Islamic studies. Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal’s guy at the University – John Esposito.

Everything is connected.

John McCain was a puppet of Prince Alwaleed, and so was Elizabeth O’Bagy. They were both pushing for war in Syria to remove Assad while lobbying for money, which would go to fund ISIS.

This was all part of the sixteen-year plan, and Elizabeth O’Bagy was pushed throughout the media as an expert on Syria. McCain used her expertise on Syria to push for a “no fly zone” and increased military support, similar to what they did in Libya to topple Gaddafi. It was the exact same playbook.

But just days later, her reputation was destroyed by what I believe was another “ghosts in the machine” move by the military. It was perfect timing.

What happened?

According to Cision PRWeb:

CNN reported that a lie about earning a Ph.D. cost a Syria expert her job as an analyst days after her op-ed in the Wall Street Journal was cited by Secretary of State John Kerry and Sen. John McCain in congressional hearings about possible U.S. military action in the war-torn country.

"The Institute for the Study of War has learned and confirmed that, contrary to her representations, Ms. Elizabeth O'Bagy does not in fact have a Ph.D. degree from Georgetown University. ISW has accordingly terminated Ms. O'Bagy's employment, effective immediately," the institute posted in an online statement Wednesday.

O'Bagy received a Master of Arts degree in Arab Studies from Georgetown University in May and was allegedly working on her dissertation for a Ph.D.

CNN states that O'Bagy has appeared on several television networks, including BBC, CNN, Fox and PBS. Last week, she was a guest on CNN Newsroom and Fox News, speaking about Syria. Because of the revelation about her false doctorate, O'Bagy will not appear again as an analyst on CNN networks.

This helped to derail the effort in Congress to commit our military to topple Assad.

Now let’s go back to the original drop on McCain’s first trip to Syria back in May of 2013.

How big of a traitor was John McCain?

Q asked, “What was delivered? Smiles.”

I’m willing to bet that McCain was there with a whole bunch of money, and it made this group of “ISIS leaders,” very happy. The man circled in the picture wasn’t very well known at the time, but he was about to become notorious.

Yes, that is Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the future leader of ISIS.

Several people pointed that out after seeing the picture, which caused the Mccain allies in the controlled media to say that it was all just conspiracy theories. They defended McCain, and claimed the person circled was a commander from the Free Syrian Army, but they wouldn’t give his name or verify his identity. There’s a reason for that.

There are several clues to the fact that it was al-Baghdadi. First of all, Q circled him for a reason. Erik Prince, who is now working with Trump, also knows who all of the people in the picture are. Blackwater shadowed McCain everywhere. But there’s more proof.

Baghdadi’s wife said that they had moved to Syria in 2012.

According to the BBC:

As Iraq fell into bloody sectarian war that lasted from 2006 to 2008, she no longer had any doubt that he was involved in Sunni jihadist groups. In 2010, he became the leader of the Islamic State of Iraq - formed in 2006, this was an umbrella group of Iraqi jihadi organizations.

“We moved to the Idlib countryside in Syria in January 2012, and there it became absolutely clear to me that he was the emir [leader],” Umm Hudaifa says.

The Islamic State of Iraq was one of the groups that later joined forces to form the wider Islamic State group that declared a caliphate - an Islamic state governed in accordance with Sharia by someone considered a deputy of the Prophet Muhammad on Earth - two years later.

At that time, she says he started to wear Afghani dress, grew a beard, and carried a pistol.

Here’s a picture of al-Baghdadi speaking at a Mosque in 2014 BEFORE he grew his beard out and changed his wardrobe.

More from the BBC:

Then in 2004, a year after the US-led invasion of Iraq, American forces detained al-Baghdadi and held him at the detention centre at Camp Bucca in the south for about a year, along with many other men who would become senior figures in ISIS and other jihadist groups.

We actually held him in custody at one time because he was affiliated with Al Qaeda. This was one of his mugshots.

Was al-Baghdadi in Syria at the time that John McCain travelled there to meet with the so called “rebel leaders?”

According to Military-History.Fandom.com:

In April 2013, the leader of the Islamic State of Iraq, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, released a recorded audio message on the Internet, in which he announced that Jabhat Al-Nusra was an extension of Al Qaeda in Iraq in Syria.

Al-Baghdadi said that Abu Mohammad al-Jawlani, the leader of Jabhat Al-Nusra, had been dispatched by the group along with a group of men to Syria to meet with pre-existing cells in the country. Al-Baghdadi also said that the Islamic State of Iraq had provided Jabhat Al-Nusra with the plans and strategy needed for the Syrian Civil War, and had been providing them funding on a monthly basis.

Baghdadi was the leader of ISI (Islamic State of Iraq), which was a major Al Qaeda group that we were fighting in Iraq. They officially joined together with Jabhat Al-Nusra, which was a brutal and bloodthirsty Al-Qaeda affiliate in Syria. Baghdadi had been providing them with monthly funding, and a strategy to overthrow Assad in Syria.

Where was Baghdadi getting all of this money?

Remember, John McCain had travelled to Syria to meet with these “ISIS leaders” on May 28, 2013, and I believe he brought them a lot of money.

Was Baghdadi in Syria at the same time as John McCain?

More from Military-History.Fandom.com:

In May 2013, a video was released on the Internet showing masked men publicly execute three captured Alawite officers in the eastern town of Raqqa; the men identified themselves as being members of the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham.

In the same month, Reuters reported that the leader of the Islamic State of Iraq Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi had traveled from Iraq to Syria's Aleppo Governorate province and began attempting to take over the leadership of al-Nusra. There were media reports that the group had suffered a split, with many of al-Nusra's foreign fighters operating under the banner of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, and many Syrian Nusra fighters leaving the group to join other Islamist brigades.

Don’t miss that key point.

After followers of al-Baghdadi publicly executed three Syrian officers in May of 2013, Baghdadi travelled from Iraq to Syria to take over the Al-Nustra group in Syria. He was in Syria in May when John McCain made his trip there.

Was that just a coincidence?

Baghdadi had just begun expanding the Islamic State of Iraq outside of the country in April, and he had recently changed their name. They now went by the name of ISIL (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant). Levant is the former name for the geographical area of the eastern Mediterranean that is now occupied by Lebanon, Syria, and Israel.

McCain went to Syria to meet al-Baghdadi with Obama’s approval. This was all planned. Both were Alwaleed puppets. The fact that they ran against each other for the presidency in 2008 is a joke. Our elections are a fraud. It’s just a big game.

Speaking of elections, Obama was struggling to win re-election back in 2012. Then in 2011, he took credit for killing Osama bin Laden, which helped him win re-election. He distracted the American people away from ISIS by eliminating the guy that we were told was responsible for 9/11. Meanwhile, ISIS was allowed to expand in both Iraq and Syria.

Do you remember how Obama always used the term ISIL when talking about ISIS?

He did that for a specific reason. He tried to keep the American peoples attention focused on Al Qaeda in Iraq (ISIL), while ignoring Al Qaeda in Syria (ISIS). He also described them as the “Junior varsity team” compared to Al Qaeda. Do you remember that?

A portion of Q drop #2640:

Obama helped form ISIS, and then allowed them to expand. That’s treason.

According to World Net Daily:

Nine months ago, Barack Obama gave an interview to David Remnick of The New Yorker after ISIS, the very accomplished and high-achieving Islamic killing machine in the Middle East, captured Fallujah, an Iraqi city for which many very good American soldiers had sacrificed their lives and limbs taking from Sunni jihadists in 2004.

Remnick asked Obama about al-Qaida's resurgence in Iraq. Obama responded by suggesting to Remnick that he had, pretty much, personally killed Osama bin Laden three years earlier and, pretty much, singlehandedly "decimated" al-Qaida.

Remnick pointed out to Obama that since he had ordered U.S. military forces to leave Iraq the al-Qaida flag was now flying over Fallujah. ISIS, regarded as an al-Qaida affiliate in Iraq, had since taken over the city.

It was at this point in the interview, Obama infamously provided Remnick with the following woefully inarticulate sports analogy:

"Yes, but, David, I think the analogy we use around here sometimes, and I think is accurate, is if a JV team puts on Lakers uniforms, that doesn't make them Kobe Bryant. I think there is a distinction between the capacity and reach of a bin Laden and a network that is actively planning major terrorist plots against the homeland versus jihadists who are engaged in various local power struggles and disputes, often sectarian."

Nine months later, ISIS is perceived by U.S. intelligence, senior military officers and most conscious observers not as a nuisance, not as a localized, inexperienced rogue group, but as a grave threat to the balance of power and stability of the entire Middle East and a strategic threat to the security of the U.S. and the world.

There’s a reason he tried to hide the threat that ISIS posed to the American people. They were actually an extension of Al Qaeda, and a much more violent and evil faction. The world would soon see evidence of that, as they began posting brutal public executions and slaughtering innocent people as they took their women and young girls as sex slaves.

That’s who McCain was meeting with in Syria; they weren’t freedom fighters, like he suggested.

It was the same playbook when the CIA/shadow government trained and funded the Mujahideen in Afghanistan, who then became Al Qaeda. We called them “freedom fighters” too.

Senator Rand Paul was taking on McCain publicly over wanting to fund ISIS, and didn’t buy into the narrative that these were moderates in Syria. McCain isn’t used to being challenged, and it flustered him.

According to Reason.com:

Sen. John McCain made quite the gaffe on Sean Hannity's show last night. While criticizing Sen. Rand Paul's opposition to arming the "moderate" Syrian rebels, McCain slipped up and accidentally implied that he had met with ISIS. McCain clearly meant to say that he had met with the Free Syrian Army (the Syrian rebel group that McCain and the Obama administration support), and was vouching for its trustworthiness.

The mixup is noteworthy because critics like Paul are arguing that arming the Syrian rebels is not categorically different from arming ISIS—our enemy—since those weapons eventually make their way into the hands of ISIS terrorists anyway.

Seems like McCain’s conscience got the better of him, for once.

McCain was there to help the Islamic State of Iraq (ISIL) expand into Syria.


Syria was where the bomb was being built for the sixteen-year plan. They created the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

Since Osama bin Laden was now dead and the old guard Al Qaeda were rapidly diminishing, the CIA/shadow government needed a new threat for the never ending war on terror. Fear has always been a big motivator. The brutality that ISIS showed to the world would be a great motivator for another long, extended war to launder trillions more taxpayers’ dollars in the Middle East.

They were also going ahead with their sixteen-year plan, while trying to topple another leader who was aligned with Putin. It had worked perfectly in Libya, so why not replicate the same template in Syria?

John McCain was determined to take down Bashar al-Assad, just like he helped take down Gaddafi.

There was just one huge problem: He was up against Trump and our military and he had also committed treason.

Trump took the gloves off and unleashed our military to destroy ISIS. He did the opposite of what Obama had done.

Do you think Q was just kidding about bringing back the gallows? I don’t think so.

There’s a reason that the federal death penalty was reinstated under Trump, and that the democrats were desperately trying to pass a law outlawing lynching. Obama is a traitor, but so is McCain.

There’s a reason that McCain took a secret trip in a panic to Syria right after Trump was inaugurated, and then was faking cancer and surgery.

This drop is all about McCain being a traitor. Why was he panicked?

Here’s Trump’s tweet from that Q drop:

These five most wanted ISIS leaders weren’t killed, they were “captured.” Was McCain afraid they were now going to talk? I bet he was.

Q says he was now planning some kind of escape or medical emergency. Maybe a fake death.

So McCain has “knowingly” committed treason and sedition by aiding and funding ISIS. He was being defiant by voting against the Obamacare repeal that he said he would support, and was going to fight Trump to the bitter end.

If there was ever a person who deserved to face justice, it’s “no name” McCain.

Let’s don’t forget that he also played a major role in trying to frame Trump for Russian collusion by pushing the phony Steele dossier to the media and the FBI while coordinating with foreign intelligence agencies to spy on President Trump.

Trying to take down a duly elected president and arming our enemies sure seem like two huge examples of treason.

I asked the question at the beginning of this article, “Will we ever enter the justice phase?”

Well for at least one traitor, we now know that he did face justice.

Here are a string of Q drops referencing McCain (no name) leading right up to his death that are very interesting.

This last drop is a huge deal. It was posted on July 25, 2018 at 7:28 pm.

NO NAME “returning to headlines.”

NO NAME [Departure soon] in targeted brackets.

And then here’s the most important Q drop for McCain.

Look at the drop that has a picture of McCain with his hands in the air.

Hands up?

That drop was on July 25, 2018. McCain died on August 25, 2018.

[30] days? Coincidence?

The time on the hands up drop was at 7:28.

[0:28] seconds? Coincidence?

We are in control. What happened?

We chose the day that John McCain, the traitor would face justice.


McCain faced justice and chose “suicide” over a firing squad or hanging.

Simple, they made it public for all the enemy to see. Operation closed and cleaned.

They all know what’s coming, which is why they are trying to delay justice any way possible, and many have been begging for deals. If justice can happen to one of the biggest traitors in American history BEFORE we actually enter the justice phase, then just wait. The actual justice phase is going to be massive.

This is a real war, and we are waging it mostly behind the scenes until we enter the justice phase, but it’s coming, my friends.

But that’s not the end of the story. The war never stops.

According to the Washington Post:

Trump strode to the podium in the Diplomatic Room alone around 9:20 a.m. Sunday morning, wearing a red tie.

As a retinue of top aides — sans acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney — stood nearby, along with Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.), Trump described the raid in surprisingly precise, if unverified, terms.

The leader of the Islamic State, Trump said, died surrounded by American forces in an Idlib tunnel Saturday night, detonating a suicide vest as American forces and dogs circled. The president also said Baghdadi had taken three small children with him into the “dead-end” tunnel, effectively leading them to their deaths. 

Our military had hunted down and killed al-Baghdadi, the founder and leader of ISIS.

More from the Washington Post:

He called Baghdadi’s followers “losers” and “frightened puppies.”

“He died after running into a dead-end tunnel, whimpering, screaming and crying all the way,” Trump said. Later, he said it again. “He died like a dog, he died like a coward, he was whimpering, screaming and crying,” Trump said. “And frankly, I think it’s something that should be brought out.”

Trump called his followers “frightened puppies,” and said al-Baghdadi “died like a dog.” The military also recovered a lot of documents and information. I bet that evidence will reveal even more traitors.

The gloves are going to come off soon, and there will be nowhere for the enemy to hide.

As for McCain? I have more coming on him; Trump knew he was a traitor, and refused to show him any respect.

According to NBC News:

The U.S. Navy has acknowledged that a request was made to hide the USS John S. McCain during President Donald Trump's recent state visit to Japan.

"A request was made to the U.S. Navy to minimize the visibility of USS John S. McCain, however, all ships remained in their normal configuration during the President's visit," Rear Admiral Charlie Brown, chief of information, said in a statement to NBC News.

The Wall Street Journal reported Wednesday that it had reviewed an email to Navy and Air Force officials dated May 15 that included the direction "USS John McCain needs to be out of sight" for Trump's Japan visit. CNBC has also obtained the email. NBC News has not reviewed the email.

What do you want to bet that when we enter the justice phase, McCain’s name is going to be removed from a lot of things?

My next article finally gets to Libya and Benghazi.

Did you know that Mouza Moustafa was heavily involved in the overthrow of Gaddafi, along with McCain?

Did you know that he was the head of a similar lobbyist group for Libya as the one in DC called Syrian Emergency Task Force?

Guess what it was called?

The Libyan Emergency Task Force.

The same exact playbook.

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