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England in flames? The merchants of dismay are at it again

England in flames? The merchants of dismay are at it again

This article was originally published on The liberty Beacon. You can read the original article HERE

Intro by Steve Cook

Is England in flames as the government and luridly misleading media hysteria would have you believe?


Not even close.

We are witnessing a classic fabrication designed to spread dismay, an illusion that vapourises the moment one looks directly at it.

As we’ve said before, if  it’s in the media it isn’t true.

The role of the media is to fan the flames of dismay. Its role is  to keep you fearful. not informed.

As we’ve also said before, the globalist front group known as the Labour government will use its position to enact as many globalist-favored edicts as it can get away with while the going is good. And sure enough the regime in Westminster has wasted no time in moving against the People, aided and abetted by the globalist media.

The current fiasco provides a classic example of collusion between government and media to create a “problem” to “solve”, which will “require” new laws to further constrict the liberties of all of us.

They are hoping that the Muslim community, so fearful of “right wing thugs” and the Anglo Saxon community so fearful of “Muslim extremists” will both welcome new state powers that will crush both.

And if both communities can be brought into real conflict, even better: the common enemy of both communities wins (it hopes).

The following article, written by someone who actually lives at the not-even-tepid ground zero of orchestrated scuffles portrayed as widespread unrest provides insight into how and why we are yet again being sold a lie by nation-wrecking sociopaths.

As race riots escalate, British PM threatens dire consequences!

Far-right rioters attack asylum seeker hotels!

That’s just a small selection of the blanket, wall-to-wall, gibbering media coverage we’ve been bombarded with this weekend, portraying the UK as a violently unstable racist hell-hole where people dare not leave their houses for fear of being confronted by a FAR-RIGHT EXTREMIST!

Indeed, some major countries have even gone so far as to warn their citizens off travelling here, so disordered and chaotic is the current world-stage media portrayal of the UK.

This is – let us be very emphatically clear here – complete and utter nonsense.

I live in the UK, in the much-maligned “north”, i.e., the less affluent part of the country frequently depicted by London media types as a thuggish hellscape characterised by shell suits, hooliganism, and kebab shops (and where you simply can’t find a decent Waitrose anywhere…).

The two major cities most frequently referenced by babbling talking heads as typifying the mood of “the north” are (the Lancashire city of) Manchester and (the Yorkshire city of) Leeds. I happen to live exactly in between the two – about 25 miles from each – in the geographical heart of the north, Huddersfield.

I also happened to have had an appointment in Manchester this Sunday, so I can provide a comprehensive, on-the-ground account of exactly how horrendous, hellish and hooliganised the north is currently.


It’s not.

(It is true about the Waitrose deficit, though.)

I arrived in Manchester at 1pm Sunday, and attended a cultural event in the city’s Northern Quarter. Then I went for a meal in the Corn Exchange, before walking all through the city up to Manchester Piccadilly to accompany someone to the train station. Then I walked back to the other side of the city where we had parked the car. I spent about six hours in the city in total.

There were no riots.

Nothing being set on fire.

No hordes of masked thugs taunting those of a non-Anglo Saxon ethnicity.

On the contrary: there was actually as Islamic information tent set up in a prominent position in the city centre where bearded men were chatting to passersby and handing out free literature.

Nobody was hassling them and they obviously felt perfectly safe.

There may have been a few scuffles earlier in the day, and there were a few more police around than usual, especially at the train station – but no more than I’ve seen when one of the city’s football teams has a big match.

And as for where I live in Huddersfield, there wasn’t even that.

Over the weekend, not one person set up any kind of protest – much less a riot – and everyone was simply enjoying the summer sun, as depicted in the below short clip, taken in Huddersfield on Saturday afternoon (e.g., at a time and in a location that the mainstream media would have you believe was subsumed by violent thuggery and chaos).

This is the annual ‘Padstock’ festival, held at the local (Paddock) cricket club, a social venue whose majority clientele is the white working classes. I mention this because – as anyone remotely honest will concede – this is what the government and media really mean when they talk of “far-right extremists”. They mean the white working classes, especially its male members.

That’s why the establishment invented and bankrolled the Tommy Robinson character, meant to embody all the worst qualities of the white working class male, and therefore confirm the prejudices of the Guardian-reading middle-classes who are terrified of this particular demographic.

Tommy Robinson is a garish caricature (who fulfilled his crowd-whipping agent provocateur responsibilities this weekend from a luxury hotel abroad), a grossly exaggerated cartoon version of what white working-class men are actually like.

Just like the absurd Jack Monroe character is a middle-class fantasy of what “working-class single mums” are like, the same is true for Tommy Robinson. He is nothing but a middle-class media illusion, created by the establishment to confirm the oafish, aggressive stereotype of the white working class male. He (Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, which is “Tommy’s” real name) is not portraying a real person, he is simply playing a character. (confirmed by people who I know who’ve met him, and say he is absolutely nothing like his stage creation when the cameras are off).

In the video clip I have just provided above, however, you can see what white working-class men are really like, and what they were actually doing this weekend. They were, in the overwhelming majority of cases, not rioting or protesting or even discussing race relations and stabbings (I spoke to several people at the Paddock festival: the Southport events were not mentioned once).

Rather, they were enjoying spending time in the sun; listening to music; relaxing with friends and family – just like everyone else.

Were there small pockets of disorder in some major cities, where idiots and thugs – some of them paid – whipped up trouble? Sure, but this is nothing exceptional. The summer months often see violence and scuffles with police break out in city centres, but it’s typically short-lived, easily contained, and quickly forgotten.

These “riots” would be too if the malignant mainstream media wasn’t so hellbent on exaggerating and amplifying them and doing everything within their power to inflame and prolong the situation for as long as possible.

The media is doing that because these “protests” are all carefully coordinated, establishment-backed events meant to advance certain agenda items, as I detailed in a previous article.

Please note that, since I wrote my previous article, where I suggested it was a distinct possibility that the ‘Southport stabbings’ were a staged stunt – a theatrical, acted-out crisis drill presented by the media as real – it has been confirmed the “perpetrator” is a BBC actor who has had a theatrical agent since the age of 11.

It would be pushing credulity to breaking point to dismiss this with “that’s just a coincidence”.

Of course it isn’t. He’s already confirmed as an actor, so it’s not really a great leap of logic to conclude – having just “starred” in a major crisis production – that he is a crisis actor.

Crisis acting is a real thing, it’s not a “conspiracy theory”, and crisis actors exist. They work with the government and intelligence agencies to stage “crisis drills” which the media then reports as real, in order to manipulate the public and catalyse certain reactions which can then be weaponised.

Note that the media has – only a week after they (allegedly) happened – completely stopped giving any coverage at all to the ‘Southport stabbings’. There are no more interviews with grief-stricken family and friends, no moving eulogies to the deceased, no updates even on the people supposedly still in hospital.

That’s because the ‘stabbings’ have done their job, which was to set the stage for pre-organised “violent far-right protests”, which the establishment then used its media to promote so that it can come down on them like a ton of bricks, demonising vast swathes of society by association, and concomitantly removing more freedoms and liberties from all of us.

The ‘stabbings’ were just meant as a trigger event, a highly emotive but quickly forgotten ignitor of much wider and more significant social unrest, unrest which the Starmer government requires to begin unleashing the kind of oppressive tyranny we always knew it would.

None of these protests are remotely grassroots or organic. They’re not actually driven by “the far right” (i.e., the disadvantaged male members of the white working classes).

Rather, these demonstrations are expertly managed and coordinated by the establishment, and that is obvious by observing how rapidly they were organised, how many simultaneous locations they occurred in, and how many people became involved.

A genuine protest – let alone multiple protests at once – takes weeks to organise, whilst spreading the word and getting a decent turnout takes dedicated hard work over a significant period of time. It doesn’t all ‘just happen’ overnight the way these protests have.

So, extrapolating from this, we can easily discern that these “protests” are intelligence operations, created and advertised by the establishment, and inflamed by paid agitators and agent provocateurs like Tommy Robinson and (the actor) Laurence Fox – whilst inevitably drawing in the locality’s bored and underprivileged young men who are looking for a fight (as bored and underprivileged young men often are, which is precisely why football matches are so heavily policed).

The mainstream media, meanwhile, knows full well that the best way to quell the significance of any planned protest, and to minimise the attendance figures, is to ignore it (that’s what they did with the anti-lockdown protests). Everything needs the lifeblood of publicity to thrive, very much including “far-right extremism”, so if the media had just completely ignored any planned “far right” demonstrations, such events would inevitably have attracted a lacklustre turnout and fizzled out. Whatever small trickle of trouble erupted, the police could easily have handled.

But because the media screamed about them from the rooftops, telling everyone exactly where and when these demonstrations were scheduled to occur, then, inevitably, far more people than otherwise would have turned out (including ‘counter-protestors’ meant to incite the situation further).

Quite extraordinarily, whilst I’ve been writing this – to my utter, eye-rolling, coffee-spluttering disbelief – my local council has just issued the most ridiculously melodramatic and over-the-top “warning” about riots supposedly coming to Huddersfield that I have ever read. The council writes:

Dear Residents,

It has been brought to our attention that a far-right group will be coming to Huddersfield town centre. We completely understand the fear you all may be feeling deep down… I would like to assure you that steps are being taken by the CEO of the council and the police to ensure all our safety…

It then strongly warns us off going into the town centre, whilst going on and on about ‘vigilance’ and ‘safety plans’, as if we are in the middle of a third-world war zone, not a pleasant and peaceful small town with an award-winning train station and lovely views of the hills.

Needless to say, messages like this do nothing but create fear and create hostility and division, particularly given the council has also used this communique to inform us that we ‘may be targeted because of our race or religion’ – which necessarily means the ethnic minority population of Huddersfield are now going to be viewing with distrust and suspicion the white members.

So, in the interests of authentic citizen journalism (and because the council had just told me not to), I decided to brave the febrile tinder box war zone of Huddersfield town centre and see for myself what was going on.

Entirely predictably, I found nothing untoward whatsoever.

It was a completely unremarkable Monday afternoon, with people (of all ethnicities) peacefully going about their business.

There was a significant police presence around the train station – for a “riot” that was supposed to commence at 1pm – so I sat on a nearby bench and patiently waited for the performance to begin… but when still absolutely nothing had happened by 3 – and the only “protestors” were about four left-wing studenty types sitting on the station steps meekly holding “hate will not win” banners – I got bored and went home.

As soon as I arrived back, I saw this headline in the local paper:

Huddersfield ‘planned riot’ branded ‘fake news’ after town panic

So, to be clear – and as I’d just verified for myself – there was no riot, no protest, and no “far-right extremism” of any description. Literally not a single, solitary “extremist” turned up, remarkable really given the north is apparently full to the brim of them. You’d think from the MSM demonisation of our communities there’d be several dozen around just by default.

In short, this was nothing but baseless media hysteria which slimy opportunist politicians leapt on in order to fear-monger and create division.

Of course, said odious officials were absolutely desperate for there to be trouble, hoping for as much damage and disorder as possible (that’s why they literally sent out a clarion call telling all of Huddersfield’s would-be troublemakers exactly where to go and when), so they could grandstand and virtue signal and use the situation to advance their various nefarious agendas.

But absolutely nothing happened.

That means that our local, publicly-funded governmental body has just used our money to literally terrorise us.

Courtesy of council fear-mongering, not only were multiple people – especially the elderly and more vulnerable – too terrified to leave their houses today, but multiple small businesses in the town centre pulled down their shutters and closed for the day because they were so scared of being targeted by the “extremists”. These weren’t just businesses run by ethnic minorities, either – bloody Specsavers shut its doors (perhaps they had confused far-right extremists with far-sight extremists?).

In short, the entire town was consumed by fear. That’s a dictionary definition of a terrorist event.

While I won’t be holding my breath waiting for any apology or contrition from the domestic terrorists who constitute our local council over all this (they’re already busy blaming “social media users spreading fake news” for the non-riot), this episode does give us crystal clear insight into who really wants rioting and violence in this country.

Not the white working classes.

Not Muslims or immigrants.

Not, in fact, any social, ethnic, or religious group – not in any significant, representative numbers.

The only two factions in the UK who are unified in their desire to aggravate racial and class tensions and see our country razed to the ground are:

1) The government;

2) The media.

That’s it.

They are the real extremists, they are the real terrorists, and they are – as we’ve learned so well these last four years – the only real threat we need to take any measures to “stay safe” from.

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This article was originally published by The liberty Beacon. We only curate news from sources that align with the core values of our intended conservative audience. If you like the news you read here we encourage you to utilize the original sources for even more great news and opinions you can trust!

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