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Kamala Harris Is Hiding Something Big Involving January 6, Pipe Bombs, and the Secret Service

Kamala Harris Is Hiding Something Big Involving January 6, Pipe Bombs, and the Secret Service

This article was originally published on Revolver News - Exclusives. You can read the original article HERE

[EDITOR’S NOTE: This piece was published before Biden’s medical incident in Las Vegas and subsequent decision to withdraw his 2024 candidacy. In light of Kamala’s elevation as the presumptive nominee, the disturbing details presented below attain even greater significance and urgency.]

Kamala Harris has enjoyed renewed attention as speculation mounts that Biden will step down in the aftermath of his disastrous debate performance. Betting markets think that Kamala Harris will be nominated; the DNC has run fundraising ads with Kamala; and black congressional leaders have made it very clear that if Biden steps down, there will be hell to pay if Kamala is passed over. After a brief lull in the immediate aftermath of an assassination attempt on Trump, anti-Biden forces within the Democrat party redoubled their efforts on the last night of the RNC convention, leaking unconfirmed reports suggesting that Chuck Schumer, Pelosi, and even Obama have tried to convince him to step down.

As for Joe Biden, he shows no signs of budging in the face of rather dramatic pressure from the normally Democrat-aligned media for him to step down. Biden has stated unequivocally that “no one is pushing him out,” and his campaign chair issued a statement today affirming as much. We at Revolver News belong to the very few who believe him. As we have argued extensively for a long time, while anything might happen, it is far less likely than people imagine that Democrats will replace Biden this late in the game.

We might even interpret the recent “push” for Kamala Harris as bullish for Biden’s prospects. Given how notoriously unpopular she is with the movers and shakers of the Democratic Party, the more Kamala and her supporters flex their muscles, the more it sends the loud and clear message that any potential puppeteer who thinks he can push Biden out and step over Kamala Harris is sorely mistaken. In this way, wittingly or unwittingly, Kamala serves as a kind of insurance policy for Biden. Funny how that works.

Nonetheless, the recent spotlight on Vice President Kamala Harris invites renewed attention to perhaps the darkest and most damning question surrounding the entire Fedsurrection lie: why, against all seeming political interest, would Kamala neglect to mention the fact that she was in the DNC building when the pipe bomb was discovered and removed? Indeed, given how desperate the Democrats have been to hype up January 6th into a “domestic terror” event, to the point of outright fabricating stories to fit this tortured thesis, why would Kamala Harris (or Biden) not publicize the fact that she nearly lost her life to the ostensible MAGA pipe bomb? Put another way, why is Kamala Harris’ narrow brush with the DNC pipe bomb not the Democrats’ top January 6 talking point rather than its most carefully guarded secret? To this day, Kamala Harris refuses to publicly acknowledge her presence in the DNC building!

The importance of getting to the bottom of this dark secret in the aftermath of the assassination attempt against Trump. Indeed, Kamala’s dark January 6 secret in relation to the pipe bomb implicates the highly politicized and corrupt US Secret Service—the same agency that “conveniently” allowed a man with a rifle on a roof less than 200 yards away from President Trump.

Let’s step back a bit and remind ourselves of the relevant timeline. First, it is remarkable to recall that Kamala’s presence in the DNC building on January 6th—including when the pipe bomb was discovered—had been carefully hidden from the public for an entire year before it was finally leaked to the press and reported in Politico on January 6, 2022, and then covered by other outlets. It is instructive to revisit the language of these early reports.


Then-Vice President-elect Kamala Harris was inside Democratic National Committee headquarters on Jan. 6, 2021, when a pipe bomb was discovered outside the building, according to four people familiar with her movements that day.

Capitol Police began investigating the pipe bomb at 1:07 p.m., according to an official Capitol Police timeline of events obtained by POLITICO. The timeline says that Capitol Police and the Secret Service evacuated an unnamed “protectee” at approximately 1:14 p.m, seven minutes later. The four people, among them a White House official and a former law enforcement official, confirmed that Harris was the Secret Service protectee identified in the timeline, which has circulated on Capitol Hill.


Harris’ presence inside the building while a bomb was right outside raises sobering questions about her security that day. It also raises the chilling prospect that the riots could have been far more destructive than they already were, with the incoming vice president’s life directly endangered. Federal law enforcement officials have faced harsh criticism for failing to anticipate the chaotic scene around the Electoral College certification one year ago, despite receiving a host of warnings about possible chaos.

The Politico report acknowledges that “sobering questions” about Kamala Harris’ security arise from Kamala’s presence in the DNC building as the pipe bomb was discovered and notes that the Vice President’s life was “directly endangered.” The true sobering questions concerning Kamala Harris’ security, however, are ones that the Politico report and subsequent reports won’t dare to ask.

The Politico report quotes the FBI as saying that the DNC pipe bomb was “viable” and “could have been detonated, resulting in serious injury or death.” We suppose neither the FBI nor Politico were counting on surveillance footage depicting the discovery of the DNC pipe bomb to see the light of day. And indeed, it wouldn’t have received the light of day had Congressman Thomas Massie not taken an interest in Revolver News’ ground-breaking reporting on the January 6 pipe bomb and insisted that Kevin McCarthy specifically release the surveillance footage depicting the discovery of the DNC pipe bomb (note that this was not part of the highly publicized package of J6 surveillance footage released under Speaker Mike Johnson).

The surveillance footage was nothing short of scandalous, and accordingly, it made a huge splash when we wrote about it months ago. Indeed, the surveillance footage showed that the Capitol Police officers on scene and Kamala’s Secret Service protection detail alike were completely nonchalant when informed of the presence of the bomb. Upon being informed of the bomb just feet away from themselves and just outside the building that at the time housed their protectee, Kamala’s Secret Service agents react with total indifference, most shockingly to the point of allowing a group of schoolchildren to cross the street right in the direction of the bomb.

As a refresher, take a look at the surveillance video, paying special attention to the relevant timestamps excerpted below. For the full and comprehensive treatment of the video and our pipe bomb coverage, consult our classic and definitive piece here:

Secret Service Foreknowledge or Criminal Negligence? Damning New Evidence Surfaces in FBI’s January 6 ‘Pipe Bomb’ Story


  • What is more remarkable than the fact that it took the Metro and Secret Service over two minutes to even bother getting out of their cars after being informed of a pipe bomb in the neighborhood is the astonishingly casual approach taken by these authorities in the minutes after the man with a backpack walks out of view of the camera. Reader, take a look if you would at the video from 1:07:27 to around 1:09:05 and note how casual and unperturbed both the Metro officers and Secret Service officers are, and ask yourself whether this is how you’d imagine the Secret Service would normally respond to a discovery of a bomb right outside the building housing their protectee, in this case vice president-elect Kamala Harris. Even if we assume that somehow the Secret Service and Metropolitan Police Department are wholly uninterested in the safety of their protectee, you would think they would at least get out of the vicinity for reasons of self-preservation. Quite the opposite—all of these officers are supremely comfortable standing and walking within spitting distance of the pipe bomb.
  • The scene that begins at 1:09:35 ought to be sufficient to cause a national scandal in its own right. Here we see several more secret service officers coming out, again casually standing and walking within spitting distance of the pipe bomb. At 1:09:41, we see a group of children cross the street and walk directly in front of the benches where the bomb is still sitting. The secret service agents don’t think to warn these children at all, but instead themselves walk right by the bench as well, without a care in the world! You have to see it to believe it.

It is clear from the troubling surveillance footage that Kamala Harris’ Secret Service detail was unconcerned about the pipe bomb upon being informed of its existence right next to them. The glaring question is, why? As it turns out, in all likelihood, the bombs were not intended to detonate and may, in the end, not have had detonation capability. But how on earth would Kamala Harris’ Secret Service detail have known this in advance and known with such certainty as to demonstrate such a flagrant violation of protection protocol? As we saw from early reports on the pipe bomb, the FBI maintained and still publicly maintains that the bomb was “viable.” Again, how was Kamala Harris’ Secret Service detail in a position to know otherwise in advance?

As we put it earlier in our definitive pipe bomb piece:

It is hard to imagine what conditions could account for such a casual, unconcerned reaction on the part of the Secret Service. As pointed out above, even if they are the worst protection detail in the world, willing to completely abandon protocol when apprised of a weapon of mass destruction dangerously close to their protectee, you’d think they’d at least be concerned for their own personal safety. This complete lack of concern indicates that these agents somehow knew or were utterly confident that the bomb was inert and posed no threat, but how could they possibly know that? How could the secret service and metro PD officers be so confident that the pipe bomb wouldn’t pose a danger to themselves, to their protectee, VP elect Kamala Harris, and to the children they cavalierly allowed to walk within feet of the explosive device, and yet somehow the bomb was considered dangerous enough to require a bomb-safe robot to “defuse” only minutes later? Troubling and damning questions indeed.

Read More: Biden Regime’s Seven-Year Prison Sentence for Green Beret Jan 6 Whistleblower Re-Opens Festering Wounds of Fedsurrection Lie

The reaction of Kamala Harris’ Secret Service detail to the discovery of the DNC pipe bomb is not the only inexplicably and damningly suspicious behavior on the part of the Secret Service. Indeed, it is almost equally unfathomable that the Secret Service did not discover the pipe bomb during their initial security sweep at the parking garage entrance. Unlike the bomb found near the RNC approximately 15 minutes earlier behind a trash can in a back alley, the bomb at the DNC building was situated fairly conspicuously out in the open by the front leg of a bench. Compare the image on the left depicting the pipe bomb discovered near the RNC to the pipe bomb discovered outside of the DNC building on the right.

The Secret Service is on record as having “swept the interior of the [DNC headquarters], the driveway, parking deck, and entrances and exits.”

The notion that the Secret Service, the most elite protection detail in the world, swept the DNC building and managed to miss the pipe bomb is impossible to believe—either that or what transpired was such an act of such gross negligence that it is tantamount to deliberate malfeasance. Indeed, as the Google Earth satellite photo reveals, the pipe bomb was mere feet from both the entry and exit doors, as well as the parking garage, where the Secret Service claims it conducted a sweep.

For reference, readers are encouraged to consult our video walkthrough of the DNC pipe bomb site (below) as well as our full-detailed piece of the walkthrough here.

That the Secret Service could have missed a pipe bomb so conspicuously placed in its sweep is a scandal in its own right, but the significance of this alleged oversight is only fully apparent when one considers how absolutely critical the oversight was to pulling off the January 6 pipe bomb hoax. Indeed, the timing of the discovery of the RNC and DNC pipe bombs is simultaneously crucial to the official story of January 6 and a smoking gun, indicating a colossal Fedsurrection hoax. The first pipe bomb was discovered behind a trash can in a back alley by the RNC building, allegedly by a random pedestrian, at 12:40 p.m. Police began responding to this first pipe bomb at 12:51 p.m., exactly two minutes before the first Ray Epps-orchestrated breach of the West Perimeter of the Capitol. The DNC pipe bomb was then discovered at 1:05 p.m.

It is rather astonishing to think that, given the pipe bombs were planted the evening before (on January 5th), the RNC pipe bomb had been sitting behind a trash can in a back alley for over 16 hours before being discovered; still more shocking, the DNC pipe bomb had, according to the official story, been sitting at that bench for nearly 17 hours—undiscovered by pedestrians, motorists, security guards, and the Secret Service—only to be randomly and independently discovered scarcely ten minutes after the first barricade at the West Perimeter of the Capitol was breached.

In other words, the RNC and DNC pipe bombs sat in their respective locations, undiscovered, for over 16 hours, only to be independently discovered within a narrow, fifteen-minute timeframe that perfectly synchronized with the unfolding attack on the Capitol. It was this incredible synchronicity that served as an excuse for poor security at the Capitol, as the official story holds that resources were diverted to the pipe bombs, which otherwise would have been protecting the Capitol. On the basis of this infinitesimally implausible synchronicity, many officials, including the head of Capitol Police, Steven Sund, theorized that the purpose of the pipe bombs was not to detonate at all but simply to divert resources away from the Capitol at that critical time. The only hiccup to this theory is that neither pipe bomb was discovered by a Trump supporter—the RNC bomb was discovered by an allegedly random pedestrian called Karlin Younger, and the DNC bomb was discovered by an undercover Capitol Police officer. How could the pipe bombers have counted on these two random people finding the pipe bombs independently within the narrow timeframe that perfectly corresponds to the unfolding attack on the Capitol?

Read More: Secret Service Foreknowledge or Criminal Negligence? Damning New Evidence Surfaces in FBI’s January 6 ‘Pipe Bomb’ Story

If either of the pipe bombs had been discovered earlier, say, at around 11 a.m., when the Secret Service would have conducted its sweep of the DNC prior to Kamala Harris’ arrival, this would have quite plausibly prevented the entire January 6 attack from unfolding the way it did. Instead of diverting resources during the critical moment of attack, it likely would have led to an enhanced security presence at and around the Capitol during the 1:00 p.m. certification proceeding. The Secret Service had to have overlooked the pipe bomb during the 11 a.m. sweep in order for two random people to independently discover the respective pipe bombs right as the attack on the Capitol unfolded. It’s all so remarkably convenient, isn’t it?

Such damning behavior on account of the Secret Service in relation to the January 6 pipe bomb can’t help but color view on the Secret Service’s damning behavior resulting in the security failures that enabled an assassin to come within less than an inch of ending President Trump’s life. We have some deeply disturbing information coming out on this soon.

For now, our focus is on Kamala Harris and on our nagging sense that Harris’ seemingly inexplicable and suspicious reluctance to milk politically her narrow escape from the MAGA pipe bomb is not unrelated to the damningly suspicious activity of her Secret Service detail in relation to this very pipe bomb—not just the Secret Service’s failure to discover the pipe bomb upon its sweep at 11 a.m., but its utterly bizarre nonchalance upon being informed of the bomb’s existence at 1:05 p.m.

Again, we must ask: why isn’t Kamala’s narrow escape from the deadly January 6 pipe bomb the number one January 6 talking point, not only for Kamala but for Democrats generally? It is not as though Kamala has shied away from remarks about January 6th. Indeed, on the first anniversary of January 6th, Kamala Harris famously and ludicrously compared it to Pearl Harbor and 9/11. But right after these comparisons, she turns to where she was and says she was in the Capitol the morning of the 6th. Why not continue with the speech with the information that she narrowly avoided the pipe bomb while she was at the DNC? Not a peep. Joe Biden took the occasion of the third anniversary of January 6th to give a half-hour speech in which he emphasized the date’s significance as an attack on democracy, peppered with anecdotes of the “violent mob hunting” for Nancy Pelosi, Capitol Police injuries, and so forth—and yet curiously, not any mention of his own Vice President’s narrow brush with a bomb on January 6th.

How dark does the actual truth of the January 6 pipe bomb hoax have to be to account for the fact that Kamala Harris, Biden, and fellow Democrats (including the regime media) aren’t talking about her January 6 “near death experience” in every single speech? It is time to get some answers, especially because whatever dark truth Kamala is hiding involves the same corrupted, highly politicized Secret Service that somehow just let a person with a rifle climb on a roof less than 200 yards away from Trump and take multiple shots. We will not let this go until we know the truth, no matter how dark it turns out to be.

This article was originally published by Revolver News - Exclusives. We only curate news from sources that align with the core values of our intended conservative audience. If you like the news you read here we encourage you to utilize the original sources for even more great news and opinions you can trust!

Read Original Article HERE

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