White House Isn't Finished Trying to Milk Every Ounce of Cringe Out of Star Wars Day

White House Isn't Finished Trying to Milk Every Ounce of Cringe Out of Star Wars Day
By: Twitchy - Politics Posted On: May 04, 2024 View: 47

Today is what many call "Star Wars Day," but for the White House and actor Mark Hamill, it's been Star Wars week.

Having solved all other problems, President Biden met with Hamill yesterday. Afterwards, Hamill went to the White House briefing room and showed off the aviator sunglasses he said Biden gave him and described how the meeting went:


That took place yesterday, but there was one more day of cringe to go, and this is today's offering: 

Biden could have made the Star Wars vibe more authentic if he'd worn his CPAP mask for that short video.

Biden: Are you sure the kids will think this is cool? I don't know much about Star Trek.

WH staffers: It's Star Wars, and yeah, trust us -- we haven't gotten your approval rating into the mid-thirties by being clueless!



As usual, the Left are exceptions to their own rules. Especially if they tweet sycophantic praise for this administration to their five million followers. That's enough to get you invited to the White House.

Read this on Twitchy - Politics

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