Biden Awards ‘Presidential Medal of Freedom’ to Communist Dictatorship Fan

Biden Awards ‘Presidential Medal of Freedom’ to Communist Dictatorship Fan
By: FrontPage Mag Posted On: May 04, 2024 View: 16

The ‘Presidential Medal of Freedom’ is a ridiculous attempt by Democrats to imitate France’s useless Légion d’honneur (awarded to everyone, including Amazon tyrant Jeff Bezos) and the UK’s assorted knighthood and honorary awards. It’s fundamentally antithetical to the spirit of a free nation to have these feudal holdovers and the best possible thing to do would be to either abolish the ‘Presidential Medal of Freedom’ or mail a copy of it to every single American to make the damn thing the useless joke that it is. (My own personal preference.)

And Biden decided to helpfully remind everyone how worthless the ‘Presidential Medal of Freedom’, he decided to hand it out to such great freedom-loving Americans as Al Gore, Nancy Pelosi, Jim Clyburn (who made him president), Bloomberg (who banned salt and taxed soda) and Phil Donahue.

And if there’s anything more worthy of the ‘Presidential Medal of Freedom’  than the progenitor of “Pregnant Transgender Hookers and the Women Who Love Them”… it’s the guy who spent the last few years urging Biden not to crack down on China’s slave labor because we need their solar panels to save the planet.

Yes John “Lt. Commissar, 2nd Batallion, NVA, Reporting for Duty” Kerry gets his own retirement medal that he can throw over the White House fence on the way out the door.

It’s hard to think of any major public official who did more to prop up foreign tyrannies, especially Marxist ones, in Asia and Latin America than John Kerry.

If Biden wants to award John Kerry the medal of freedom, why not also give it to an actual Communist?

Probably, because Obama already did that a decade ago.

Read this on FrontPage Mag

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