Hungary’s Orban announces new EU Parliament alliance

Hungary’s Orban announces new EU Parliament alliance
By: The liberty Beacon Posted On: July 01, 2024 View: 15

ER Editor: See also this from —

Orbán’s Fidesz forming new far-right alliance with Austrian, Czech parties

Of note:

“We will prefer national sovereignty to federalism, liberty to orders, and peace to war,” Babiš wrote in a social media post.

All three parties came first in their respective countries during the European election earlier this month, gaining a significant number of seats in the European Parliament as right-wing support grew across the Continent.

The new group is expected to release a “Patriotic Manifesto,” focusing on tackling migration in Europe and opposing the European Green Deal, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen’s flagship package of environmental policies.

While the three parties have more than the 23 members required to form a new parliamentary group in the EU legislature, they still need elected MEPs from at least four other countries to conform with the assembly’s rules, according to the Parliament’s website.

From yesterday —

Translation: Today we founded a new faction in the European Parliament, Patriots for Europe. We will change European politics so that it once again serves nations and our people. We will prefer national sovereignty to federalism, liberty to orders, and peace to war.

And from Al Jazeera —

‘Patriots for Europe’: Hungary’s Orban announces new EU Parliament alliance


Hungary’s Orban announces new EU Parliament alliance

Three parties have created the Patriots for Europe to secure more influence for right-wing leaders


Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has announced the creation of a new EU Parliament alliance, in cooperation with right-wing parties from Austria and the Czech Republic. The announcement comes a day before Budapest takes on the rotating six-month EU presidency.

The new group, presented as “Patriots for Europe” comprises Fidesz, the party led by Orban; the Czech Republic’s largest opposition bloc, ANO, chaired by the country’s former prime minister, Andrej Babis; and the Austrian Freedom Party (FPO), headed by Herbert Kickl.

“Today we are creating a political formation that I believe will very quickly become the largest faction of the European right-wing, Orban said during a press briefing which was also attended by Babis and Kickl. The Hungarian leader expressed hope that the alliance would dominate the right of the EU’s political spectrum.

The bloc’s policies must be altered in accordance with the results of the latest European Parliament elections, according to the Hungarian leader, who stressed that the current parliamentary groups will inevitably split.

The results of the election carried out on June 9 revealed that citizens across the 27-nation bloc had mostly shifted away from the left, although the performance of the right-wing and conservative parties varied from country to country. The ruling coalitions in Germany, France and Italy were effectively trounced by the right.

Orban’s Fidesz won 11 seats in the EU parliament, while FPO and ANO have six and seven seats respectively, with all three parties becoming strongest in their countries’ elections.

According to the current rules, 23 members are needed to form a political group in the European Parliament, and at least one-quarter of the member states must be represented within the alliance.

In a statement to the media, the leaders of the three parties expressed hope that the new group would be joined by many other European parties in the coming days.

Hungary is set to take over the presidency of the Council of the European Union on July 1 and will remain in charge until the end of the year. During the period, Hungarian diplomats will chair meetings in Brussels and shape the EU’s political agenda.

Orban has faced sharp criticism in the EU for pursuing policies that run counter to those of Brussels. Since the beginning of the Ukraine conflict in 2022, Budapest has refused to provide weapons to Kiev, calling for a diplomatic solution instead, and has maintained economic ties with Russia. The prime minister had previously said that the results of the election had won time for the bloc and “slowed the train hurtling towards war.”



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