Ex-Somali PM: Rep. Omar Doesn’t Represent America, She Represents Somalia

Ex-Somali PM: Rep. Omar Doesn’t Represent America, She Represents Somalia
By: FrontPage Mag Posted On: July 01, 2024 View: 4

The man knows what he’s talking about. And it’s not the first video highlighting Rep. Ilhan Omar’s mission.

In January, a video went viral featuring Rep. Omar allegedly declaring that “We as Somalians,” the translation describes, are an “organized society”, “people of one blood”, “brothers and sisters”, “people who know they are Somalians first, Muslims second.”

“The US government will only do what Somalians in the US tell them to do,” the translation states. “They will do what we want and nothing else. They must follow our orders.”

“We Somalians must have that confidence in ourselves that we call for the shots in the US… the US is a country where one of your daughters is in congress to represent your interest for as long as I am in the US Congress, Somalia will never be in danger, in waters will not be stolen by Ethiopia… the US would not dare to support anyone against Somalia.”

“Sleep in comfort knowing I am here to protect the interests of Somalia from inside the US system,” she says.

Rep. Ilhan Omar claimed that video was mistranslated.

What about this latest one, via Alpha News, in which Omar stands smiling while former Somali Prime Minister Hassan Khaire states, according to the translation, that “the interest of Ilhan are not Ilhans, it’s not the interest of Minnesota, nor is it the interest of the American people, the interest of Ilhan is that of the Somalian people and Somalia.”

“The success of Ilhan is the success of Somalia.” He then urges Somalis everywhere on the planet to “support and give money to Ilhan’s campaign”

There’s a pattern to these videos. And the pattern is pretty clear.

Read this on FrontPage Mag

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