Dems Plot to Rush Through Biden Nomination This Month

Dems Plot to Rush Through Biden Nomination This Month
By: FrontPage Mag Posted On: July 02, 2024 View: 4

There’s no vote of confidence like rushing through the nomination of your own party’s nominee well ahead of schedule after he spent his first debate slurring nonsense.

Back in May, the DNC (a Biden operation) was going to move to a virtual roll call before the convention, supposedly to deal with the Ohio ballot deadline, but really to head off a convention battle.

Now they’re talking about rushing through a virtual roll call in July.

The DNC is eyeing July 21 as the potential date to formally nominate Biden, according to Bloomberg, which cited people familiar with the matter.

The DNC had already planned on nominating Biden through an electronic vote prior to the in-person Democratic National Convention, which starts Aug. 19 in Chicago.

In May, the DNC announced that the virtual vote would occur sometime before Aug. 7, in order to ensure that Biden meets an Ohio ballot deadline that has since been pushed back.

There isn’t even the pretense that this is about Ohio anymore, the DNC, which had previously rigged the primary calendar for Biden, is now rushing to lock down the nomination for Biden as soon as possible.

It’s a pretty sad spectacle.

The DNC erased any kind of democratic participation and is trying to make the convention completely irrelevant except as a television spectacle at the same time as much of the party is rebelling against the Biden candidacy. It’s an ugly mess that’s splitting the party and exposing how desperate the Biden forces are to maintain power at any cost.

At this rate any convention floor protests will be deemed an ‘insurrection’ and everyone involved will go to prison.

Read this on FrontPage Mag

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