TONGUE-TIED: Biden's DOI Releases 'Inclusive' Language Guide to Fight Gender Identity Discrimination

TONGUE-TIED: Biden's DOI Releases 'Inclusive' Language Guide to Fight Gender Identity Discrimination
By: Twitchy - Politics Posted On: July 01, 2024 View: 9

We're so sick of this woke nonsense. 

Words mean things, and the Left knows it and they play that game very, very well. If you control the language, you have tremendous power over everything else. So when Biden's Department of the Interior releases its 'Inclusive language guide', we should all pay attention because this sort of nonsense is pervasive.


More from The Post Millennial:

The Department of the Interior has released a 24-page guide instructing bureaucrats to use "inclusive language" to prevent and combat discrimination based on gender identity and sexual orientation. The guide instructs individuals to avoid using gendered terms like "uncle" or "aunt" and to use “parent's sibling" instead. 

Obtained by the Daily Wire, the guide suggested using inclusive, bias-free language and provided a list of over 100 terms as alternatives to gender-specific terms. For instance, it recommended replacing "husband" and "wife" with "spouse," "partner," or "significant other," and using "flight deck" instead of "cockpit." It also suggested referring to the "different sex" rather than the "opposite sex" and describing a "gay" person as an "LGBTQIA+ person."

Gender is a biological reality, and there are only two of them. This is unsustainable, awkward, and stupid.

We have words like 'aunt' and 'uncle' because they mean 'parent's female sibling' and 'parent's male sibling', respectively and specifically. If you're referring to Aunt Jane and not Uncle Bob or Uncle Tom, saying 'parent's sibling' doesn't specify who you are referring to.



We already told you about the pilot union and the term 'cockpit' last week.

We're supposed to have 'gender neutral' language to cater to the whims of leftists, but we can't us the normal language we've all been taught since childhood because it might offend someone.

Understand where we are.

Sure will be.

Our sentiments exactly.


Priorities, indeed.

They are not serious people.




This should absolutely be a factor in not voting for Biden.

Four more years of this insanity.

All our problems are solved now.

Sure is.

Why? Is anything else going on right now?

Pride month is once a year, this idiocy is perpetual.

Read this on Twitchy - Politics

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