He Gonna CRY?! Marc Elias Whining About the Two-Tiered Justice System Is Absolutely DELISH (Watch)

He Gonna CRY?! Marc Elias Whining About the Two-Tiered Justice System Is Absolutely DELISH (Watch)
By: Twitchy - Politics Posted On: July 01, 2024 View: 6

Is it just our imagination or is Marc Elias a boil on the butt of humanity? Seriously, this guy is so full of crap that other people who are also really full of crap walk past him and say, 'Damn, that dude is REALLY full of crap.'


Elias is upset because the Democrat's lawfare isn't working to keep Trump from running and even winning.

Womp wompity womp womp.

Watch this:

Yes, we do see a two tier system, Marc, but not the one you want us to see. Suck it up.

Credibility? What credibility?




Yeah, he's a real scumbag.

Just sayin'.

Too late!



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Read this on Twitchy - Politics

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