ICC Insider: Arrest Warrants Issued for Elites Who Committed ‘Crimes Against Humanity’ 

ICC Insider: Arrest Warrants Issued for Elites Who Committed ‘Crimes Against Humanity’ 
By: The People's Voice Posted On: June 26, 2024 View: 10

A consortium of world leaders are preparing the prosecution against the global authoritarian elite who tried to depopulate the world during the Covid plandemic.

A consortium of world leaders are preparing the prosecution against the global authoritarian elite who tried to depopulate the world during the Covid plandemic.

According to insiders at the International Criminal Court, the European Union, and Capitol Hill, arrest warrants are being coordinated and 2024 will go down in history as the year the global elite were exposed for the psychopaths and ghouls they really are.

As election year continues to build and the media continue pumping the airwaves full of propaganda and manufactured narratives, it’s important to keep a very close eye on what the global elite are doing while everybody is distracted.

Before we dive in, here is what we are up against at The People’s Voice. Armies of attorneys from the global elite trying to stop us reporting on stories they don’t want you to hear.

Lobby groups with dark money funding determined to suppress established facts about the agenda of the global elite.

Authoritarian states under the control of the WEF actively trying to shut us down and destroy freedom of speech on the internet.

Bad actors, limited hangouts and controlled opposition on social media platforms shamelessly attempting to pressure those who share our articles and videos to stop.

But we have one powerful thing on our side. We’ve got you. We are powered by our community so hit that subscribe button on Rumble, join the People’s Voice Locals community, and check out the new free speech forum.

Make no mistake, the people of the world are waking up and demanding justice for the crimes against humanity perpetrated by the globalist authoritarian elite who did not ask our consent.

Members of the European Parliament have confirmed a high-stakes investigation is underway and the Covid cabal are set to lose their diplomatic immunity as their deadly Covid vaccines are withdrawn from use.

As the People’s Voice reported in a series of bombshell articles last year, not all Covid vaccines are created equally. Pfizer staff were given special batches of the vaccine.

As were members of the elite, for example Jacinda Ardern’s New Zealand government who secretly granted themselves exemptions from the deadly shots while mandating the vaccine on the public.

It’s thanks to people like you who share these important articles that Members of the European Parliament are forced to confront the truth.

For others it was the breaking news story about Pfizer executive Janine Small who admitted under oath that the Covid vaccines were not even tested on preventing transmission.

Of course, the mainstream media did not cover this story and fact checkers desperately tried to cover it up on behalf of their paymasters, Big Pharma.

He’s right, it’s insane. But it gets even worse when you understand the nature of the crimes. These acts were premeditated and we have all the proof we need to prove it and hold the elite to account.

Due to the skyrocketing numbers of victims, it is easy to forget the human face of the tragedy. In Vienna, Austria, loved ones of victims have built a public gallery dedicated to victims of the experimental shots.

These people were likely the victims of bad batches of the vaccine. As RFK Jr warned year ago, Bill Gates considers the human race his guinea pigs.

The Covid cabal left their fingerprints all over the crime scene and now thanks to brave researchers including those in Japan, we have a complete understanding of the disastrous gene-editing product the elite forced billions of people to pump into their arms.

It’s an open and shut case and as British Member of Parliament Andrew Bridgen explains, the mainstream media is complicit in the crime.

Here at the People’s Voice we are up against armies of attorneys, lobby groups with opaque funding, and authoritarian states desperate to censor us on the internet and protect the interests of the global elite.

If you appreciate our work, we need your help. Subscribe to the channel on Rumble, spread this video far and wide, and join the People’s Voice Locals Community to join our incredible team. I hope to see you there.


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