Hollywood Now Claims Racism … Causes CANCER! (Video)

Hollywood Now Claims Racism … Causes CANCER! (Video)

If you get your health information from television writers who work on “woke” programming there’s a new cause identified for cancer: Racism!

It comes from the medical experts who authored the dialogue for “New Amsterdam,” in which a doctor provides his explanation.

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Coming out of a treatment room where a patient is, he talks to the mother.

“Had him answer some questions,” he explains, about “social resistance.”

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He goes on, “He feels threatened. On a daily basis. Like everything he’s earned can just be taken away. He’s disenfranchised.”

And apparently there’s no medical treatment, because he offers none.

The “doctor” continues, “But because his life is seemingly free from all this, because he can’t name it, he’s internalizing it…”


“Racism. I think you son’s tumor is caused by racism.”

commentary at Defiant America explains, “Hollywood’s inclination towards producing ‘woke’ shows has often led to lower box office numbers and poor reviews. Despite this trend, the industry continues to create even more unconventional films.”

It then cites the “New Amsterdam” episode, describing it as “ridiculous network TV slop.”

And of the “diagnosis,” the report charges, “You literally can’t make this up.”

And it explains there’s already a medical term, “social determinants of health,” that is being used.

“If you’re guessing that this is a blank check for Woke Marxists to do Medical Lysenkoism and more, you’re exactly right,” the report said.

That idea is that “there are social, political, and economic factors like access to grocery stores, good food, etc., plus racism, transphobia, and whatever else, and I mean WHATEVER ELSE, that all have impacts on health.”

So health problems are from, the report said, “Racism, transphobia, not getting their way all the time, bad food in ghettos, crime, etc.”

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Content created by the WND News Center is available for re-publication without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a large audience. For licensing opportunities of our original content, please contact licensing@wndnewscenter.org.

This article was originally published by the WND News Center.


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