Feds won't prosecute man who threatened congressman's family

Feds won't prosecute man who threatened congressman's family
By: WND - Politics Posted On: June 18, 2024 View: 11

(Photo by Andy Feliciotti on Unsplash)

When Congress recently voted to find Merrick Garland, Joe Biden's pick for attorney general, in contempt, there was little surprise that the Department of Justice refused to pursue a case.

Or that Garland claimed he was in the right all along, with his claim, "We investigate and prosecute violations of federal law – nothing more, nothing less."

Now it has been revealed that Garland and the DOJ also refused to prosecute a man who threatened the family of U.S. Rep. Jim Banks, R-Ind.  And Banks wants to know why.

The Washington Examiner said Banks had written to Garland, demanding information.

U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland (Official portrait)

U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland

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"When Capitol Police referred the criminal case against Aaron Thompson to the U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Indiana, they declined to prosecute despite clear evidence that Thompson violated federal law," Banks told him.

So what was involved in the decision not to pursue charges against "a man who left threatening voicemails" for Banks' family?

Banks had written the letter months ago, but released it after Garland posted an op-ed in which he made his claim about prosecuting violations of federal law, "nothing less."

Banks' letter included, "I have no doubt that you, as a husband and father yourself, would do anything to protect your family, but I want to know why you have refused to protect mine."

Among the threats, according to the report, was, "Here’s the choice. Your daughters grow up without their dad or you grow old without your daughters … boom, boom you pick…"

Thompson was prosecuted only by a local district attorney for threats, pleaded guilty and claimed he was intoxicated at the time. Ordinarily, federal prosecutors would handle a threat against Congress, as that's a federal offense.

The House just days ago voted to hold Garland in contempt of Congress, on a 216-207 vote.

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