REPORT: Airlines Passenger Who Was Restrained With Duct Tape Faces Hefty Fine

REPORT: Airlines Passenger Who Was Restrained With Duct Tape Faces Hefty Fine
By: Daily Caller - US Posted On: June 18, 2024 View: 13

An American Airlines passenger is reportedly being sued by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for $81,950 for a 2021 incident in which she kicked and spat at flight attendants.

Heather Wells, 34, of San Antonio, Texas, was flying first class from Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport to Charlotte, North Carolina. Shortly after taking off, the passenger ordered an alcoholic beverage before becoming agitated and unruly, according to The New York Times.

Wells got out of her seat and ran to the back of the plane. She got on her knees in the aisle and was “talking incoherently” to other passengers before making her way to the main cabin, according to the lawsuit.

The passenger “became verbally aggressive and told the flight attendant that she would ‘hurt him’ if he didn’t get out of her way,” the court document read. Wells allegedly tried to open the cabin door while “screaming and yelling profanities.”

Wells allegedly became even more aggressive and struck one of the flight attendants attempting to restrain her. Eventually, members of the flight crew succeeded at restraining her using duct tape and flex cuffs. Even then, she allegedly continued to “kick and spit and attempted to bite and head butt” others, which prompted crew members to place tape over her mouth. (RELATED: ‘They’re Killing Me’: Screaming Man Restrained With Duct Tape By Crew, Passengers On Flight)

Upon landing in Charlotte, law enforcement officers were waiting for Wells, who continued her erratic behavior when they boarded the plane. The police removed her from the aircraft after sedating her.

Wells later apologized in a radio interview, explaining that she experienced a mental health episode.

“I know that it was not rational and I was not actually in any external dangers but at the time I was genuinely afraid for my life,” she said in a statement. “Words can’t express how sorry I am for the fear I caused and the people I hurt.”

The $81,950 is the highest fine ever imposed on an unruly passenger.

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