John Kennedy dropped one brutal fact about Joe Biden that left Democrats speechless

John Kennedy dropped one brutal fact about Joe Biden that left Democrats speechless

Photo by Treasurer Ron Henson, CC BY 2.0,, via Wikimedia

John Kenndy isn’t pulling any punches about the mounting failures of the Biden regime.

Now he’s blowing the lid off one of the regime’s biggest scandals. 

And John Kennedy dropped one brutal fact about Joe Biden that left Democrats speechless. 

John Kennedy says Joe Biden has no intention of closing the border

For three years, President Joe Biden claimed there was no crisis at the southern border. 

Now that it’s an election year, he’s realized he has to do something about the border, as it has become one of his biggest political vulnerabilities.

After claiming for months that he didn’t have the power to secure the border, Biden unilaterally issued a sham executive order on border security.

Senator John Kennedy (R-LA) blasted Biden’s mishandling of the border during an appearance on Fox News with host Martha MacCallum.

“Martha, I have been fairly outspoken in calling out President Biden’s incompetence, and I stand by those comments,” Kennedy said. “This administration’s commitment to stupid is impressive, but you don’t have to be an ethicist or a professor of moral philosophy to know that being incompetent, being a meathead is one thing. Telling a bald-faced lie is quite another.”

Kennedy said that Biden was trying to pull a fast one on the American people by suddenly pretending that he’s concerned about border security and wants to do something about it.

“Now, last week, President Biden, who has dissolved the southern border, held a press conference with great fanfare,” Kennedy stated. “And he looked the American people in the eye. And he said, I have been born again. I am now as serious as four heart attacks and a stroke about securing the southern border.”

Biden’s executive order will continue to allow thousands of illegal aliens to pour into the country each day before supposedly closing the border – although the Democrat President could simply ignore his own order any time he wants.

“In fact, I’m going to issue an executive order that is going to limit the number of people that can come into our country each day through refugee status to 2,500,” Kennedy explained. “All others will be turned back. Now, 2,500 is a lot, but it’s better than four or 5,000 that we have had normally.” 

John Kennedy reveals the truth behind Biden’s phony border order

An internal Border Patrol memo revealed that agents were instructed to release illegal aliens from everywhere but six countries in the Eastern Hemisphere: Russia, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Moldova, and Kyrgyzstan.

Of course, an illegal alien from one of those countries could show up at the border without documents and claim they were from somewhere else.

“There are over 100 countries in the Eastern hemisphere,” Kennedy said. “His executive order is not going to apply to China. It’s not going to apply to Iran, for example. One of two things are going on. Either President Biden is a woke ideologue who believes in open borders, or he is a skilled liar. And I think the American people know which is which.”

The only way out of the border crisis was voting out Joe Biden, according to Kennedy. 

“The late George Burns once said that sincerity is everything,” Kennedy continued. “Fake that and you’ve got it made. What we heard from President Biden last week was fake sincerity. He has no intention, none, zero, nada, zilch, of closing this border. The only place that the American people are going to find border security is in the voting booth.”

Nothing is going to shake Joe Biden of his fanatical commitment to open borders.

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