Biden doubles down on his open borders, announces new amnesty

Biden doubles down on his open borders, announces new amnesty
By: WND - World Posted On: June 18, 2024 View: 9

Joe Biden arrives to deliver the commencement address at the U.S. Military Academy class of 2024, Saturday, May 25, 2024, in West Point, New York. (Official White House photo by Erin Scott)

Joe Biden has been described, during his time in the White House, as opening America's southern border and inviting in millions of illegal aliens.

That characterization is because he canceled a long list of border security measures implemented by President Donald Trump, and then made it clear around the world that there would be help for those who reached the border.

Now, in an election year, he's doubling down.

He's announced new legal protections and an easier path to citizenship for illegals. And immigrants married to U.S. citizens now no longer have to return to their home country.

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It's all prompted members of the GOP to accuse Biden of "inviting" more illegals into America.

Is amnesty for illegals the main scheme for Democrats to hold power in perpetuity?

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''This Biden Amnesty is a direct attack on American democracy," said former President Trump.

The Washington Examiner noted Biden's scheme "will undoubtedly lead to a greater surge in migrant crime, cost taxpayers millions of dollars they cannot afford, overwhelm public services, and steal Social Security and Medicare benefits from American seniors to fund benefits for illegals."

That was the description from Karoline Leavitt, a spokeswoman for the Trump campaign.

Former Trump adviser Stephen Miller even suggested impeachment might be appropriate.

And NumbersUSA, which lobbies for better immigration policy, said it simply is unconstitutional.

The Gateway Pundit turned blunt in its report.

"Joe Biden on Tuesday announced mass amnesty for at least 500,000 illegal aliens (the number is likely much higher). According to Trump advisor and America First Legal founder Stephen Miller, 'Biden’s unconstitutional amnesty will give illegal aliens immediate green cards (making it easier to vote illegally) and a three-year path to citizenship (giving them full voting rights).'"

He continued, "It also includes a diploma mill provision: leftists and opportunistic corporations can churn out meaningless diplomas and illegals who receive them will be made into citizens as well. Once citizens, illegals get chain migration. So all their relatives become citizens too."

The report noted, "As usual, what’s left of Biden’s brain melted in real-time during his remarks."

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