Illegal Alien Suspect Arrested for Murder of Mother of Five in Maryland

Illegal Alien Suspect Arrested for Murder of Mother of Five in Maryland
By: PJ Media - Politics Posted On: June 16, 2024 View: 7

On Agust 5, 2023, 37-year-old Rachel Morin, a mother of five children, decided to go for a run on a scenic pedestrian trail near her home in Bel Air, Maryland. Bel Air is a quiet town and Morin had no reason to fear, according to her boyfriend Richard Tobin.


Authorities found her body the next day. She had been dragged off the trail, raped, and murdered. At that point, the manhunt was underway in earnest.

In February 2024, sketches of the suspect were released. They were taken from a video of the suspect, whose DNA had been found after a home invasion in California. 

The DNA belonged to Victor Martinez Hernandez, 23, who was arrested in Tulsa, Oklahoma, late Friday night and was booked on Saturday morning.

Hernandez entered the United States illegally in March 2023. He was fleeing El Salvador after committing a brutal murder of a young woman in January 2023.

Harford County Sheriff Jeffery Gahler said his office met with Morin's mother just a few hours before Hernandez was arrested.

"Five hours after meeting with [Morin's] family and just before midnight our time, police in Tulsa, Oklahoma assisted by our federal partners, located and arrested Rachel's murderer: Victor Antonio Martinez-Hernandez," Gahler said.

The sheriff was emotional when talking about the illegal alien killer.

"Once in our country, and likely emboldened by his anonymity, he brutally attacked a nine-year-old girl and her mother during a home invasion in March of 2023 in Los Angeles," Gahler said. "And as everyone I believe is aware, that was our first DNA match linking Rachel's case to the one in Los Angeles."


Gahler had plenty to say about Joe Biden and his management of the Southern border.

"We are 1800 miles of the southern border," Gahler said. "And American citizens are not safe because of their failed immigration policies."

"This is the second time in two years that an innocent Harford County woman has lost her life to a criminal in our country illegally," he said. "In both cases, they are suspects from El Salvador with ties to criminal gangs. This should not be happening."

"Victor Hernandez did not come to this country to make a better life for him or his family, he came here to escape the crimes he committed in El Salvador. He came here to murder Rachel and God-willing, no one else," he said.

And that's the nub of the matter. No one is saying that all illegal aliens are criminals. No one is saying most illegal aliens are killers. But Sherrif Gahler is absolutely spot on when he says simply, "This should not be happening."

For all the bleating done about "asylum seekers" having it rough, the facts are simple: We do not have control of our own border. Those who don't see that as a huge problem do not have the best interests of the United States at heart.


Every single murder of an American by an illegal alien is a murder that is on the open borders crowd. They should be forced to stand before the families of dead Americans and explain why their daughter/son died for a good cause

Hernandez went through no vetting process. No one checked to see if he was in a criminal database. He just waltzed across the border and began to terrorize women.

The DNA evidence should send him to the execution chamber.

Read this on PJ Media - Politics

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